Living like a Cruci...
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Living like a Crucian

Posts: 6523
Illustrious Member

Even though I'm more interested in learning about STT than STX, I read this entire thread. So how does this story end? Does the OP choose to stay in NC upon returning home or does he plan to relocate to STX?

He posted on March 20th, "I have made my decision about STX. I'm not going to live here. It doesn't feel like home to me. "

Posted : March 27, 2014 1:06 pm
Posts: 12
Active Member

This was a fascinating thread. I feel like I gained a lot of insight into some of the forum members, and Wanderer's posts were pretty interesting too. 😎

Posted : April 29, 2014 12:23 am
Posts: 29
Eminent Member

I really liked this thread. I found the information interesting to read. Both from the OP and the replies.

Posted : June 6, 2014 1:43 am
Posts: 288
Reputable Member

Day 25.

I've been invited to attend the congregation of the Interfaith Coalition of St Croix. I look forward to it.

One of the items in my "list of things to do" is to establish a new religion. The founder of Scientology is known for saying, "The quickest way to make one million dollars is to establish a new religion". I am not there for the money, though. Instead, my motivation is to formalize the code of conduct based on the principles which transcend the cultural norms. The cultural norms are ever transient, highly dependent on the time and space reference. What was widely accepted and moral in country C1 at point of time T1 can be considered totally evil in country C2 at point of time T2. What if there is a set of principles which exist independently, and every single civilization (including the alien civilizations) interprets these principles without ambiguity, regardless of where and when the interpretation is made? The aim of my new religion is to define these principles. This new religion is called W.

The foundation of W is the probabilistic nature of the Universe. It addresses the question, "Why does anything exist at all?". What follows below is the answer to this question.

What does it mean to go forward in time? It simply means, to experience the Universe in a state which is different from the current state. The state is determined by configuration of all the material, anti-material, and non-material things. When you make a single move, or even have a single thought, the entire Universe changes, because you changed its configuration. You created a future. Because the Universe is so large, it can take a virtually infinite number of states. It is enough to change the position or the velocity of a single atom to put the Universe in the new state.

What does it mean to go back in time? It means, to experience the Universe in exactly the same state as you've already experienced it. To go back in time, you'd have to rearrange the position of every single atom in such a manner that duplicates the previous state of the entire Universe. It's possible, but highly improbable.

This is exactly what defines the seemingly unidirectional flow of time: moving forward is highly likely, moving back is highly unlikely. Thus, the entire mysterious concept of change and time reduces to a very simple explanation: it's probabilistic. The time appears to go forward simply because it's much more probable that out of the infinitely many configurations available, the Universe chooses the one that never happened before. There is only one state that corresponds to a given state in the past, and there are infinitely many states that are different. In all likelihood, a new state would be chosen, and thus the time would appear to move forward.

None if this is new. However, I had to make this introduction to make the leap to the argument that has never been made before. How many ways are there for the Universe to not exist? There is only one. There is no variety of nothingness. There is only one nothingness. Empty set. Single state. Now, how many ways are there for the Universe to exist? Infinitely many. If a state is chosen at random, what would it be likely to be? Existence. And this is pretty much it. The question of "why does anything exist at all?", which tortured the human minds forever, has a very simple answer: the Universe exists simply because the existence is much more probable than the non-existence.

Google infinite improbability drive. After reading of the STX adventure,....I'm keen for the STJ version. Lol!

Posted : January 23, 2015 8:31 pm
Posts: 596
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Google infinite improbability drive. After reading of the STX adventure,....I'm keen for the STJ version. Lol!

Thanks, PDM, I'll look it up.

Posted : January 23, 2015 9:51 pm
Posts: 2536
Famed Member

Google infinite improbability drive. After reading of the STX adventure,....I'm keen for the STJ version. Lol!

Thanks, PDM, I'll look it up.

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy!!

Posted : January 24, 2015 12:14 am
Posts: 596
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Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy!!

It is indeed. I read that book many years ago, and forgot that "infinite improbability drive" term. Maybe it's time to read it again.

Posted : January 24, 2015 12:34 am
Posts: 9
Active Member

Wanderer, I absolutely loved all of what you wrote. Absolutely brilliant. I just sat here for quite some time reading through this entire thread. Made me think, provided some great information regarding various topics, and made me laugh more than a few times. Glad I stopped in one last time and saw this.

Due to all the usual suspects feeling the need to interrupt a great story, and feeling the need to do so all. the. damn. time. I won't be returning to this board. I hope some of you don't represent all who live on the island.. I will be saddened to find more like you once I arrive and if that's the case, I most definitely won't be staying long. Life is too short to present yourself in such a way. And no, it's not being honest or intelligent, or however you see yourself. You're rude, obnoxious, condescending, ridiculously negative and particular. You're not the infinite well of knowledge you think you are. Extremely off-putting. I can see why some of you have had the problems you've had whilst living on the island. You get what you put out into the world. This board more often than not, as of late, just brings me down. Don't want it or need it in my life. Please, do the world a favor, while you're on an island with nothin' but time, attempt to locate your sense of humor.

Thanks again, wanderer. Thoroughly enjoyed by this Oklahoma gal. My apologies for ranting on your wonderful post.

Posted : January 24, 2015 4:42 am
Posts: 6523
Illustrious Member

I hope some of you don't represent all who live on the island.. I will be saddened to find more like you once I arrive and if that's the case, I most definitely won't be staying long. Life is too short to present yourself in such a way. And no, it's not being honest or intelligent, or however you see yourself. You're rude, obnoxious, condescending, ridiculously negative and particular. You're not the infinite well of knowledge you think you are. Extremely off-putting. I can see why some of you have had the problems you've had whilst living on the island. You get what you put out into the world. This board more often than not, as of late, just brings me down. Don't want it or need it in my life. Please, do the world a favor, while you're on an island with nothin' but time, attempt to locate your sense of humor.

If you're uncomfortable living amongst a very diverse group which (gasp[!) has opinions, many of which you find even from a distance, "rude, obnoxious, condescending, ridiculously negative and particular" and instead are imagining an idyllic existence where everyone is sweet and kind and of the same ilk in opinion and temperament, then living in the USVI is probably not going to be to your liking. Should you even find such a place anywhere it would be interesting to know where it is.

Posted : January 24, 2015 10:23 am
Posts: 596
Honorable Member
Topic starter

Thanks again, wanderer. Thoroughly enjoyed by this Oklahoma gal.

Thank you, SLL. I hope you find your peace with this message board. Despite the difference of opinions and sometimes overheated exchanges, I think this board is well moderated, as everybody means well.

Posted : January 24, 2015 3:51 pm
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