So you'd rather have them savage each other in a fight to the death?
Thank you for all the "Thank you's" and signatures!

Yet forcing an animal to carry you around all day is still acceptable by everyone. Why? Because it's cultural!
Yet forcing an animal to carry you around all day is still acceptable by everyone. Why?
cc: LiquidFlouride
My problem here is that what are the alternatives to controlling stray poultry population on islands if we save and free up all the roosters? Rooster adoptions are out of the question.
well if all those fighting roosters were released, they might kill off quite a few of the local ones (the fighting roosters I've seen are very aggressive & usually bigger than the guy in my yard)
Yet forcing an animal to carry you around all day is still acceptable by everyone. Why?
cc: LiquidFlouride
come out and meet our horses, watch the rescues we ride the most load themselves into our horse trailer so we can go for a ride... they come up to US because they understand we are their care takers & that only good comes from us. They have a herd mentality, they want their leaders (us) around them; when we go to leave they follow us... our stallion even followed us into our house a few times.
or alternately:
I'll let you into the round pen with one of our new rescues, you can see what it's like to have 1,000lbs of angry horse that's probably been ridden to the point of injury quite a few times & has learned to fear or hate people.
Just like every topic; nothing is ever simple... we have domesticated animals and they have formed a symbiotic relationship with us...we have an end to up hold, but so do they.
Yet forcing an animal to carry you around all day is still acceptable by everyone. Why? Because it's cultural!
It's true that horses don't need anyone to ride on their backs. They would be just fine and happy grazing and roaming in the wild. But there is a fundamental difference between domesticated horses (as well as other beasts of burden), and the roosters raised for fighting. In the former case, animals were domesticated out of necessity, providing source of food, protection, companionship, power, and transportation. In the latter case, animals were domesticated for a bloody "sport" where the sadistic spectators enjoy the sights of blood, pain, and violence.
That's why people are generally content with chickens slaughtered by millions, but support the ban on cockfighting.
One can extrapolate this concept to treatment of humans, as well. Think of wars in which we kill many millions of people, while conforming to the humane treatment of war prisoners. Or think about a corporate worker in a cubicle. The poor bastard is there 8 hours a day, confined, institutionalized, overworked, mind-fcked. He would rather be running naked in prairies. This corporate environment constitutes an acceptable form of abuse. However, it would be another matter if employees were paid to fight each other with knives to death while their boss derived his gratification from that spectacle. We've outlawed that practice some 2,000 years ago.
What I am saying is that it matters what the intent is, with regards to treatment of animals (and treatment of people). For example, Native Americans would apologize to the animal killed after the hunt. Killing an animal for fun would be a totally foreign concept to them. That's why that dentist guy killing a lion in Africa caused such an uproar -- he did it for pleasure. That is a sin squared. Killing for food, on the other hand, is the square root of sin.
Yet forcing an animal to carry you around all day is still acceptable by everyone. Why? Because it's cultural!
It's true that horses don't need anyone to ride on their backs. They would be just fine and happy grazing and roaming in the wild. But there is a fundamental difference between domesticated horses (as well as other beasts of burden), and the roosters raised for fighting. In the former case, animals were domesticated out of necessity, providing source of food, protection, companionship, power, and transportation. In the latter case, animals were domesticated for a bloody "sport" where the sadistic spectators enjoy the sights of blood, pain, and violence.
That's why people are generally content with chickens slaughtered by millions, but support the ban on cockfighting.
One can extrapolate this concept to treatment of humans, as well. Think of wars in which we kill many millions of people, while conforming to the humane treatment of war prisoners. Or think about a corporate worker in a cubicle. The poor bastard is there 8 hours a day, confined, institutionalized, overworked, mind-fcked. He would rather be running naked in prairies. This corporate environment constitutes an acceptable form of abuse. However, it would be another matter if employees were paid to fight each other with knives to death while their boss derived his gratification from that spectacle. We've outlawed that practice some 2,000 years ago.
What I am saying is that it matters what the intent is, with regards to treatment of animals (and treatment of people). For example, Native Americans would apologize to the animal killed after the hunt. Killing an animal for fun would be a totally foreign concept to them. That's why that dentist guy killing a lion in Africa caused such an uproar -- he did it for pleasure. That is a sin squared. Killing for food, on the other hand, is the square root of sin.
*word salad* Are your chakras out of alignment? I need a Contrived Platitude to English translation
"Or think about a corporate worker in a cubicle. The poor bastard is there 8 hours a day, confined, institutionalized, overworked, mind-fcked. He would rather be running naked in prairies."
Maybe you'd prefer to be running naked in prairies over your cubicled corporate existence but I rather doubt most others in similar situations would see that as an idyllic option.
I need a Contrived Platitude to English translation
this sentence makes no sense...
humans are the epitome of the term contrive... any platitude we have will be contrived; not much we do is "natural"; it's all been invented by us.
past tense: contrived; past participle: contrivedcreate or bring about (an object or a situation) by deliberate use of skill and artifice.
"his opponents contrived a crisis"
synonyms: bring about, engineer, manufacture, orchestrate, stage-manage, create, devise, concoct, construct, plan, fabricate, plot, hatch; More
informalwangle, set up
"his opponents contrived a cabinet crisis"Origin
Middle English: from Old French contreuve-, stressed stem of controver ‘imagine, invent,’ from medieval Latin contropare ‘compare.’
besides that's the whole point when talking about domesticated animals, the reason they are domesticated is due to the contrived platitudes that we have participated in for centuries.
Go to Facebook. Look up group Contrived Platitudes. It was a joke for one. Me. It is still funny to me.
Running naked on the beach maybe, prairies nah!!!!
Go to Facebook. Look up group Contrived Platitudes. It was a joke for one. Me. It is still funny to me.
I miss out on a lot of references these days since I don't have facebook (never bought into that nightmare).
Please sign and share! Thanks!
I say lets all go running naked through the fields:-) now that would probably cause a cock fight or three.
Great post Wanderer- Coming from vegan tree hugging animal lover.
Holy F. 4 pages of arguing.
If you support animals killing each other for money - you're ahole to me. Pretty straight forward.
Signed. Thanks Alana.

Please sign and share! Thanks!
I just signed it.
I don't think it will change anything, given the local attitudes towards cock fighting, and the lack of enforcement of most laws, but it's worth a shot.
Holy F. 4 pages of arguing.
If you support animals killing each other for money - you're ahole to me. Pretty straight forward.
Signed. Thanks Alana.
Many people love arguments which is why so many go viral. As long as there are forums there will be arguments.
The petition is not asking if we like seeing animals abused for fun. The petition is asking for an amendment of an existing law so that local law comes closer to intent of federal law. IMO, better to make VI comply with federal law and enforce it rather than working to change existing law.
There was legislative opposition to federal marriage equality law, but governor insisted local agencies comply with federal, and as far as I know all marriage licenses are issued regardless of sex.
He should do the same with the Farm Bill of 2014, and any other federal laws VI is not enforcing.
Holy F. 4 pages of arguing.
If you support animals killing each other for money - you're ahole to me. Pretty straight forward.
Signed. Thanks Alana.
Pretty sure no one is arguing about whether cockfighting is good or bad.
So stop the BS and sign the petition.
Y'all either believe that cockfighting should be banned or you don't.
Good grief!

So stop the BS and sign the petition.
Y'all either believe that cockfighting should be banned or you don't.
Good grief!
And then a mystery senator with no balls is going to sponsor legislation.
And then the Easter bunny arrives.
I don't know what exactly your problem but glad I don't have it.
Do enjoy your day. Don't forget to eat your carrots!

My issue is with an alleged senator that supports a bill but doesn't have the balls to stand up in public and support their position and convictions.
That is not acceptable behavior for an elected official.
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