Live Lobster and Conch. Where to Buy on STX?
I would love to buy a live lobster and conch on STX. Someone told me to try the guys who set up shop across from plaza extra. Whelks would be interesting too.
Ideas and cost if you know would be great. :-).
i was going to tell you the guys by plaza too. cost? watch the scale-make sure you see the weight. i have heard they dont like to let you see the scale if you look like a tourist
La riene market Saturday morns early,la Reine post office and frdericksted near police station. Lobster usually around $5-7 lb. , not sure about conch.
This changes the topic but does anyone know where would sell unfrozen fresh salmon on ice.
i doubt anywhere. salmon comes from the north and i dont see how it could get here fresh?
Galangal used to have a source for their restaurant, but I think it was someone the chef knew from being in Alaska or such.
David used to get it fresh for his fish market, and I had heard he was going to be selling out of the new Foodtown east end place that used to be Kings a long time ago, but as I am not on island I don't know if it happened or not. He used to get a lot of his fish flown in to stx.
Species Size & Landing Restrictions Territorial Waters Federal Waters National Park Closed Season
Minimum size of shell must be great than 2-7/16" in diameter. Must land whole in shell.
It is illegal to spear fish for lobsters in all Territorial waters. Lobster is to be captured only by hand, snare or trap.
No person is permitted to retain, remove, possess, or injure any conch that is less than nine inches in length from the spire to the distal end, or that has a lip thickness that is less than 3/8 inch. There is no sale of undersized conch shells or meat from undersized conch.
All conchs landed in the Regulatory Area or coastal waters must be alive and intact (in shell) when brought to island on which conch is first sold or consumed. Taking conch to off shore cays and islands for purpose of removing from shell is prohibited. No disposal of shell at sea before landing.
There are various Marine Reserves around the Virgin Islands in which fishing is prohibited, limited and/or require special permits. Contact the Division of Environmental Enforcement for an up-to-date list.
1 gal. per fisher per day
Closed Season April 1-September 30
Minimum size 9" shell length from spire to distal end, or 3/8" lip thickness. Must land whole in shell.
6 per day per recreational fisher, not to exceed 24 per boat per day.
3 per day per fisher, not to exceed 12 per boat. No use of hookah gear.
2 per fisher per day
Closed Season July 1 - Sept. 30
Spiny Lobster
3.5 inch carapace. Must landed whole. No harvest of females with eggs. No spearfishing, hooks or gigs or use of chemicals.
2 per fisher per day
Awesome. Thank you for the information everyone. I will go looking.
I gave up on finding conchs or lobsters in the sea a long time ago.
You can uslally buy whelk and conch meat at Grocery stores. Frozen, however.
Get an island cook book and a pressure cooker. I love whelks and rice. Conch in butter sauce, it's terrific.
I get lobsters from a local fisherman when he has availability. I'm on his speed dial.
Why did you give up?
conch season is closed June 1 through October 31. Rules changed several years ago.
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