Life goes on
From what I see on the “news” looks like the continentals are having a tough time of it. I thought I’d relate a few personal observances of life here on STX.
As of Saturday, only one confirmed case of Coronavirus on-island, and according to local government officials, the individual has been quarantined at home.
People here seem to be reacting in the same way as if a hurricane is moving in. Stock up with enough supplies for two weeks, withdraw a little cash, fill the gas tanks + an extra 5 gallon container for the generator. Perhaps, since we’re more accustomed to the occasional disaster, we’re dealing with it better?
Only time will tell what’s in store for us over the long haul, but right now I feel safer here than if I was living up in the states.
How about you?

Have to say was little upset that they canceled the parade the day before but for some reason Carnival is still a go ( fill in the blank with your own theory ).
This is going to be rough in the aftermath of 2017s fun for businesses.....
I would feel safer in STX for sure. The caveat of course is if the virus gets into the VI community the health system or lack there of will be quickly overwhelmed. Then you're on your own.
But I guess we're all on our own given the slow rollout of a comprehensive response. I'm in FL and most people are not taking any real precautions particularly the 65+ crowd. Forced closures of events, schools, churches and large employers is a plus though it may be a false security since retail and restaurants are still swarming with people. I don't understand old people not taking mitigating action to avoid a disease that could cause them to drown in their own bodily fluids in a hospital.
My advice is NOT to fly through South Florida - either MIA or FLL - but particularly FLL that can be disgusting even in better times. Broward County is quickly becoming a coronavirus hotspot because of travelers from Europe.
To make it worse, South Florida spring breakers are disregarding any and all calls to avoid crowds and will soon be getting on planes (if they can) and into their cars to take the virus back to wherever - and share it with whomever. I would try to avoid flying through FL in the next couple of weeks if possible.
I had planned to be in the VI now - but delayed. I had booked on Silver and Spirit. Even though I had a nonrefundable ticket, upon my request Spirit issued a credit for travel to be booked during the coming 6 months. I did get a refund from Silver but only because the new plane on the STX-SJU route slightly changed the departure and arrival times.
Without accessible testing, it's a crap shoot to know where the virus is being widely transmitted anyway.
Here's some government logic - the City of St. Petersburg FL decided to not allow its office workers to telework based on the fact it wouldn't be fair to garbage collectors and meter readers whose jobs would not allow for it.
Wash your hands!
Carnival is, as per the governor, “most likely cancelled”
- As with everything right now, only time will tell.
“But I guess we’re all on our own given the slow response of a comprehensive response”
- How could any government official / agency deal with such an unprecedented event? No matter what gets done, or when it gets done, there will be those who will second guess everything later. Especially during this election year.
Bill Maher and others wished for a tragedy. Well, here you go.
Posted by: @singlefinCarnival is, as per the governor, “most likely cancelled”
- As with everything right now, only time will tell.
“But I guess we’re all on our own given the slow response of a comprehensive response”
- How could any government official / agency deal with such an unprecedented event? No matter what gets done, or when it gets done, there will be those who will second guess everything later. Especially during this election year.
Bill Maher and others wished for a tragedy. Well, here you go.
FL governor just blamed travelers from NY for spreading the virus in South FL. We're a couple of days from FAA stopping domestic air travel.
The CDC deals with these what ifs every day - I am sure there were many doctors and researchers there that saw this coming. This is not a political event - it is a world crisis made worse for us by the US's highly complex, multitiered way of policymaking. Same with the EU.
Oh now no gatherings over 10 - and stay out of restaurants and bars per Trump.
No Carnival.
Stay out of South Florida.
Bill Maher is a comedian.
Wash your hands.
Posted by: @gators_momPosted by: @singlefinCarnival is, as per the governor, “most likely cancelled”
- As with everything right now, only time will tell.
“But I guess we’re all on our own given the slow response of a comprehensive response”
- How could any government official / agency deal with such an unprecedented event? No matter what gets done, or when it gets done, there will be those who will second guess everything later. Especially during this election year.
Bill Maher and others wished for a tragedy. Well, here you go.
FL governor just blamed travelers from NY for spreading the virus in South FL. We're a couple of days from FAA stopping domestic air travel.
The CDC deals with these what ifs every day - I am sure there were many doctors and researchers there that saw this coming. This is not a political event - it is a world crisis made worse for us by the US's highly complex, multitiered way of policymaking. Same with the EU.
Oh now no gatherings over 10 - and stay out of restaurants and bars per CDC/Trump. Trump just said August as anticipated end.
No Carnival.
Stay away from South Florida.
Bill Maher is a comedian.
Wash your hands.
I think our response here was too slow. We had enough info from watching the rest of the world as to what we should be doing and we didn't do it fast enough. I much rather it would have been the case that we didn't see any cases here, had the schools close earlier, put a curfew on, and said in the end 'that was no big deal'. Its our healthcare system that makes this a big challenge for us I think. I was at my office on Sunday when the building was empty to get the things I needed to work from home. And then a quick stop at the grocery store. There aren't many people out at 7:30am on a Sunday... but the other few locals I saw in the grocery store all kept 6 feet away from one another in the line. Nobody was freaking out. Just quietly trying to do what we needed to do.
Knowing what we know now, it’s easy to second guess.
If quarantining took place earlier, people would have been yelling and screaming about overreacting.
It’s a classic case of “damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
In six months, those who get through this, will be wearing “I survived the 2020 Zombie Apocalypse” T-shirts.
I have been holed up since February 25. That was before this crisis was termed just another hoax on February 28. Substantive information was available but disregarded because the bull stock market was more important to preserve (my opinion) than proactive response to the crisis.
I have Amazon and other delivery services in FL, which ease the burden of staying home. I've just discovered powdered peanut butter and powdered cheddar cheese and can't wait to experiment - who knew?
Interesting statistics on COVID-19
China has had a little over 80,000 confirmed cases, almost 70,000 are now recovered, with slightly more than 3,200 deaths. There have been 56 cases per every 1M of population. Contrast that to Italy with 521 cases per million of population, or almost 10X China.
Testing is clearly ramping in the US as we had 1,800 new cases today. We’re currently at 20 cases per million of population. Our total deaths are currently at 112 Americans.
South Korea, which has been very aggressive with testing is at 8,400 confirmed cases and 84 total deaths. They have 164 cases per million of population. Given their level of testing this likely gives us a relatively better picture of the mortality rate, which is easy to calculate at 1%. Given that 85% of the confirmed cases show only minor symptoms, it’s highly likely the number of actual cases are under reported, while the number of confirmed deaths is likely fairly accurate.
Elderly folks (70+) with upper respiratory issues or anyone with a compromised immune system needs to be diligent with social distancing, the rest need to practice good hygiene and respect others by also practicing social distancing.
Symptoms show up on average 5 days after exposure and it looks like the virus is only contagious when symptoms are visible, which is good.

People/govt's acting "surprised" are true jackasses...... When H1N1 the warning went out that the govts of the world needed to stand up and take notice that something like this was going to happen. The problem/threat is a real one but if people listen to the recommendations that are out there and be smart about things we will all get through it
Posted by: @jaldeborghInteresting statistics on COVID-19
China has had a little over 80,000 confirmed cases, almost 70,000 are now recovered, with slightly more than 3,200 deaths. There have been 56 cases per every 1M of population. Contrast that to Italy with 521 cases per million of population, or almost 10X China.
Testing is clearly ramping in the US as we had 1,800 new cases today. We’re currently at 20 cases per million of population. Our total deaths are currently at 112 Americans.
South Korea, which has been very aggressive with testing is at 8,400 confirmed cases and 84 total deaths. They have 164 cases per million of population. Given their level of testing this likely gives us a relatively better picture of the mortality rate, which is easy to calculate at 1%. Given that 85% of the confirmed cases show only minor symptoms, it’s highly likely the number of actual cases are under reported, while the number of confirmed deaths is likely fairly accurate.
Elderly folks (70+) with upper respiratory issues or anyone with a compromised immune system needs to be diligent with social distancing, the rest need to practice good hygiene and respect others by also practicing social distancing.
Symptoms show up on average 5 days after exposure and it looks like the virus is only contagious when symptoms are visible, which is good.
According to the CDC, people with the disease who are symptomless can spread the virus - though they are less likely to.
Elderly for coronavirus guidelines is 65+. Being over 65 puts you at high risk with or without other medical issues. Sorry if this hurts. Old is better than dead.
Have you seen the images of spring breakers in Clearwater Beach FL? This is an example of no one in charge because democracy is at work - City of Clearwater just elected a new mayor and city council yesterday. Always contentious in Clearwater because it's home to one of the Scientology mother ships. 25 miles north of where I'm sitting. As of yesterday, the governor has now shut down the bars but not the restaurants and beaches in FL.
Please look at how relatively poorly the Swine Flu (H1N1) was handled, it was more than 6 months after the pandemic was identified that any serious steps were taken by the US Government and >12,000 Americans died as a result. I don't see this as an aspirational benchmark. COVID-19 was first identified in Wuhan, China the last few days of 2019 and within 30 days the US Government had shut-off flights from China. We're now less than 90 days into the pandemic and the step taken in the USA, to date, are far more aggressive than in any past pandemic. I also expect the controls to become more strict over the next few weeks as the battle continues.
As of now (real time data) there are 8,272 global deaths with 116 being from the USA, while Italy has suffered 2,503 deaths.
You can track the data at:
When this pandemic is behind us it would be good to have a conversation about why 16,000 annual deaths in the USA, from the normal flu, doesn't seem to garner any attention. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Pandemics aren't new, they will happen again, we need to learn how to respond with out sending the world into utter panic.
Posted by: @jaldeborghPlease look at how relatively poorly the Swine Flu (H1N1) was handled, it was more than 6 months after the pandemic was identified that any serious steps were taken by the US Government and >12,000 Americans died as a result. I don't see this as an aspirational benchmark. COVID-19 was first identified in Wuhan, China the last few days of 2019 and within 30 days the US Government had shut-off flights from China. We're now less than 90 days into the pandemic and the step taken in the USA, to date, are far more aggressive than in any past pandemic. I also expect the controls to become more strict over the next few weeks as the battle continues.
As of now (real time data) there are 8,272 global deaths with 116 being from the USA, while Italy has suffered 2,503 deaths.
You can track the data at:
When this pandemic is behind us it would be good to have a conversation about why 16,000 annual deaths in the USA, from the normal flu, doesn't seem to garner any attention. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Pandemics aren't new, they will happen again, we need to learn how to respond with out sending the world into utter panic.
People who don't get flu shots are far more likely to acquire and die from the flu. There was a vaccine for H1N1 available in 2009. People CHOSE NOT to get vaccinated and consequently became critically or fatally ill.
H1N1 is the same version of the flu that caused the 1918 Pandemic. It was a known pathogen.
The flu (including H1N1) and novel coronavirus are VERY different.
Maybe a source for some hope?
Posted by: @sttanonHave to say was little upset that they canceled the parade the day before but for some reason Carnival is still a go ( fill in the blank with your own theory ).
This is going to be rough in the aftermath of 2017s fun for businesses.....
Agreed! Had friends down just for the parade, totally SUCKED learning it was cancelled only 24 hours prior.
Posted by: @singlefin Bill Maher and others wished for a tragedy. Well, here you go.
You're... you're not... you're not serious... are you? Please tell me you're kidding. Bill Maher is a comedian and was making a joke. You do know that... right? Right?! SMH
Posted by: @NugBlazerPosted by: @singlefin Bill Maher and others wished for a tragedy. Well, here you go.
You're... you're not... you're not serious... are you? Please tell me you're kidding. Bill Maher is a comedian and was making a joke. You do know that... right? Right?! SMH
It’s a matter of opinion if you find Bill Maher to be a comedian, personally I find him offensive and not remotely funny. He’s caustic at best so I wouldn’t even categorize him as an entertainer.
*3 to 4 weeks.
I agree with you jaldeborgh. I’ve never found Bill Maher even remotely entertaining. He's just another worthless tool, on air to rile up the masses. Which I will say, he’s good at.
Posted by: @singlefin
*3 to 4 weeks.
I agree with you jaldeborgh. I’ve never found Bill Maher even remotely entertaining. He's just another worthless tool, on air to rile up the masses. Which I will say, he’s good at.
Then don't watch Maher's program. That's how TV works. Others turn off Fox News and that works well, too, speaking of riling up the masses.
Wash your hands!
That Fox News article is an example while Fox News is better ignored. False hope mongering.
Posted by: @gators_momPosted by: @singlefin
*3 to 4 weeks.
I agree with you jaldeborgh. I’ve never found Bill Maher even remotely entertaining. He's just another worthless tool, on air to rile up the masses. Which I will say, he’s good at.
Then don't watch Maher's program. That's how TV works. Others turn off Fox News and that works well, too, speaking of riling up the masses.
Wash your hands!
Not to worry, I don't watch (subsidize) Bill Maher's program, nor do I watch TV, except for an occasional classic movie. I do love the stuff from the 1930's, amazingly positive movies during what was maybe the worst decade of the last century (discounting the 2 world wars, the Korean and Vietnam conflicts/wars).
False hope mongering?
Yea, I guess we really don’t need any of that right now.
How does one live in a world without hope? I guess we mine as well toss faith out the window too.
When i read an article I want facts. I want clear reasoning. If i want hope/support i will go to the church or temple or see a mental health professional. Most of the internet journalism is just a click bytes unfortunately.
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