Question #2 from Doug. What is the atmospheric pressure per square inch surrounding the core of a lightening strike?
Doug, you may be correct, but this question has nothing to do with lightening.:-)Quite on the contrary, if you will...????
Ok, The bullseye is: What is the quantity of Near Earth Asteroids (NEO's)

Ok, The bullseye is: What is the quantity of Near Earth Asteroids (NEO's)
YES!!! Approximately 8900 Near Earth Asteroids have been discovered and are currently being monitored!
Oh, how dare he, answering on my computer while I am walking the dog!

1. ANSWER: About 1000mph Earth's speed at the equator.
2. ANSWER: Between 500 and 1500lbs.
3. ANSWER: Approximately 8900. - The number of Near Earth Asteroids discovered to date and which are
being monitored
#2: (JJ's research might address ths one...) 😀
Only this remains unquestioned: "2. ANSWER: Between 500 and 1500lbs."
Question #2 from Doug. What is the atmospheric pressure per square inch surrounding the core of a lightening strike?
Doug, you may be correct, but this question has nothing to do with lightening.:-)Quite on the contrary, if you will...????
Would contrary to lightening be any of the following? Darkening, heavying, fattening, clearweathering.
Question #2. What is the weight of a leatherback turtle.

Only this remains unquestioned: "2. ANSWER: Between 500 and 1500lbs."
Would contrary to lightening be any of the following? Darkening, heavying, fattening, clearweathering.
Darkening, no.
Fattening, not really.
Weathering, no.
Thanks for the entertaining evening Swan. It was fun. We really enjoyed it.

Question #2. What is the weight of a leatherback turtle.
YES!!! You're a genius!!! An adult Leatherback weighs from 500 to 1500lbs. The heaviest weighed 2040lbs. it is said.
CONGRATULATIONS Doug, Tammy, and JJ! And you too Bob. Great fun.
Thank you for an enjoyable evening too...
Did you get JJs answer to question # 2?
Sorry we were typing at the same time. No one would go to bed before your answer.
STXBob, JJ guessed the leatherback right away but we were not thinking about anything living on earth so we didn't post that. When Swan said, Quite on the contrary I started looking at black holes. Not pressure or force but vacuume. Just about drove me crazy trying to beat hubby.
Thanks for the hint Swan to get us back on course.

STXBob, JJ guessed the leatherback right away but we were not thinking about anything living on earth so we didn't post that. When Swan said, Quite on the contrary I started looking at black holes. Not pressure or force but vacuume. Just about drove me crazy trying to beat hubby.
Thanks for the hint Swan to get us back on course.
You all did a wonderful job. I KNEW JJ would immediately figure out Answer2 - the Leatherback... I put that particular one in for him.:-) Great fun. Excellent JJ...

For our "ISSKIDS" : while ISS is currently on AM sighting times Have fun! 😀
Thank you! We so appreciate your posts and have a great time checking out the ISS!

Would anyone be interested in another round of "While ISS is on another schedule 'Jeopardy'?" 😀
#1 - ANSWER: Some visitors to the Caribbean whose brains are half alert, while the other half of the brain is completely out of commission for several hours a day.
#2 - ANSWER: 13.7 billion years old..
#3 - ANSWER: Contains a billion tons and has a velocity of several million mph..(results vary)
#4 - ANSWER: The most violent event in the universe.
#5 - ANSWER: 1.618:1
#6 - ANSWER: Created everything in the universe we live in; even you.
#7 - ANSWER: "Gravity Gone 'Mad'"
#8 - ANSWER: The point at which The Law of General Relativity, Quantum Theory, and Physics as we know it completely fall apart.
#9 - ANSWER: Was once named "Constitution."
#10 - This one is a QUESTION; You provide the ANSWER: "WHY?"
Have fun!
Swan 🙂
Quick guesses.
#1 What are intoxicated tourist?
#2 What is the universe
#3 What are cornal mass ejections
#4 What is an exploding star
#5 No idea
#6 Who is God
#7 What are black holes
#8 What is time travel
#9 What used to be USA Bill Of Rights
#10 Why am I still in the States. Answer: Working hard so I can return to St. Croix

Would anyone be interested in another round of "While ISS is on another schedule 'Jeopardy'?" 😀
#1 - ANSWER: Some visitors to the Caribbean whose brains are half alert, while the other half of the brain is completely out of commission for several hours a day.
#2 - ANSWER: 13.7 billion years old..
#3 - ANSWER: Contains a billion tons and has a velocity of several million mph..(results vary)
#4 - ANSWER: The most violent event in the universe.
#5 - ANSWER: 1.618:1
#6 - ANSWER: Created everything in the universe we live in; even you.
#7 - ANSWER: "Gravity Gone 'Mad'"
#8 - ANSWER: The point at which The Law of General Relativity, Quantum Theory, and Physics as we know it completely fall apart.
#9 - ANSWER: Was once named "Constitution."
#10 - This one is a QUESTION; You provide the ANSWER: "WHY?"
Have fun!
Swan 🙂
You have a couple Tam - We'll keep them a secret until later...btw, VERY FUNNY 😀 . Keep trying!
Thanks Swan, At the doc with J right now. Unexplained fever? I will try harder when I get home.
Ok, I should have answered #1 What is Tammys brain. The answer to #1 is What are dolphins? Whales too? Not sure.
#5 What is the golden ratio?

Ok, I should have answered #1 What is Tammys brain. The answer to #1 is What are dolphins? Whales too? Not sure.
Hang in there JJ- we're with you!
Tam, yes. Both dolphins and whales get their sleep by keeping half their brains awake while the other half sleeps. They do this because they must conscienciously breathe; they're breathing is not an automatic sympathetic response like ours and many other species on earth. While sleeping, they like to pair up and/ or move in groups for protection. Each half of their brains takes a turn at sleeping. Excellent!

Would anyone be interested in another round of "While ISS is on another schedule 'Jeopardy'?" 😀
#1 - ANSWER: Some visitors to the Caribbean whose brains are half alert, while the other half of the brain is completely out of commission for several hours a day.
#2 - ANSWER: 13.7 billion years old..
#3 - ANSWER: Contains a billion tons and has a velocity of several million mph..(results vary)
#4 - ANSWER: The most violent event in the universe.
#5 - ANSWER: 1.618:1
#6 - ANSWER: Created everything in the universe we live in; even you.
#7 - ANSWER: "Gravity Gone 'Mad'"
#8 - ANSWER: The point at which The Law of General Relativity, Quantum Theory, and Physics as we know it completely fall apart.
#9 - ANSWER: Was once named "Constitution."
#10 - This one is a QUESTION; You provide the ANSWER: "WHY?"
Have fun!
Swan 🙂
#1 - Whales and Dolphins
#2 - The age of our universe
#3 - Coronal Mass Ejections
#4 - Very CLOSE, but not quite
#6 - God , yes; there is also another theory
#7 - Black holes
Very good !
#4 What is core collapse - supernova explosions
#5 Big Bang Theory
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