There is a male rust color boxer with black face roaming around in the Beeston Hill Fitness area. Appears to be well mannered, inside hound.
Is anyone missing a boxer? PM me is you are and I can help you.
OK, I have the boxer and he is definately a inside hound, well mannered. I worried he would be hit at the road. We will take him to a vet in the morning to see if he is chipped. He is not old, clean teeth and good shape.
THIS IS SOMEONE'S PET. PM me if you have lost this pooch.
There's a FB page for lost + found pets.... you can post pics of the dog.
it's title is "St Croix Lost & Found (Pets)"
Thank you, He was posted last night with picture and contact info to FB.
So sad!! I have a soft spot for boxers. Keep us posted.
This morning we took him to Sugar Mill, Progressive and Island Animal Clinic. NO CHIP!!!! Beautiful Dog and owner won't spend $25 on chip to save him from being separated.
No hits from FB or this board. Cut and paste and scroll down to boxer picture.
We found a dog a few months ago...took him to Paul hess's office twice, no chip, no one answered signs we posted etc. Flew him back to the states. Next am took him to stateside vet, she scanned him and handed me the chip number to contact his owner, back on stx. Needless to say no one was happy.
Sorry, but why would you fly a stray to the states?
All of the vet's were cordial and helpful. They all looked at him and agreed this was a well cared for pet. But no one knew the fella. I only had one person scan the dog.......?
Are there different scanners for different chips?? I have no experience with the chips.
Spend most of our time there now. Dog story got pretty complicated, but just their missing the chip twice...made what could have been an easy fix not so easy. Never thought a chip could just be "missed". Knew not every reader could decipher every brand, but they can recognize it is there at least, plus ours was inserted in stx. Just be aware...
I googled the chip number and got the specific chip registry. They take your info and pass it on to the person who registered the chip. She was on the phone within 20 minutes.
the chip can be "missed"... it tends to "migrate" to different parts of the body. It is usually placed just between the shoulder blades but as the dog grows, its moves along wit the skin. So the scanner should always be placed around the entire body, including back legs and belly area. Maybe you should take him back for a more thorough scan...
When I watched the assistant scan him, it was from the skull down to shoulder blade. I thought it was a little loose scanning at the time, but new to me.
We are now warned that this beautiful boxer may have been abandoned by the owners due to COST! We are told that there are cases here on island when someone moves off island, the cost of shipping is greater than their love for the animal!!! Would they leave their son or daughter behind on the street to fend for themselves?
The ribs of this boxer indicate it has not been fed on a regular basis. This boxer is well trained, quite, calm and has not barked once! Maybe he does not want to jeopardize his status?
You can look into the eyes of this boxer and see the loss.......It just wants to go home. I refuse to believe this is how this boxer ended up knocking on a neighbors door wanting to get in, we think it fears thunder and lightning and at the time both were active. We also believe this boxer was an inside companion due to it's flawless coat and condition.
My wife and I spent Monday trying to track the owner with no luck at this time. We are still trying. No hits on FB or MB yet! There is hope!
We will rescan to insure we are not missing it, thank you for the advice. Peace!

Good morning,
Question: Unlike Humane Societies or Pet Adoption Organizations, who can screen prospective new owners, how can we assure or verify true ownership of a dog found - such as this beautiful and well behaved boxer - should someone come forth and claim him? The dog could end up in the wrong hands, couldn't he? This has always concerned me and all of us who love animals and want only the best for them.
Would they leave their son or daughter behind on the street to fend for themselves?
I have thought that more time than I can count over the years. After Hugo the airport parking lot was full of abandoned dogs--mutts and pure breads alike.
Seems like whomever this owner is, does not the dog back. Check with Progressive and Sugar Mill, they can help find a good home for him.
Still no calls or hits on this board, FB or vets.................:-(
My boyfriend and I lost our boxer to cancer in March. They are the BEST dogs ever!!!
If the dog is still an orphan in November (when we arrive), we'd love to meet him and possibly adopt.
Keep us posted.
Well........there is a long line forming! Most of the hill's residents have committed and others. We had a wonderful Realtor get involved and she is making a difference! This Boxer is moving on up to the East Side! On the Beach until the owner's hopefully surface. A STAR IS BORN!
Everyone that encounter's him is amazed at the manners and temperment of this hound.....even me! In four days he has not barked!
Still no owner's. But, alot of people are searching.......Thank you board for the efforts!! You are good!
Good to know he is receiving lots of love <3 🙂
I'm not sure if the owners come forward after 4-5 days that they should have him back !!!
I'm sorry if one or both of my girls went missing you could bet your life that the island would know - I'd have a poster up on every corner, I would visit the vet and shelter multiple times per day, I'd be on Facebook and be doing everything humanly possible to get them back as well as combing the island every free moment. Now I do know that St Croix is a lot bigger than St John so visiting all of the vets might not be possible but they would know me on the phone as would the shelter.
If they could prove they were actively searching and did everything possible then OK but if they saunter up lay claim I'm not sure what kind of home he would be returning to.
Just my 2 cents
I'm not sure judging before you know the reality of the situation is such a good idea. I can think of many scenarios where this dog could have gotten separated from his owners. You just don't know. I mean, what if his owner had a stroke and is in a coma in the hospital or something?
You never know . The dog who 'found' us with the undiscovered chip? His owner said she'd been in the hospital for part of the two weeks we tried to locate his owner. But, after we flew him back to stx to return him, she decided she really didn't want him back! Stopped taking our phone calls etc. And we'd dealt with his worms, his elecchia, his vaccinations--at no cost to her! At first we felt bad, but he's ours now.
Well clearly if the owners had a stroke or in a coma it's different - I mean really !!! I did say if they "saunter up" but obviously if they saunter up and say "I was in a coma" - well let's be realistic what are the chances !!
You never know . The dog who 'found' us with the undiscovered chip? His owner said she'd been in the hospital for part of the two weeks we tried to locate his owner. But, after we flew him back to stx to return him, she decided she really didn't want him back! Stopped taking our phone calls etc. And we'd dealt with his worms, his elecchia, his vaccinations--at no cost to her! At first we felt bad, but he's ours now.
My first thought is a disgusted "Unbelievable", but as we all know, it's way too believable! I have a feeling that doggie won the lottery!!(tu)

All I know is- my sweet boy is the love of my life! I couldn't imagine life without him!
@piaa- I agree with you completely- if Ralphy went missing I would be all over the place! Especially since he won't let me out of his eyesight! He is so well behaved. I'm the luckiest mom ever! 🙂
It's going to cost me more $$ to get him down there than it is to get me there! Ha! 🙂
I also agree that unless there are extenuating circumstances, the owners don't deserve to have him/ her back- I say keep the puppy!
Status: As of this writing we have had one call. It was from a interested party that thought she had seen a poster searching for a lost boxer on the West End. The party was going to return to the Vet to verify what she had seen. I believe this was last Thursday and no follow-up. No hits from board, FB or Vets to date.
We have been told comments that occasionally pet owner's on island will wait for an extended time(weeks) to begin the search for missing pet. Also, there are still elderly and other's on island that do not have access to Internet or phone to call around. Giving all possibilities a fair chance, there is still hope his mug shot will be discovered by owner.
In the meantime, the little guy is chill-in on the beach and sleeping in A/C with lots of love!
That is the Saturday evening update! Chow!
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