Land lady feeds 38stray cats. HELP!
Our land lord feeds the island cats on her property and has for over 40 years. While they are well feed, they are sick...full of worms...mangey fur... eyes matted...etc. They constantly have kittens, and most babies don't survive. She only takes her 3 fav. ones to the vet for check up. Each times those have massive deworming sessions.
I'm sorry, but if you are going to "take care" of cats....or any animal for that matter.... then that means more than just feeding them. ALL 38 (at current count) are ferrel. They even let her pet them (Except for her fav. 3). They pee everywhere and it is so bad that it almost knocks you over with the smell. We've had friends over and they hop in the rolled down windows and pee/poop in the seat (while funny, it was bad for them...we told them to roll up the
The cats even pee on the roof...I don't even want to think of what things are in our cistern.....
They are sick, some so sick from worms and the good lord knows what else that they can barely walk and don't have an appetitie so they are malnurished.
State side she'd go to jail.
What can be done down here?
Call the animal shelter. I don't know what island you are on. On STX, the shelter will come and round up large groups of ferrel animals. Just have to let them know about it.
st. thomas

Call the Humane Society as Stxem suggested & ask them. What a shame.
They're "feral" not "ferrel." But in any case call the Shelter at 775-0599 and if you have any problems whatsoever with a response, PM me. Thanks.
Does STT has a neuter/spay program for the FERAL (sorry about the sp--ever get that problem when you know the word, have a brain freeze and can't for the life of you think of the right way to spell it?) animals like STX?
There was a colony around the corner from me that got rounded up last year sometime but the kitties didn't return. Perhaps if they are found positive for the kitty leukemia they are put down.
stxem. The simple answer would be no. But the Humane Society of STT has a program for low-cost spay/neuter designed for those who meet minimal income requirements.
And the local vets accomodate those of us who care for ferals and their progeny by giving us the Humane Society cost of spay/neuter.
Feleuk and HIV is very common among ferals and I could talk at length about it.
And so island life continues on! Cheers!
I took in a feral cat on STT. She promptly thanked me by giving me 5 kittens and taking off for her next adventure. I never saw her again. I took all 5 kittens to the vet to be fixed as soon as they were old enough. I had to go to the Humane Society first and fill our papers to get the low price of $15 per cat to be fixed. If you go straight to the vet you might be able to get the cheaper rate, but I was told I had to go to the HS first.
Very common for the cats to get worms unless they are taken to the vet for meds. Anyway, those cats need to be rounded up and taken to the HS. They are suffering and I still feel bad for the one mama cat that got away from me. Wish I could have donated more of my time to the HS. Be sure and become a member. There are some dedicated people trying to get a handle on the cat and dog population on the islands.
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