Jet skis in St Croix?
For discussion purposes:
Read it. I wouldn't hold my breathe waiting for this to actually happen. But who knows.
As with anyone trying to start up a new business on St. Croix I wish them well. We can use all the new businesses possible. Having said that, I would prefer they try to set up business at one of the popular beaches or beach resorts. The harbor in downtown Christiansted is already a busy place with the take off and landing of the sea planes as well as the excursions coming and going. This is more of a day at the beach activity vs a busy harbor area. Good luck to them but as it sounds, I don't think they will be given the OK anyway.
That's fine as long as they actually stay within the "designated jet ski course." We swim and snorkel inside the buoys over at Sand Castle and Cottages, and the jet skiers over there pay little attention to staying outside the buoys. It's pretty dangerous... if you are tearing by on a jet ski, you may not see a swimmer until it's too late.
The opposition to this business has apparently been unprecedentedly strong and it doesn't sound as though it's going to "fly." I do realize that the technology of these vehicles is continually changing for the better but personally I've never liked them and find them as intrusive, disruptive and downright annoying as bumped-up teeth-rattling car stereos!
It appears from the article that the Saltaus are newcomers to STX but already have four jet skis here so I can only assume that they dove right in without really doing their homework, which is a shame. So many new island businesses either never get off the ground or fail within the first year and many of them are fated because the basic preparatory in-depth market research hasn't been done.
Even setting aside the public response to this particular business application, many new business owners blame the government's alleged "anti-business" attitude for their failures but there are two sides to every coin. I personally recommend to anyone even contemplating opening a business here to wait until you've actually lived on island for several years before even thinking about it.
I had lived here for over a decade before I decided to open my own business and friends in the (related) business field told me flat out that, "you have no idea what you're getting into!" and how right they were. In retrospect, I really had no clue at all. The downsides and the pitfalls were greater than I could possibly have imagined.
Well, East Ender brought up the article for discussion, so there's my contribution. Cheers!
I can't imagine a worst place for this business than C'sted harbor. I think there are areas on STX that would be appropriate - but STT resident is correct, it doesn't sound as if this prospective business owner has done his/her homework.
The pier at Fredriksted and Divi come to mind immediately.
Keep these noisey, polluting things out of St. Croix. Please don't suggest Fredriksted as a place for them to go. It has enough of an image problem to overcome as it is. NIMBYism (Not In My Back Yard). Everyone would want them is somebody elses waterfront. Bad idea!!
I wasn't advocating them. I personally would rather not see them on STX at all. But if they are here, they need to be someplace other than C'sted harbor - purely as a logistic and safety issue.
the pier is the wrong place. Too many scuba divers will be put at risk. it is a popular dive site that is listed in any article about diving in the magazines.
there has been a jet ski operation at the hotel on the cay for over 14 years, and operates in and around the harbor
Activities & Entertainment
The only Jet Ski, Parasail & Semi-Sub Tours on St. Croix Snorkeling & Kayaks too
Hotel on the Cay
Phone: 773-7060
flounder - so what's your point relevant to the posted question?
I could be mistaken, but I believe Hotel on the Cay is not offering jet skis at this time.
please ..........I'm not trying to start anything , I just made a simple point was . , to just inform one on this post seemed to be aware there was a company already working here on STX and apparently they are not bothering anyone,...........My 2 cents worth......... why offer another company a licence if there is a business doing the same exact thing in the same exact place ........, Linda yesterday when I was returning from diving there were 2 jet skis ridding around....... I think they are operational?......... it is listed on their current web site and was in the bridal issue of the Avis a week ago.......... bride and groom fun?
They nhave a display ad in todays "Avis". They also run radio spots.
They are in business.
Happy to be corrected. The operation is run by one person and when he is off-island the skis are not available.
They may be in business but I've seen jet ski's there going maybe one time. I dont think they get much business which just goes to prove how bad of an idea it was for the czm to try to build on. Granted it may just be that hotel on the cays machines have rusted into the reef.
We do not reccommend them to our guests because, in the past at least, they were not reliably open.
Hello FYI there is a Company on the board walk in Christiansted with brand new jet skis, which was just awarded the best tours in the Virgin Islands from 2 different polls. Furthermore, they assist DPNR with rescues when boaters are broken down and when kayakers are adrift or they run into reefs. They also participated in the Christmas boat parade and won the most innovative of all boats. Their phone number is 340 778 7541
Let me guess just who the Owner's might be???????
This is an old thread, everyone's well aware they're on the boardwalk now and that its for sale as well.
lol and they have a sign at the gas,rock and weed gas station by the Pearl B larson elementary school,or someone with a jet ski business does anyway
Isn't everything in St. Croix for sale? I think the Sunset Grill has been for sale going on 6 years now...Definately the Cane Bay Beach Bar keeps going on the market sooner or later....Always thought that it was one of the nicer bars on the beach and hate that it keeps changing hands.
It is interesting that many PWC businesses use the "we rescue people" defense. I'd like to know how many people have been rescued versus how many have been injured or killed. Jet skis are designed as thrill craft, pure and simple.
Not that I have an opinion on this one! 😉
I know of two rescues that occured within the last month and it wasn't them that were wasn't them that came to the rescue neither. Although I did like their boat parade entry
Also, the red signs around town are for Hotel on the Key jet skis
They added their big banner at the corner by the police station that says you are almost there. Makes it look like they are the ones who placed all the other signs.
i sat at bolongo bay one day with my laptop and the annoying whine of jet skies was overpowering, the people at the pool were irritated, people come here to relax and unwind for the most part,for a week to 10 days and jet skis do nothing to help relax and unwind if you're not the one on them, and yes i know bolongo rents them out but they are annoying and tend to ruin the enjoyment of just laying on the beach in the sun with a book.
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