"ZOE" is between 2 and 3 years old and is an exceptionally pretty all-grey spayed female. She's a typically small island cat and extremely quiet - hardly meows at all but "squeaks" from time to time. She's shy but friendly.
I moved house recently and, unfortunately, "Zoe" managed to squeeze through a louvered unscreened window. Since she's always been a "hider" who tucks herself into small spaces to sleep I didn't realize she was gone until dinnertime a few hours later.
She disappeared in the area of E&M Grocery on the Hull Bay Road over a week ago. I've been going back every other day to Wintberg where we moved from on the off chance that she may have headed back there (and have let people know there) but no luck as yet.
The other four furballs are hugely happy in their new home and especially now they're in and out. We'd all love Zoe to come home and enjoy it too. Her buddies miss her. Please pass the word around, particularly if you're in the Hull Bay area. Thanks so much.
Good luck in finding Zoe
OldTart, I sure hope you find your baby Zoe.
Wish I was there to look out for Zoe.
Three cats and a dog here, fortunately only one cat can jump over the high fence in the backyard and he comes back every day.
Thanks, everyone. The moving itself was a nightmare and this was almost the last straw. I have loads of photos of her but all in jpg format and I've never been able to figure out how to translate them to posting on a site such as this which requires you to somehow put them somewhere else and then link them.
But she's quite unique in that she's completely grey, not a spot of white at all. She's such a little homebody and has never strayed, always close to home and in at bedtime. The only time she ever got herself "lost" was when she went into an outdoor shed while I was rummaging around for something. She didn't come in that night - I stood outside on and off just about all night calling her and the shed was 2' away from the back door but she never made a sound. It was only the next morning when I had a thought, opened up the shed door and she came out as though nothing happened at all! We had a chat then about how to meow but she's never got beyond a little "peep" now and then.
To post a picture, you could try the copy feature when you right click the mouse, then right click to paste when you are ready to post it where you want.
There's a stray gry kitty here but he or she has been coming to eat out of the bowl for the stray kitty I have been feeding for 3 yrs now.
Gee, guess she's not really a stray but Sasha comes and goes as she pleases. Yes, I took her to be spayed only to dicover she had
already been. The grey kitty has been visiting for meals since before you moved so doubt it's Zoe. Plus it's on the wild and skittish side and runs the minute it sees me. Shasa also hardly has any meow and does the little peep thing as well as being on the small side. Thought she was young but Doc said she was around 5 when I took her in to have he checked out, when she first appeared.
OldTart: You can use http://tinypic.com/ to host your pic easily. Just do "Preview" on your forum posting first to be sure you got it right.
Most escaped indoor cats stay very close to home, and are hiding nearby (although I'm not clear if Zoe is an indoor cat and if she escaped from home). Since she escaped a while ago, she may have traveled further by now. Good luck!
No post delete on this site. Sorry, it was an "oops".
Tart, she is adorable. I hope you find her soon. She sound a lot like my little teacup poodle, Precious. Precious is so tiny that when a door is open she sneaks out and we don't even see her. She is an apricot, color of St. Croix dirt, so it is hard to see her. I could not find her last night or this morning and while I was doing laundry this morning I heard her whimper in our storage room. Somehow she had gotten inside a drawer in a storage cabinet. Only her head was sticking out. The drawer was only open enough for her head to stick out. I don't know how she got her body in there but she could not get out. Maybe little Zoe is stuck somewhere close by and is too quiet for you to hear her.
You may ask your landlady or neighbors in your old location to keep and eye out.
After I purchased my house, the woman I bought it from relocated a couple miles away with her kitty.
Her kitty disappearred soon after and lo and behold a couple months later ended up hungry and crying on my doorstep.
Luckily, I knew how to find Carole so she got her cat back.
So sorry. I drive that route everyday & will be on the lookout.
Hope you find her.
Tart, she is adorable. I hope you find her soon. She sound a lot like my little teacup poodle, Precious. Precious is so tiny that when a door is open she sneaks out and we don't even see her. She is an apricot, color of St. Croix dirt, so it is hard to see her. I could not find her last night or this morning and while I was doing laundry this morning I heard her whimper in our storage room. Somehow she had gotten inside a drawer in a storage cabinet. Only her head was sticking out. The drawer was only open enough for her head to stick out. I don't know how she got her body in there but she could not get out. Maybe little Zoe is stuck somewhere close by and is too quiet for you to hear her.
Great story which gave me a good laugh! My new neighbor above who recently moved from STX and took occupancy at the same time as I, has the cutest little teacup/miniature poodle named Penelope who was shipped from FLA to join her two crucian ankle-biters (chihuaha dipshites) and is just adorable. Black and apricot she is ...
If Zoe were close by she would have been back by now or would have ventured a bigger meow if she were trapped somewhere. It's been well over a week. I've 50 years now experience living with and dealing with moving pets - we'll see!
You may ask your landlady or neighbors in your old location to keep and eye out.
Said in my original post that I did give a heads-up in the old 'hood and am going back there every other day and calling. The remaining tenant knows to look out for her. It's been far worse going back there and calling her with no response than finding her squished.
Tart, I am feeling your agony. I'm still hoping for the best.
How about sending Delia (Cat Cafe) the pic as well as HSSTT and all the vets.
Someone may have found her. Good Luck. Fingers crossed.
Old Tart,
Hope your kitty comes home. We had a similar situation when we moved into our current home. It was the third home for our Shadow Kitty since we got him. He had been with us from the time he was weaned. We had kept him inside for the first few weeks to make sure he was used to the new house. The first few times we let him out he always came back so we figured that he was good to go. Then, one night he didn't show up at the door for dinner. He wasn't around in the morning either. We started driving to the old house which was about 3-4 miles away to see if he made his way to the old neighborhood. No luck. After two weeks we presumed the worst.
After almost a month Shadow turned up on the back deck one morning meowing for food. I wish that cat could talk so he could tell me where the heck he had been all that time.
Don't give up hope. Maybe your cat is just out exploring the new surroundings.
Here's a story that might make you feel better:
My wife's house gotten blown to peices in hurricane Marilyn. So the entire family including cat and dog moved into the Ritz while house was being rebuilt. Three months later on the day it was time to move back to the house, the cat disappeared around the Ritz somewhere. Broeknhearted, they moved home without the cat. About three weeks later, the cat showed up at the house. So somehow it found its way from the Ritz all the way to Mandahl. Lived about another 10 years after that but has since moved on to the next life.
Hope you find your cat or it finds you...
Here's a story that might make you feel better:
My wife's house gotten blown to peices in hurricane Marilyn. So the entire family including cat and dog moved into the Ritz while house was being rebuilt. Three months later on the day it was time to move back to the house, the cat disappeared around the Ritz somewhere. Broeknhearted, they moved home without the cat. About three weeks later, the cat showed up at the house. So somehow it found its way from the Ritz all the way to Mandahl. Lived about another 10 years after that but has since moved on to the next life.
Hope you find your cat or it finds you...
I have a similar story! The house I was living in on Raphune Hill was trashed during Marilyn but I stayed on there another several months until the landlord's perpetual delays in getting it fixed became too much so I moved to a house in Mandahl. To keep a long story short, one of my crew not only made it back to the old house (over two mountains!) once but twice. The third time she left, that was it. I figured if she was really that adamant about living there ... Both times she was in perfectly good shape, perfectly happy, glad to see me as in a politely nonchalant, "Oh, hi, wondered where you were", and refused to answer any and all questions relevant to her journeys although when I asked her about maybe thumbing a ride I swear her whiskers twitched. 😀
The agonies we suffer for our beloved pets!
They are worth it! Keep the faith!
This past 12 months has been my "annus horribilus" with one step forwards being followed by two or more steps backwards but yesterday was different enough to notice as TWO really good things occurred which left me feeling unusually content by the end of the day. I went to bed with a bit of a clearer mind than usual
I awoke at 2AM and stumbled out into the kitchen to get some water. As I opened the 'fridge the cacophony of night sounds between the coqui frogs and everything else was quite deafening as usual but as I closed up the 'fridge I thought I heard something else. Joseph heard something too and leaped onto the arm of the futon from where he peered through the window onto the darkness of the side porch. I heard it again - a squeaky little meow. Impossible. It couldn't possibly be Zoe. Maybe a stray kitten? "Zoe?" More squeaky meows.
I opened the door and quickly walked over to the side portion of the porch and a little dark thing ran towards me squeaking. I still couldn't believe it was Zoe until I had her in my arms and brought her inside to the light. I kept pinching myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming as I've certainly had several dreams about her in the last two plus weeks. She was ravenously hungry and scarfed down a whole can of tinned food before diving into the dry food; she then had to inspect the apartment to see what was different from the last time she was here; enjoyed her BFF "Miss Max" washing her face; tolerated Joseph shadowing her around sniffing her trying to determine where on earth she'd been; and then joined me in bed where she slept right next to me for the rest of the night, waking only now and then to utter little chirrups of happiness.
She's healthy but thin and where she's been all this time will no doubt forever be a mystery!! Thanks so much to everyone for your support!
So happy for you. The exact same thing happened with our island cat. She disappeared for almost 3 weeks. We were sure she was dead. She wandered in one afternoon, injured. We will always wonder where she was, how she managed, and exactly what happened to her.
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