Just When Things Were Looking Up.....
Just when things were looking up for STX (tourism wise).....assuming there is no ban on travel within the next month I'm still heading down for a few days. Yes, I probably shouldn't travel on a plane, but at the same time, I am not going to let this disrupt my life.
Just wonder how bad things will get when the situation get significantly worse....
Stay safe friends.
In 3 months they’ll be a vaccine, and then Coronavirus gets catalogued away with Bird Flu, Zika, H1N1, Sars, etc...
As long as the media remains unaccountable, the misinformation will continue.
With some basic hygiene strictly complied with air travel should be quite safe as most flights are half empty. Just bring chlorine wipes with you and clean all surfaces around you, don’t eat or drink and pick your nose.
This is where your getting the facts on Coronavirus???
“The Joe Rogan Experience is a free audio and video podcast hosted by American comedian, actor, sports commentator, martial artist, and television host, Joe Rogan.”
Partly. I much rather trust an Infectious Disease expert, which Michael Osterholm is, over say, CNN or mainstream media.
Chances are this pandemic with blow by in 12-18 months just like Spanish flu did.
The death toll is going to be substantial as transmission rates are high and we know that mortality rate is about 2%
Just look at Italy for the taste of things to come to US. VI is probably the best place to be as UV light damages the virus fast so surface to person transmission will be much less here and we lead semi outdoors life. As for person to person transmission it’s easy to self isolate here.
Effective vaccine is probably 2 years away.
It's not about your individual safety. It's about public safety. Coronavirus can be spread even by symptomless people.
And no, there won't be a vaccine anytime soon unless you're volunteering for the human test.
Stay off planes and cruiseships, wash your hands, stop picking at your face and avoid crowds. The more all of us do this the faster this will pass by.
BTW - the media are saying stay off planes and cruiseships, wash your hands, stop picking at your face and avoid crowds. The balance of information beyond that is political flatulence.
And don't smoke.

Looking UP?? Chicken Little was looking up - [time for a long sailing trip]
It was only a matter of time before you came here to make this political...waiting for the "It's Trump's fault" line.... ?
Go right to the source for information (the CDC website)
They also have a map with information on where in the US cases are (territories are buttons at bottom of map)
None of the territories has any positive cases in today's map.
Use the same precautions you use during flu season and use chlorine or alcohol wipes on shopping carts, etc. If you check a bag, you can bring some antiseptic hand gel (put it in a freezer bag before you pack it in case it leaks).
Don't let the media hysteria get to you... As usual, common sense goes a long way.
Have a great trip!
Posted by: @stxdreaming
It was only a matter of time before you came here to make this political...waiting for the "It's Trump's fault" line.... ?
You said Trump I didn't. He really has little to do with this since public health is mostly a local issue. I was speaking of disparate local and state level responses. Herding cats ….
Funny, Mr. Osterholm just happens to be promoting his new book on the Joe Rogan Pod Cast.
Don’t tell me spending fear isn’t in this mans best interest.
Positive diagnosis can’t be made without PCR test. But US has extremely limited number of test kits on hand so in order to get tested one must meet three criteria.
Fever over 102, debilitating dry cough and history of exposure to known infected individual or recent travel to China or Italy.
one may have fully blown clinical symptoms but if not tested they will not make the statistics. That’s why US has only 1000 cases diagnosed while we probably have about 100 thousand infected by now.
the diagnostic kits are on back order and hopefully available next week.
He has a new book? Missed that one. What's it called? Will get it for the plane ride down.
“Deadliest Enemy” is the title of his book.
The group he’s part of, is funded by the Walton Family. Who just happens to own Walmart, America’s largest retail outlet. Yup, you guessed it, the one that just happens to have a pharmacy located inside every store.
Probably a good time to fly as the airlines are taking extra measures to ensure clean cabins and people are more aware and practicing better hygiene.
All FL public universities just announced classes are transitioning to online until at least the end of March.
NCAA will play March Madness for cameras only.
According the CDC (today) COVID-19 deaths are very age dependent the risk starts at 60 and it's people over 80 that are the most vulnerable. The following is a quote from todays briefing.
"But again, based on what we know about this virus, we do not expect most people to develop serious illness. Reports out of China that looked at more than 70,000 COVID-19 patients found that about 80% of illness had — was mild and people recovered. 15 to 20% developed serious illness. Let’s talk about who those people are. So far it seems like it’s not children. Of the 70,000 cases, only about 2% were in people younger than 19. This seems to be a disease that affects adults. And most seriously older adults. Starting at age 60, there is an increasing risk of disease and the risk increases with age. The highest risk of serious illness and death is in people older than 80 years."
Posted by: @jaldeborghAccording the CDC (today) COVID-19 deaths are very age dependent the risk starts at 60 and it's people over 80 that are the most vulnerable. The following is a quote from todays briefing.
"But again, based on what we know about this virus, we do not expect most people to develop serious illness. Reports out of China that looked at more than 70,000 COVID-19 patients found that about 80% of illness had — was mild and people recovered. 15 to 20% developed serious illness. Let’s talk about who those people are. So far it seems like it’s not children. Of the 70,000 cases, only about 2% were in people younger than 19. This seems to be a disease that affects adults. And most seriously older adults. Starting at age 60, there is an increasing risk of disease and the risk increases with age. The highest risk of serious illness and death is in people older than 80 years."
So it makes you wonder why universities are transitioning to online classes. And, unfortunately, how reliable the CDC information is.
They young and healthy are the vector for the virus. They maybe mildly symptomatic but spread the disease that maybe lethal to their grandparents.
My daughter's college told them not to come back from spring break. May go back around April 1st and will have on line course (ohio), my niece had their entire semester cancelled (online only) (PA) and my other nephew had his college do the same as my daughter. I take online classes here in NY, they just cancelled the semester as well as all State Colleges/Universities and are going strictly on-line. We did get an update today that the kids at my school can stay on campus, but classes will be still be online. I don't buy all the media hype, but it's best just to be careful and do whats necessary to control this as transmission seems much easier than the flu, but again its probably under reported and driving up the %'s. Be safe out there everyone.
I hope he cancels major public gatherings for now. He should ban mass travel to/from the islands including cruise ships.
I wonder how many ICU beds and ventilators are available in USVI?
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