Judy Fricks's employee arrested
As Jamison said, Chris took the girl to the police, where she made up a story about Chris touching her...to protect her molesting father.
Chris asked the VI AG if he needed to register....he was told he did not need to.
This is a cluster-f*** of epic proportions.He failed to register in florida and in 2006 and was found guilty....he failed to register here in the USVI and is now in trouble....he lied on his employment application about being a felon....
How can you say that there is no wrong doing on his part?
you are correct. He did try to register, was told not to and didn't. He is also guilty of lieing on his application. He is guilty of those things. I just want people to understand what he's done, when they hear the term "sex offender".
In this situation, is it not possible for the young girl to come forward to exonerate him?
If the young lady did so, and explained the circumstances to the Court, ie reasons for lying under oath, then I see this as Chris' best step forward. If her father has since been convicted of the charges, then I believe there should be a way for Chris to turn this around.
Otherwise, the law is being upheld, as it should. No matter how nice a person is, we can not start making exceptions because we know they are nice....that's going down the Chucky Hansen path...and we all know where THAT has gotten us...
As Jamison said, Chris took the girl to the police, where she made up a story about Chris touching her...to protect her molesting father.
Chris asked the VI AG if he needed to register....he was told he did not need to.
This is a cluster-f*** of epic proportions.He failed to register in florida and in 2006 and was found guilty....he failed to register here in the USVI and is now in trouble....he lied on his employment application about being a felon....
How can you say that there is no wrong doing on his part?
you are correct. He did try to register, was told not to and didn't. He is also guilty of lieing on his application. He is guilty of those things. I just want people to understand what he's done, when they hear the term "sex offender".
You left out that he also failed to register in Florida and was convicted of that in 2006....maybe someone told him he didn't have to there either?
The last I knew was that we are all innocent until proven guilty. There is a lot of trash talk here by people that have only some of the facts. If it were one of your family members,you would like to have the time to work this out. But you all are trying and convicting Chris without the facts. I hope you can all sleep with yourselves if you find out you are wrong. I would give him my kids and he would love them and be wonderful. Please remember we are talking about a kind, generous person who did abide by the law at the time. This could be any one of us if we were in the wrong place. You all need to go get a real life and stop demonizing good people.
I think Chris is a good guy, unfortunately, his past has caught up with him.
The reason Chris is in this mess is BECAUSE he has already been tried & convicted of a crime: there is no jury here to take the case.
The Sex Offender law he broke is a NATIONAL law. Look at the website, it's a federally run site, not run by the VI. If Chris can clear himself through a new testimony, then all should be just fine. But, he needs the testimony of the young lady who originally testified against him to change his conviction.
Chris was taken into custody by US Marshals, not local VI Superior Court Marshals.
I personally hope that Chris can get this sorted out, but it ain't gonna happen here in the VI.
Look, they don't retry escaped convicts in the state where they fled to, so why does anyone see this situation as anything different? The standing facts ARE, he has already been convicted. Now he needs to exonerate himself, in Florida, not in the VI.
I haven't seen one single person on this thread state anything "negative" other than he got caught in his past. Most of us think and know that Chris is a good guy, the Chris we know now, that is. He's been a big plus to the island, for sure. But that does not give him the right to break the law, unless we want to give everyone in the same position the same right, and that would take a US Law to do that.
I've explained the situation, excused nothing. I'm done with the court of public opinion.
If I were Chris and the AG told me I didn't have to register as a sex offender, I would have asked him to provide me with a letter stating that so I was covered.
Opps...too late now!
On his application what did answer about serving in the Armed Forces?And the question about if he was honourably discharge? Oh, maybe the Secretary of Defense told him he didn't need to answer those questions.
Being in the military for 22 years as a military policeman, I don't buy the bull story he plead guilty due to type of jury? Why did he select a jury, not a judge to hear the case. Military justice system gives more protection to the defendant, and if he felt he was wrongly convicted ---especially with potential command influence(according to the forum the girl's father was his superior officer), he could ask for his case to be reviewed.
For those believers who believe his stories, look at the facts and the pattern of steps he took not to disclose his past.
KUDOs to his friend and or family member who ratted him out by contacting the authorities about not registering. THANK YOU for protecting our children and doing the right things. Clearly, his past history and conviction by the military was not something accessible, so someone he knew ratted him out.
Credit to Senator Buckley for immediately firing him.
My daughter is a friend of Chris' daughter and has stayed over at their house many, many times. I spoke with her the other day about his current situation. She was very surprised and confirmed that nothing weird or creepy ever happened while she was a guest in their home. However, he should definitely had registered or gotten some sort of clearance letter as someone else suggested.
Perhaps more enlightenment,,"Under a Coconut tree"?? ...Seeked "answer",, no Avail???
I will attempt to be more clear in a language that you can understand.
Verily I say unto you, thou mouse shall take ye to a far away place where the answers that thou seeketh may be found! Ride thou mouse to the top of thine page. Enter ye through a secret passage marked "Message Board". In that land of mystery and other boards thou willst find one labeled "Under a Coconut Tree". Enter thee into this magical land. Seeketh ye there the answers to the questions that thou asketh and the Lord will reveal all!
Not "thou mouse" sic, it is thy mouse. The possessive pronoun of thou is thy.
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