Looking for Employment in St. Thomas!~!
Hello! I will be on island as of 12/1. I will be looking for part time (20+ hrs) or full time employment. I'm 32 with a Bachelors degree from Duquesne University (Pittsburgh PA). I have significant experience in the corporate world and am very competent with computers. I also have experience waitressing and working in retail. I'm a solid worker with a great track record, I've never been laid off/fired; my employers would only have good things to say about me. Please contact me via email: nsepe1@excite.com or respond directly on the message board. I look forward to the new opportunities! ~Nicci
Nicci, Getting the "word" out that you're looking for employment demonstrates that you're motivated. Past postings on this board from local residents (who are Subject Matter Experts!) encourage job seekers to not be too hopeful in landing a job until you get on island. Once on STT, local bulletin boards, newspaper classifieds, and word of mouth will be good path to securing employment. Potential employers like to see you in person. They are reassured if they know that you've already taken the leap (or have committed date) and taken up residency on the island. Also, from what I understand, you're more likely to get employment if you have a local call back telephone number. I'm sure the local resident SMEs will provide additional encouragement as well. 12/1 isn't too far away, good luck and best wishes!
IMHO and in my own personal experience, it is possible to obtain work on the Islands without living there first. There is always the tiny problem of the interview - mini vacation! These jobs will be the more professionally qualified, higher paid openings. My ex-husband got the job of Executive Director of SEA when we were living elsewhere.
If I were you, I would canvas the Resorts etc stressing my corporate, computer and hospitality experience.
Come across as professional and matter of fact as possible to remove yourself from the more transient workers.
There are financial firms, hospitality businesses, property management outfits, banks, insurance companies, retail chains etc.
I would keep an eye out for openings on monster. com etc. I would subscribe to the Avis (some stT openings) I would read the ads in the VI Daily News - st thomas source has some etc.
Get hold of a Yellow Pages for STT - be creative and determined and if you can do it - offer to fly down for interview at yr own expense - that should make them take you seriously.
There are jobs that come up that the business knows will have to be filled by off-islanders - where would they advertise?
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