Magens Point Resort for temporary living? Reviews of theft on Trip Advisor.
So I was there last month meeting with nurse recruiters and driving around part of the island. I was in Hull Bay and I asked a local about renting month to month. He suggested Magens Point Resort and that they do monthly rentals.
This way I can take my time to find the right place and not make the mistake I made when I moved to Puerto Rico. I moved near school and after the first year I moved to the beach where I should have been the entire time.
So I checked it out and it is 950 for a month. It is small as it is pretty much a hotel room but totally doable until I find the right place. It has a little kitchenette so I can cook.
I can even pile up all my boxes next to the bed.
But then I got home and read Trip Advisor about Magens Point Resort. And I read some stories of theft. I read about hotel staff coming into rooms and even going into the safe. This scared me. But I think the rooms where people stay by the night are different from the ones by the week. I will be moving there with ALL my stuff so this scared me. But I don’t know if what I read is isolated. Any one have any info on Magens Point Resort? Does anyone know someone that stayed there semi long term? Any and all info would be helpful.
$950 seems a bit steep....especially for the summer.
I've never heard of anyone staying there long term, because the location isn't very convenient. I've heard of people staying at Galleon House in town, because most people looking for temporary housing don't have transportation, so town is more convenient.
$950 seems a bit steep....especially for the summer.
Well it will not be summer by the time I move. I have to finish school in Puerto Rico, pack up all my stuff and put it in store here in San Juan. Fly back to CA and study for the NCLEX (national nursing board exam) for 2 to 3 months and catch up with family. So it will be Sept or Oct by the time I move. Yeah 950 for an efficiency may sound steep but how many places do one month at a time. If it is a easy to find a place for a month then pass on more suggestions of where to look please.
I've never heard of anyone staying there long term, because the location isn't very convenient. I've heard of people staying at Galleon House in town, because most people looking for temporary housing don't have transportation, so town is more convenient.
I looked at staying there when I was in town as it was one of the cheapest but I didn't know they do monthly. I can call them but any clue on a one month rate?
I will definitely have a car as I'll need to get around to look at places. I would not want to be taking public transport while apartment hunting all over the island. I'll rent one until mine arrives but shipping from San Juan should be ultra quick. It is about 50 miles. I can't imagine more then a week to clear customs and stuff.
But my original question was safety. Has anyone heard that Magen's Point Resort is unsafe and theft occurs?
And if you guys know of more place that do one month at a time please post here. Thanks!
Hola C-cinco, Please consider this in addition to other short term housing post.
Magens Point is located in nice part of island (my opinion) away from the beach and high on hill. I've visited the pool and pool restaurant but never inside a unit. I believe most of units are vacation rentals and have no idea how many folks reside full time. The north side (IMO) isn't that bad a drive to hosipital or Tutu or Redhook. You can't really walk to anything but thats true of most of st thomas anyway.
As far as the maid stealing: As a monthly renter, you probably won't have maid service--so not a issue.
Storing all your belongings in the room: Consider renting a storage unit. There is a storage facility by the hospital. Most short term rentals come fully furnished and space is a premium.
Arrival in Sept: Sept and Oct are the "slowest months". Many folks would welcome a monthly rental. Use that to your advantage. Expect to get the boot come Thx-giving.
Magens Pt, Paradise Pt, Sapphire, P&P (your other post): mostly cater to vacationers. Sapphire village has more of a mix between long term and vacation and a few full timers. PP, SV, P&P are all between RedHook and Smith Bay. More torristy than MPR.
Having electric and water included/not included will effect your monthly rent.
All of condo resorts have a degree of security. Which does not mean that break ins don't happen. Ask the land lord very specific questions about break-ins, security measures, locks, neighbors etc.
Personally, I would not rent any unit without seening the inside and getting a feel for the hood. It may just be worth at flight over to "inspect" a short list.
You'll probably find STT much like PR in terms of safety. Only STT is much smaller and crime is not wholly confined to "bad"neighborhoods. That being said, STT contains some very bad neighborhoods just like PR. My impression is that STT as a whole has more "gun play" than PR. PR has more domestic violence. I maybe completely wrong--just my impressions.
Chanecinq, can you post the link to the review that mentioned theft by maid? I read several reviews, and didn't see it.
It sounds to me like it was a limited to one or a few employees, and they probably don't work there any more. Since many crimes aren't reported in the press, it's hard to know what's going on unless you live in the neighborhood and talk to your neighbors.
The best way to protect yourself is not keep valuables in your room. I think the short-term storage recommendation is a good idea.
Chanecinq, can you post the link to the review that mentioned theft by maid? I read several reviews, and didn't see it.
It sounds to me like it was a limited to one or a few employees, and they probably don't work there any more. Since many crimes aren't reported in the press, it's hard to know what's going on unless you live in the neighborhood and talk to your neighbors.
The best way to protect yourself is not keep valuables in your room. I think the short-term storage recommendation is a good idea.
I was there the beginning of April and the reviews I saw were from March. I looked again recently and they are gone but there was more than one. And when I email the property they are completely ignoring my questions on theft and answering the questions they prefer.
I think the employees would still be there if this happened in March and I find it odd the the property will not adress my questions on this subject and that the posts are gone. All just a little too weird.
I have been pricing out places and this place is by far the cheapest.
Since I will be moving here I will have a lot of stuff. There are things I have to have access to that I can't put in storage. I would rather pay more somewhere else if it is safer.
Chanecinq, can you post the link to the review that mentioned theft by maid? I read several reviews, and didn't see it.
It sounds to me like it was a limited to one or a few employees, and they probably don't work there any more. Since many crimes aren't reported in the press, it's hard to know what's going on unless you live in the neighborhood and talk to your neighbors.
The best way to protect yourself is not keep valuables in your room. I think the short-term storage recommendation is a good idea.
I was there the beginning of April and the reviews I saw were from March. I looked again recently and they are gone but there was more than one. And when I email the property they are completely ignoring my questions on theft and answering the questions they prefer.
I think the employees would still be there if this happened in March and I find it odd the the property will not adress my questions on this subject and that the posts are gone. All just a little too weird.
I have been pricing out places and this place is by far the cheapest.
Since I will be moving here I will have a lot of stuff. There are things I have to have access to that I can't put in storage. I would rather pay more somewhere else if it is safer.
Yep Red Flag for sure! Why be so evasive...?
I stopped trusting Trip Advisor along time ago. Very biased reviews and lots of stuff just disappears. Just last week over a dozen threads warning about the recent attacks targeting female tourist on Vieques just vanished. Wouldn't that be considered "trip advice"?
Have you tryed contacting the various real estate companies? I thought the going rate at SV is $750 (one year lease) do not know if it includes electric?
Yep Red Flag for sure! Why be so evasive...?
I stopped trusting Trip Advisor along time ago. Very biased reviews and lots of stuff just disappears. Just last week over a dozen threads warning about the recent attacks targeting female tourist on Vieques just vanished. Wouldn't that be considered "trip advice"?
Have you tryed contacting the various real estate companies? I thought the going rate at SV is $750 (one year lease) do not know if it includes electric?
Well the manager did reply. She remembers that incident and said when she was going to contact the police the party in question didn't want her to. So it could have been fabricated. Plus no one would be going in my room because I would be a monthly guest.
Point Pleasant is 1,100 per month plus whatever electricity I use. And the management company I contacted for Point Pleasant also rents for Sapphire Village and she said it is 2,500 a month. I asked if that was for a studio and I have not heard back.
I don't like hearing that about Trip Advisor. I use them a lot. I post bad reviews from time to time and they stay but the are negative about the establishment and do not deal with theft or violence.
Going thru the resort manager for SV, PP may not get you the best deal.
Contact some local real estate agents. Call on the phone. Inquire about month to month rentals. Lots of temporary workers (nurses etc) up at sapphire village and I doubt they are paying $2500 a month for a studio. $2500 a month gets you nice house in nice area or a really nice, really big condo in really nice complex (cowpet).
Also look at the classified section here on vinow.
Re: MPR, Nice area. But I have no first hand knowlege about the situation you described. Break ins happen, even in the nicest "gated" complexes. Sorry I couldn't help more.
Going thru the resort manager for SV, PP may not get you the best deal.
Contact some local real estate agents. Call on the phone. Inquire about month to month rentals. Lots of temporary workers (nurses etc) up at sapphire village and I doubt they are paying $2500 a month for a studio. $2500 a month gets you nice house in nice area or a really nice, really big condo in really nice complex (cowpet).
Also look at the classified section here on vinow.
I don't think it was for a studio. I think she was not so interested in giving me info on Sapphire. I have had a lot of people say good things about Point Pleasant Resort. I just wish someone knew something about Magen's Point Resort.
I, too, use TripAdvisor a lot. I'm going to Trinidad in July, and a recent visitor posted her negative (and somewhat comical!) review and photos, so I'll know what to expect thanks to her candid review. She also answered some questions that I sent her privately.
From what I've read, many destinations that rely on tourism are very sensitive about crime reports, and many review sites have come under fire for possibly fake reviews. I noticed when I didn't include photos on one of my reviews (my camera broke), it took TripAdvisor quite a while to post that review. They may have thought that possibly I hadn't actually done the excursion.
I haven't heard anything recently about Magen's Point, so maybe no news is good news? The restaurant used to be popular with locals, and then ownership changed, so I think it kind of fell off the local radar.

Going thru the resort manager for SV, PP may not get you the best deal.
Contact some local real estate agents. Call on the phone. Inquire about month to month rentals. Lots of temporary workers (nurses etc) up at sapphire village and I doubt they are paying $2500 a month for a studio. $2500 a month gets you nice house in nice area or a really nice, really big condo in really nice complex (cowpet).
Also look at the classified section here on vinow.I don't think it was for a studio. I think she was not so interested in giving me info on Sapphire. I have had a lot of people say good things about Point Pleasant Resort. I just wish someone knew something about Magen's Point Resort.
One thing to keep in mind is that both Sapphire and Point Pleasant are on the other end of the island from the hospital so you are going to be in for a long drive each day. Hull Bay itself used to have some rentals but don't know if they still do or not as it has changed hands a few times since I knew for sure. $2500 seems pricey for Saph. Village and many of the rentals you see are for studios but at $2500 that isn't worth it.
Don't know about Magens point for sure. I know the owners of one of the resturants/food concessions there. For me personally it would not be my first choice of places to rent from. With the economy being what it is there are a lot of deals out there on apts/houses and many can be had short term for the right person.
Point Pleasant is on the other end of the island from the hospital????
It's almost a straight run from Point Pleasant to the hospital.....about 15 minutes. ....I've never measured it but it's about 4 miles away....

15 minutes Pt Pleasant to RLS Hospital!! --that would be a rare and fortunate trip and likely to be much longer any weekday between 7am and 7pm - I have spent 15 min. on just the Raphune Hill part of that ride alone very often and the longer [Skyline Drive,Mafolie Hill,Racetrack Rd.] alternate route will rarely be any quicker - using the Bolongo, Frenchmans Bay, Havensite route may eliminate some bottlenecks but I feel 15 min. is unrealistic in all cases excepting pre dawn travel or Sun. mornings.
For the most part I think it's unrealistic to say how long it takes to get from A to B anywhere on the island. Many times I hit it just right going to the PO (mine is close to the hospital) from Smith Bay or from the North side and buzz down in 10-15 minutes while at other times it takes me 30-40 minutes. Apart from "commuter traffic", a stalled vehicle or any sort of road crews on any of our roads can totally screw up the works as we don't have pull-overs or breakdown lanes. Just the other day I was within six feet of my house and had to sit and wait over 10 minutes. A telephone company truck was completely blocking the narrow road and couldn't move to let me pass as the bucket was already hoisted up to the line with a workman fixing one of the lines. No worries - I had some frozen food in the car but know enough by now to take a large "cold pack bag" with me whenever I shop so, in case of a delay, nothing goes soggy.
Sapphire and PP have always been very popular with travel nurses. They usually don't work the traditional 9-5 routine so avoid the regular crawl. But wherever you live you really never know and just have to learn to anticipate the worst case scenario and try to plan accordingly. 😀
Exit....I've done it many times from the front gate of Point Pleasant to the traffic light before the hospital in the morning and afternoon.....but yes, when several ships are in port it takes a little longer.
OK, give it 20 minutes.......rarely have I spent more than 10 minutes going down Raphune Hill from the UPS site to the traffic light before the hospital. Of course when I'm in a hurry it seems like more than 10 minutes......
Don't worry C-5. Any traffic you encounter on STT will be insignificant compared to the traffic you've experienced in the Bay Area.
Don't worry C-5. Any traffic you encounter on STT will be insignificant compared to the traffic you've experienced in the Bay Area.
LOL, or even in Puerto Rico. I live 7 miles from school. I can get home from school at night in 13 minutes, have done it in 11. Half that time is the last mile off the freeway on the side streets.
But if it is raining it can easily take me an hour. The other day friends that live near me at the beach and had to be at school at 6PM, left at 5 PM and it took 1 hour and 40 min to go 7 miles. They closed one of the freeways. I usually leave my house at 2 or 3 pm and study at school just to miss the traffic.
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