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Less desirable/safe areas on STT

Posts: 67
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I am going down to STT for a "walk-about" at end of August to comtemplate a move down there.

I am interested in hearing from those of you have all done the leg work as to which areas you would probably NOT consider living in. I realize that different folks have personal requirements, but it is the issue of safety that I am most interested in.

I would be renting; I am looking for middle class, good value for your buck, but safe areas.


Posted : July 22, 2004 2:02 am
Posts: 0
New Member

When I first moved to STT, I was young and single, and that was a concern of mine, too. I found that most people like me (young, female, single, and professional) lived in places like the Northside (Hull Bay area, Peterborg, etc), Southside (I lived in Estate Bakkeroe and my husband and I still have a house there, or Frenchman's Bay), and far East End (estate Nazareth area)....I would avoid town, the areas between southside and east end such as Bovoni and Nadir, and some of the areas around Smith Bay. It just didn't strike me as all that safe. Where I lived however, there were many nights I just forgot to even lock my door. Nothing ever happened up there!

Posted : July 22, 2004 6:14 am
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