Looking for local made products
I am hoping to find some local made items to include in a welcome bag for our wedding guests that are coming from the states.
Does anyone have any ideas of things local soap, candles, spice mix?. I have, and love, the Down Island Trader spice mix, which could be an option but wanted to ask around!
you could go to the royal poinsianna in downtown christiansted, i think they have some things. i see local soap for sale at place like the mango melee but only there.
Oops...should have said that we are on STT!
Try some of the local hot sauces (any grocery store) or locally made bug sprays (any small pharmacy). Don't forget rum balls, of course. If you want to include some trinkets try the pottery lady in Tillet Gardens. She has some cute smaller stuff. Also, some prints by a local artist would be good. Try one of the hotel gift shops to get a variety of locally made items. Small bottles of cruzan are always nice.
I agree with Pamela about the small bottles of Cruzan. Tillett Gardens has a lot of choices. Jason makes great candles, there are several other artisans there who create interesting items. There are a couple of people who make perfumes, lotions, etc. Is Down Island Trader still around? I think the lobster roll place is in their space.
down island trades as I understand it ,is AH Riise, the address on the bottle is Norre Gade. That would explain when you google Down Island it comes up with that it is sold in AH Riise stores.
Shame on me, I never even thought of Tillett...duh! Will check it out this weekend!

Great little store in International Plaza - retired teacher and her families local only products ---------- The Bordeaux Farmers Market on the last Sunday of the month -- some excellent local crafts --- the old Customs house store downtown across from Tent City has only local products -- lots of available items in various stores off and away from the Main Jewelry places -- local jewelry at Tillet fairs, Paradise Pt., even a little local product store in the new Crown Bay ships dock.
We have note cards, and mousepads.
Great, thanks everyone! I am checking out the International Plaza store today since I work right around there!
At the Captain's Corner stores they sell Christmas ornaments that their employees make, and they're made from sand dollars. They're $8.99 each.
Try the Native Arts and Crafts Co-Op across from the Vendors' Plaza. Almost everybody who makes something puts some of their merchandise there.
There's an art teacher, Bridget, who makes interesting and affordable items. I think she's got a mocko jumbie bookmark as one of her many products. They sell some of her things at Bamboula on St John, but she's usually at most of the craft fairs that are held on weekends or evenings. Maybe somebody else will know who she is, and can give you contact info.
There's always Bay Rum for the guys. You can get it and the soap at Caribbean Marketplace in Havensight.

Don't forget the art Galleries -- they have pottery and wooden items, small glass art etc. and of course prints cards and paintings.
Hi, I work with a group known as "The Travelling Roadshow". We all make our own products locally and offer a wide variety from jewelry to voodoo dolls. We do 5 shows a week and will be at Iggies (bolongo) Tue and Wed nights @ 6-9 PM. Wed is carnival night. Thur we are at the Windham (Sugar Bay) for carnival night 6-10 PM.
Oh, I forgot to mention that Bridget the art teacher is a friend of mine and, is part of the "Roadshow". She will likely be at the events if she bronchitis is not bothering her.
Would you please tell Bridget that I said hello - Pamela Wilson. She and I did a couple of art shows together. Remind her Pamela from the secretarial service.
Happy Easter.
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