life change
*I am 27 yrs old and currently live and Kansas City,KS. I am a business supervisor for a doctors office. I am recently divorced and I am looking for a change. I have been thinking of relocating for a change of scenery and why not go to a beautiful island?
I am curious as to how difficult it is to find employment and housing. I would be on my own and would just like to get a bit of information to see if this is something that is reasonably "do-able" for me. I have worked in the health care field for 10 years, but would be up for any kind of job that would pay the bills.
Thank you for you time and info.
Jami: Many people in your situation have opted for a new life in the tropics. Look through the archives here for advice. Two things I would stress: you need to come for a look-see visit and don't burn your bridges back home. If you spend 10 days to 2 weeks here seriously looking, you will find most of the answers you need. Good luck! P.S. You might be able to stay in the medical office management biz.
Definately read through the housing, employment and other sections of the moving guide on this site it will answer many questions, also do searches in this message board as it will bring up questions you might not have thought of. Order a Settlers Handbook - to help you plan your move with more quidelines and information about the islands. Like East Ender said it is likely you could find work in the same field you have experience in. You might go to the yellow pages and look up practices, contact them, fax a resume, make contacts, plan a premove trip so you can meet contacts, see things in person and plan your move.
Hey folks, I just found this message board and thought it might be helpful to me as I am making a life change. I am planning to move to St. Croix, VI within the next year to be with someone special and start a business. But I don't know how to begin to get myself mentally focused on what life will be like there verses living in a large metropolitan city. If you have any suggestions for things I can begin to do in preparation of moving and what I should do when I get there, it would be greatly appreciated.
I think my biggest worries are finding a job with benefits and not knowing but 4 people when I arrive......
Thanks in advance!
PositiveEnergy in Hotlanta'
Welcome Theresa,
Best thing to do is familiarize yourself with island life, what to expect, what things are like, if things you like to do are available (movies, shopping, bowling - whatever, think about things you do in day to day life - are any of those things essential to your happiness - ask if those things are part of island life, events that you like to attend where you live - ask if we have similar events, nightlife, whatever... your best bet is to be prepared and informed... work depends on your field, benefits - hummmm some places do some places don't... you will meet people so don't worry about that... some people move here and they don't know anyone at all. So think about the day to day things you do and like to do and then ask us here if its the same or different... this way you will be lessed shocked when things are different here because you will know already. Also read through other post on the board so you can see what others asked about and the discussions and also look throuh the moving guide on this site.
All the best. Have you been to St. Croix before??
You couldn't have picked a better island to live on, IMO. We moved here about two months ago. We love the island and the people.
Now to answer your question. Read this board alot. Read some of the older posts. They will answer a lot of your questions. Go to the home page for this site and study all the areas. Buy and memorize the Settler's Handbook. Come here and look at STX, not as a vacation site, but as a place to live. Depending on where you live in the states, it can be very different. After you have done all your homework (except for the visit), if you have specific questions, don't hesitate to ask them here or if you would like you can email me. My wife and I spent nearly six years preparing for our move, the last year or so we worked on it very intensively. If you are prepared, it is much easier. I am sure that the folks here will be very helpful. I know they were to us. Welcome.
Hi Ric:
I am not the same Theresa who started this post, but I was hoping you could answer some questions for me. My husband and I are considering a move to the islands in about 8 years (after our youngest is out of high school). I was wondering about the financial standanrd of living change. Did you notice that, and did it bother you? Were you able to keep your same standard of living on the islands as you did on the mainland, or are you living a more simple life. From what I've read on this board I don't think my husband and I will be able to make the same kind of money down there that we are up here, and I was wondering if that was your experience and if you thought the slower pace and raw beauty of the islands was worth the lack of material things. I'm beginning to think a move might necessitate a whole change in mentality of what's important (not necessarily a bad thing when you're living a cut-throat corporate world) and I was wondering your thoughts on the subject. (or anyone else who would like to comment) Also, if you have close family on the mainland, did you miss them more than you thought you would? Do you see them aften enough?
Thank you,
Theresa S.
It depends on where you are coming from as to how much more expensive it is to live here. It also depends on which island. We are from Kentucky and live on St Croix. The cost of living here is roughly 10-20% higher than in Kentucky. From what I have heard, St Thomas would be higher and St John higher still. That's one of the reasons we chose St Croix. It is the most affordable of the Virgins. Yes, we have reduced out standard of living. We did so as much by choice as by financial necessity. We have an advantage over most folks. With my wifes pension and some investments we have, we could live here for over a year without making any money at all. As far as pay rates go, again it depends on where you are from and what you do as to how much of a pay cut you will take. We cut back on the number of "things" we have because we have found that we just don't need them. Had we not moved here, we probably would have done the same thing. The island gives us things that more than make up for what we have deleted from our lives. The beaches, the views, the weather and the people change your perspective somewhat.
Yes there are people I miss from the states. I have two small granddaughters (4yrs & 8mos) that I miss. But part of our plan was to make sure we had enough money to go back and visit them and to bring them here. I had co-workers that I also miss. We correspond frequently via email. We are making new friends here so that helps some.
Hope I answered your question. If you have more that you think I can answer, feel free to email me directly.
Islander - thank you so much for your advice. I have read many of your comments on this board and I am thankful for your insight.
To answer your question, yes I have visited St. Crox, my first visit was for 1-week the frist week of Sept. and I just returned Sunday, Oct. 5 from a 4-day visit. I stayed @ the Carrambola both visits, but my better half does have family in Christensted and I have visited their homes on several occasions.
I think my concerns are not the drastic change in living environments, but the huge change in what is available to you as a consumer and I also fear taking such a huge pay cut at work. How do people compensate?
I noticed comments of others stating that they planned their move over a 6 year period. Given that I don't have a child (well, I have one with 4-legs), I only need to trade my car (for a jeep) and sell all that I dont' plan to ship there? How long should I realistically expect to take to find a job?
Thanks for your time and thoughts, they are most appreciated.
PositiveEnergy in Hotlanta'
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