Its official... Sep...
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Its official... Sept 1 STT bound

Posts: 23
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Hello All,

So I have officially booked my flight for Sept. 1st for my PMV. I have not visited the VI before but I have family that has. I have read the books, forums, blogs etc. I have found a place that I can stay for a couple of months (STT) without a signing a lease until I can get more situated. My only concern is finding work. I have a General Business degree with a minor in management, worked in the food/bartending industry while in college, and Ive worked in the prison system. I'm very outgoing and don't think I will have a hard time meeting people and I don't need a lot to get by. Is there anything that I can do to increase my chances of gaining employment? Typically when I apply for jobs here stateside I dress very business professional. Should I continue that or is nice shorts and a collar shirt ok? Also my current cell phone provider is Verizon. How is the service? I have read good and bad things. Would just like to get a few more opinions. Thanks!

Posted : July 22, 2011 8:13 pm
Posts: 501
Honorable Member

Verizon is not the ideal carrier here. They don't own their own facilities; rent from AT&T and Sprint the cell towers. There will be roaming charges.

Posted : July 22, 2011 8:43 pm
Posts: 5404
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Sarge: First of all, welcome.

September is a slow time for tourist businesses. Many bars and restaurants close down for a part of the month. The reason it is so slow is that it is the height of hurricane season. So you have that to look forward to.;)

If you are applying for any government jobs (although there is a moratorium on hiring), you'll need to dress up. You can always tell government workers; they are always overdressed for the climate.:D For most hospitality work, I'd think khakis and a polo would do.

No Verizon. The roaming is like $200 a minute...AT&T or Sprint...

Posted : July 22, 2011 9:00 pm
Posts: 23
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Thank you both for the information. Unfortunately I use to have Sprint and they dropped me because of the coverage problems here stateside. That would be my luck that 6 months later I would need them again. Oh well... I was suspecting with the time of the year there might be some difficulty finding a job. At least now I can pack accordingly. Besides using this website and is there any other suggestions that might help me finding employment?

Posted : July 22, 2011 9:23 pm
Posts: 5404
Illustrious Member

Show up. Have some sort of work ethic. Once you are here, you will be able to find something. You do have a bit of a cushion to keep you going for a bit???

Posted : July 23, 2011 12:14 am
Posts: 2138
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Networking is a good way to find work here. Tell people you're looking for work, and what type of work.

Posted : July 23, 2011 2:47 am
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I do have some "cushion" money. I dont really require much. I was able to find a home that is one steady rate for everything! So that helps out. So my rent and food is only thing that I will have to worry about paying for. I have done so much research I feel like I have visited already.

I am an extremely hard worker. No stranger of manual labor or being able to sit behind a desk.

Any advice on whats the best sites to shop around for plane tickets? So far I have been checking priceline and bidding on flights. Also I check on the actual carriers websites to see what it would cost paying direct. Just getting a flight and including the best baggage fees combined seems to be my challenge.

Again thanks for all the help. Ready for the end of August so I can enjoy the views.

Posted : July 28, 2011 7:36 pm
Posts: 93
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I moved here on Monday, show up at Detroit Metro with 3 bags & 1 carry on.....

Lady tells me it will be $210 for baggage or I can upgrade to 1st class for $135 & my bags fly free......not even I could screw up that decision!

Posted : July 28, 2011 11:52 pm
Posts: 23
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@JoeyBallgame: Nice!!! So how are you liking things so far?

Posted : July 29, 2011 1:57 am
Posts: 58
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good luck...let me know how things coming next year

Posted : July 29, 2011 2:00 am
Posts: 2138
Noble Member

Any advice on whats the best sites to shop around for plane tickets?

See this thread with subject "airfares":,156035

Posted : July 29, 2011 2:36 pm
Posts: 23
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Thanks STXBob!

Posted : July 29, 2011 3:06 pm
Posts: 2138
Noble Member

Here's another thread, "Cheapest days to fly.",160822

Posted : July 29, 2011 3:42 pm
Posts: 23
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In response to the last link "Cheapest day to fly".... I have noticed that when I was looking at prices on Wed it seemed to be much cheaper. Also I was going to fly in STT on Sept 1 but found that if I leave a day earlier it saves me $100.00 (Which I dont mind coming a day earlier 😉 )

So far the cheapest has been Spirit airlines, but when booking directly with the airline there are so many fees. I am not a frequent flier by any means so I was shocked that after choosing your flight you had to pay an extra $10-$20 for where you sit on the plane. So after that and baggage it just seems to add up.

I dont want to wait too late to book for a good deal so I will be buying my ticket sometime within the next week. Wish I was there already.

Posted : July 29, 2011 4:59 pm
Posts: 58
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In response to the last link "Cheapest day to fly".... I have noticed that when I was looking at prices on Wed it seemed to be much cheaper. Also I was going to fly in STT on Sept 1 but found that if I leave a day earlier it saves me $100.00 (Which I dont mind coming a day earlier 😉 )

So far the cheapest has been Spirit airlines, but when booking directly with the airline there are so many fees. I am not a frequent flier by any means so I was shocked that after choosing your flight you had to pay an extra $10-$20 for where you sit on the plane. So after that and baggage it just seems to add up.

I dont want to wait too late to book for a good deal so I will be buying my ticket sometime within the next week. Wish I was there already.

i found one the other day for $250 from pittsburgh to was continental off the cheaptickets website

Posted : July 29, 2011 5:11 pm
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Finding a one way flight from DFW is averaging about $210.00. The round trip that I am purchasing for my significant other is averaging about $451.00. So far American Airlines is in the lead with the cheapest flights after extra fees, seating, and baggage for the round trip, but the one way Spirit Airlines is in the lead. Starting to give me a migrane. :-X

Posted : July 29, 2011 7:31 pm
Posts: 58
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Finding a one way flight from DFW is averaging about $210.00. The round trip that I am purchasing for my significant other is averaging about $451.00. So far American Airlines is in the lead with the cheapest flights after extra fees, seating, and baggage for the round trip, but the one way Spirit Airlines is in the lead. Starting to give me a migrane. :-X

almost makes you wanna say screw it and just swim there lol

Posted : July 29, 2011 7:37 pm
Posts: 23
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Knowing my luck I would jump in the water and a hurricane would start to form... I feel like this month that I am waiting is going to go by so so slow!

Posted : July 29, 2011 9:07 pm
Posts: 58
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Knowing my luck I would jump in the water and a hurricane would start to form... I feel like this month that I am waiting is going to go by so so slow!

think a month is bad? having to wait til december next year to move

Posted : July 29, 2011 9:09 pm
Posts: 23
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Well in that case waiting a month doesnt sound so bad... 😀

Posted : July 29, 2011 9:12 pm
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