Yes, I understand that, but there is no longer a residence at Government House. Where is governor to live? The Catherineberg status is murky.
No easy resolution, as usual.
Yes, I understand that, but there is no longer a residence at Government House. Where is governor to live? The Catherineberg status is murky.
No easy resolution, as usual.
Surely you jest. There's a perfectly easy resolution other than the hugely expensive opulent rental he's decided to lavish upon himself at the taxpayer's expense.
Either fix whatever issues there are with Catherineberg and if a governor chooses not to live there, it's on his dime to live somewhere else but it should NOT be Carte Blanche for the taxpayer to be subsidizing however much a governor believes he deserves for holding that position and there should be a cap on amount, if any public funds are to be used.
Catherineberg is a gorgeous and historical property. Many government functions, events and parties have been held there.
I am sure that if there are issues with the property, there are grants and outside funding available to restore or remediate whatever issues there are that would not involve taxpayer money. If a governor chooses not to live there during his term, it could be opened as a museum with tours offered to the paying public and our cruise ship guests which would go toward its continued maintenance and upkeep.
I haven't been on the property in a few years but when I last was, for an event, I was quite impressed. It should not be allowed to fall into decay and disuse, whether a governor lives there or not.
Maybe Ronnie can give us a little refresher on its historical background.
Downtown Charlotte Amalie used to be a thriving town where the majority lived of people lived, worked and played. That's no longer the case with the sprawling development that has impacted our island over the course of the last several decades.
It's not easy to resolve, because it doesn't look like anybody is putting the issue on the table. They have let governors get away with "securing" their private residences at public expense time and time again.
Even with Paul Murphy's letter, there doesn't seem to be any statement from current administration or legislature about correcting the violation. Just more doing nothing.
It's not easy to resolve, because it doesn't look like anybody is putting the issue on the table. They have let governors get away with "securing" their private residences at public expense time and time again.
Even with Paul Murphy's letter, there doesn't seem to be any statement from current administration or legislature about correcting the violation. Just more doing nothing.
It's early days and there's not been enough time yet for the excrement to hit the revolving blades.
And when have previous governors "got away with" securing their private residences? Farrelly stayed in his own home, Schneider spent some money better securing his Bakkeroe residence (with a guard shack staffed 24/7 no less), Turnbull had Catherineberg grossly refurnished and refurbished with ugly opulence and of course DeJongh came under fire for securing his private residence with taxpayer's money which he ultimately had to repay. $12.500 a month for a rental is a massive step up in comparison.
... a little refresher on its historical background.
From Wikipedia:
“Estate Catherineberg is a historic mansion on Denmark Hill in Charlotte Amalie, on Saint Thomas island, in the United States Virgin Islands.
It is owned by the Virgin Islands territorial government, and serves as a residence for the governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Estate Catherineberg Plantation
It was the Danish colonial plantation house of the Estate Catherineberg plantation during the Danish West Indies period. The plantation grew sugar cane and processed it in the Catherineberg Sugar Mill complex on the estate. Estate Catherineberg was part of the Danish West Indies sugar industry.”
A related 1999 article from The Source:
I should add that the Source article was incorrect on one point. Catherineberg was never the Royal Danish Consulate but was maintained by The West Indian Company Limited as the private residence of the company's President who was also the Consul General of Denmark for the US Virgin Islands. It was a common misconception at the time.
Thanks OT! Good refresher.
They spent $350K refurbishing it, what, 12 years ago?
And people were upset then that Turnbull/WICO was spending $7K
a month for 6 months for a private residence.
That's considerably less than Mapp will spend with his $12,500K per month plus rental.
Our senators need to address this issue, post haste.
Where is the evidence DeJongh repaid? How much did he repay? He said something about repaying "current market value." If he did repay, somebody should have published a photo of the cleared check.
Oh, there's always vocal opposition, but no real remedy.
Where is the evidence DeJongh repaid? How much did he repay? He said something about repaying "current market value." If he did repay, somebody should have published a photo of the cleared check.
Oh, there's always vocal opposition, but no real remedy.
He said, "“Finally, I acknowledge resolution No. 1813, and indeed as I have said before, and I repeat here, I have committed to paying over to the Government the value on what remains of my property after my term."
His term is barely over before you demand to see a copy of the cheque?
Why not? It takes less than a minute to write a check. He should have brought it to the swearing in ceremony.
Why not? It takes less than a minute to write a check. He should have brought it to the swearing in ceremony.
Now you're just being daft.
Since Dejongh must repay the amount he spent on on the Mafoliegate fiasco (and before anyone jumps on me for that statement, I believe he should be made to repay, whether in lump sum or payment plan such as Mapp has for his back taxes) then what's good for the goose, is good for the gander and Mapp should be forking over his own money for his exorbitant rental and bodyguards. IMO.
This is all monies lost to the coffers of a vi government that has massive debt. Every penny counts!
I have to wonder why Mapp owes money for taxes to begin with
and when he got on a plan for repayment. Can't manage his finances? Just before running for governor? Just curious.
Aren't you?

Is it because Gov. Mapp is relocating by renting this house that this topic remains in the relocation forum? It would seem that many of the comments are from the Coconut Telegraph and aren't particularly relevant to moving to the USVI except for researching the cost of housing if they are elected Governor.
And what are the consequences if he doesn't repay? He was slick enough to not say he was repaying $500,000 which is what most think he should repay.
Well the forum IS about "moving to and living in the USVI". Living here is very dependent on economic stability and a discussion about continued government waste and extravagance in the light of a massive financial deficit isn't, I don't think, too way off base for those considering moving here.
And what are the consequences if he doesn't repay? He was slick enough to not say he was repaying $500,000 which is what most think he should repay.
Why don't you confer with MissJustice on how the law works in this regard since she seems to have all the answers at her fingertips. In the meantime you could call or email Government House (Randy Knight is the Governor's Chief of Staff) and pose the question. Whatever monies the former Governor is mandated to pay, whether it's $499,000 or a percentage of such, will I'm sure be most welcome and put to good use ...
Especially to those hoping for a government job.
As an off islander, I can say this subject does interest me. The way a government runs (or doesn't) has a big influence on relocating, especially if relocating a business is part of the equation.
And that's why we post it. There are many who relocate who try to ignore the politics, but it's a huge part of living in Caribbean. If you're concerned about environment and development, registered voters are sometimes the only ones that environmentalists want to sign petitions.
The only way the VI is going to improve is if more informed people register to vote and participate. Right now the ignorant way outnumber the informed.
I'll say amen to that.
One has to be on top of what is going on with our local and federal government, the new developments in the VI and how it's going to effect us. The Coral Bay MEGA Summer's End Marina, the new Mandahl Bay Hotel, Resort, and Proposed Marina project, Coral World's proposed Dolphinarium, just for example. Watch the legislation that gets passed by our senators and that's allowed to be permitted. It's mind boggling!
How much can a tiny island sustain when No environmental consequences and concerns about what a lacking infrastructure can sustain, when there are no checks and balances put in place that prevents harm to an environment that is tourism driven. When we continue to destroy the very thing that attracts people to our islands and make it a beautiful place to live?
If people don't speak out, and many fear to do so, then we are lost.
Be proactive.
"A society of sheep will soon beget a government of wolves."
We would also like to know what charities are on the island. My wife and I have been very active with multiple charities, I tradition we intend on continuing.
We would also like to know what charities are on the island. My wife and I have been very active with multiple charities, I tradition we intend on continuing.
Thanks for the link but there is no info about the charities, just names
Thanks for the link but there is no info about the charities, just names
That's confusing - there's a whole bunch of information accompanying each listing provided by different contributors.
the first 5 have reviews, that's it..
Catholic Charities is there, good place for me to start
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