Sounds like you are describing a star named 'Capella' although both 'Sirius' and 'Arcturus' exhibit that colorful flashing behavior too, if they are low on the horizon and shining through a refraction of the atmosphere.
Thank you for answering, Exit Zero. This 'star' is not low on the horizon, but when we're sitting in our deck chairs we have to tip our heads almost straight back to see it. (sorry for once again sounding illiterate) It never moves, but is very pretty blinking the colors. We thought it may be a satelitte. If I lived on St Croix I would love to learn about the stars and what's out there! It's too lit up where we live now, plus we'd have every mosquito in the area attached to us if we even attempted it.
That was awesome!
We saw the ISS on STT (At least, I saw a fast moving, high flying object thingie moving diagonally across the sky in the direction mentioned--or was that a UFO?) I got a good solid look before it got hidden in the clouds.
swans or others, any insight on the "Planets Align for the Perseid Meteor Shower - NASA Science" in relation to us here on STX??
thanks in advance

Good afternoon:
Venus, Saturn, Mars, and the moon should align in the Western sky after dark. The meteor showers are expected to continue from darkness, and increase in meteor numbers especially around midnight and throughout those early morning hours.
The showers MAY be more eventful in the Northern Hemisphere; but please forgive me if I am not accurate with this information - I'm not an expert on meteors. Someone else may be better able to help us out on your question, Aquaponics
thanks! if I'm up I'll be looking!!

Good day,
The ISS will be visible over the VIs on the following two evenings:
Sunday - Aug. 22nd.
Time: 8:07pm
A 3 minute run (36 degrees max. elevation - off center from overhead)
Arriving from the WSW and Departing to NNW (WSW to NNW)
Monday - Aug 23rd.
Time: 6:59pm
A 4 minute run (34 degrees max. elevation- off center from overhead)
Arriving from the S and Departing to ENE (South to ENE)
Reminder once again: Use a cellphone for the Exact time, because the ISS is EXACT. Give them a wave. The ISS will again appear as a non-blinking bright light gliding across the night sky. Hope it is a clear sky!

Good morning everyone:
The ISS will be visible over the VI on:
Friday (the 17th)
At exactly 7:23pm
A 3 minute run
Directly overhead
Arriving from the NW and Departing to the SSE (Northwest to South-southeast)
I hope it is a clear sky. Give them a wave!

In addition to the sighting of the ISS scheduled for Friday evening (in my previous post) NASA has announced a great sighting opportunity to see the planet Jupiter:
Jupiter will be the second brightest object in the sky - the moon will be the brightest- during the night of Sept. 20th-21st, especially around midnight, when it will be seen overhead in the night sky.
A telescope would be ideal for this event. Several moons -Callisto, Io, Ganymede, and Europa- may also be visible with the use of a telescope.
Also, the Great Red Spot will bump up against Red Spot Jr. (yup, there's a Jr.!)
The next opportunity Jupiter and Earth will be this close will occur in 2022.

Good afternoon:
Anyone up at 5 in the morning?
The ISS will be passing again over the VI on Tuesday morning -
Time: 5:10AM exactly
A 3 minute run
Almost overhead
Arriving at the WSW and Departing to the NNE (WSW - NNE)
Three astronauts just returned safely via the Russian Soyuz and three remain on board the Space Station. Give them a wave!
Thanks for the post ! I doubt if I'll be awake, but you never know 🙂

Good morning everyone,
The "best" sighting yet of the Space Station will occur tomorrow night over the VI.
Saturday - Oct. 23rd
Time: 6:32 pm
A 4 minute run
Arriving from the SW and Departing to the NE (SW to NE)
Path: Directly Overhead
Reminder: ISS will appear as a bright, non-blinking light as it glides across the sky above.
Also, for exact timing, use the cellphone clock - they are exact.
Give em' a wave! Hopefully, the sky will be clear!
It's almost time !
thank you! Our family enjoyed the show.
Very cool! Many thanks, Swan!

Clouds were hovering low on the SW horizion but after that it was a brilliant sight as it passed overhead going NE. Thanks Swan(tu)
Jumbie -STX
That was I N C R E D I B L E !!!!!! Thanks soooooo much Swan !!!!!

Good morning, Suzette:
Thank you for responding: Because you had some cloud covers to deal with during the past ISS sightings, I was SO hoping this one would make up for the others. Was she not absolutely BEAUTIFUL? I'm thrilled ISS didn't disappoint you and other followers.
Cheers, Swan
Oh ... It sure was the BEST !!! We went to dinner the other night and told everyone about it. They are all jealous and none of them know anything about this message board. I'll send them each an email on your next notification. Maybe we'll get half the island looking UP next time ! Thanks again !!!!!

Good day Everyone,
ISS will be making another spectacular pass over the VI's on:
Wednesday - the 17th
Time: Precisely @ 6:34pm (use the cellphone clock for timing)
Run time: 4 minutes
Path: Just about Overhead
Arriving from the NW and Departing to the SSE (NW to SSE) She will appear as a non-blinking, bright light gliding across the night sky.
"Give em' a wave!"
Some facts for the kids of all ages:
ISS is moving at approx. 17,500 MPH
It is approx. 220 Miles High
ISS currently weighs approx. 830,000 lbs.
She can fit over a football field: 357.5 Ft. Wide; 167.3 Ft. Length; 66 Ft. Height
ISS orbits the earth every 91 minutes
Six crew are currently on board.
Enjoy! Swan

Maybe the leonid meteor shower too.
What about it Swans? Leonids? I can't seem to find anything that tells me whether they will be visable (and at what time) at our latitude.

Good night, rhstoo
Re: Leonids will be best seen after midnight tonight and into pre-dawn hours AFTER the moon sets. Moon can be the problem before then.
Enjoy ISS and Leonids!
Thanks, Swan PS: Check the eastern sky....
Thanks, Swan. We're on our way to the deck to look for the ISS!
Standing outside ... Waiting
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