Innovative DVR?
Call me technologically challenged, at least in the area of TVs ;), but someone said that Innovative has cable boxes now that record shows like everyone in the states has had for eons. Is this true? Anyone have any experience?
It's true! We have one, and it works great. It only costs an extra $15 a month plus however many hours you have to wait at Innovative until they call your name. 😀
We have the Innovative box and a Tivo. Tivo is not too surprisingly quite a bit better but Innovative's box works fairly well and is functional (just doesn't have quite as clean an interface a fewer features but at least it works.)
So that means I could watch "The Good Wife" at a decent hour in the winter??*-)
"A clean interface"??
It's true! We have an Innovative box and can now DVR our favorite shows and fast forward through the annoying commercials! Few bucks more a month, but worth it.
DVR from Innovative $15
DVR from Dish with 50 FREE HD channels $6
Am I understanding this right? You have to pay $15 per month to have the Innovative DVR?
Yes, but you're paying $9 for the box you have now. And the new box has free HD as well. Seems to be pretty unlimited in how much it records. Records whole series for you. It's wonderful.
I don't pay for my dvr - I have dish. The add-on fees from Innovative was one of the reasons I switched to Dish. I think Innovative is a rip off. Do stateside cable companies charge a fee like that for dvr?

I don't pay for my dvr - I have dish. The add-on fees from Innovative was one of the reasons I switched to Dish. I think Innovative is a rip off. Do stateside cable companies charge a fee like that for dvr?
You get one receiver included in your monthly fee. After the first one you are charged $7/receiver. You are also charged $6/dvr for every dvr.
This means that if you have two receivers with built-in dvr, you are paying $6 for the first one and $13 for the second one.
Not switching to Dish. Not a big TV person, but sometimes it would be nice to see stuff when I want to, not when the cable company wants me to.;) Especially in the winter when everything is on so late!:-o
I don't pay for my dvr - I have dish. The add-on fees from Innovative was one of the reasons I switched to Dish. I think Innovative is a rip off. Do stateside cable companies charge a fee like that for dvr?
You get one receiver included in your monthly fee. After the first one you are charged $7/receiver. You are also charged $6/dvr for every dvr.
This means that if you have two receivers with built-in dvr, you are paying $6 for the first one and $13 for the second one.
First DVR with Dish is $6 a month and it runs 2 tvs Each TV after 2 costs $5 a month is SD or $7 a month for HD. 2nd DVR adds $3
The next Dishnetwork DVR which is still a concept due out 4th quarter of 2011 will be a 3 tuner that delivers HD and DVR to 3 tvs:D
The current Dishnetwork DVRs will be able to send HD to the second TV with a Sling Extender and your home network. Even wirelessly!! The Sling Extender should be available around the same time.
Dish acquired Blockbuster Video a few weeks ago and will be offering 100,000 movies on demand through your Dish receiver.
Available now:
TV Everywhere only with Dishnetwork and It's FREE Watch DVR or LIVE tv on any computer, tablet, or smart phone. Anywhere in the world! Even at work. 😉
Have you heard of Google TV? When you search a subject with it hooked to your TV and Dish receiver it will search your guide, DVR, and the internet for your content. Type in a show or movie and it searches and can play content from Netflix, Hulu, Youtube, BlockBuster, etc............ Very cool!!! And you can browse the internet at the same time. Very easy plug and play HDMI interface.
Tons of HD content at your fingertips.
Stay tuned and whatever you do don't settle for less or pay more than you should. Innovative doesn't even come close to comparing to Dish!!!
FYI Dish also acquired Hughesnet last month and with an early 2012 launch should be offering 5Mbps service after that with a much larger FAP.
Are you kidding? Every cable company has bizarre fees even dish. For a couple of dollars extra I know have a unlimited dvr. Not a fee I can ever imagine anyone being mad about. You have to pay more for the dish dvr too and I remember it from stateside.
No such thing as an unlimited hard drive.
Dish 722 has 350 hrs SD and 55hrs HD capacity expandable with an external hard drive. The 922 has a Terabit of storage.
Nervous much?
Not nervous. Excited!!:@)

This is my dish statement for this month. I have 4 receivers. A 612 receiver/dvr, two 211 receivers and an old model 1000 receiver. I have removed the premium movie package starting next month.
Monthly Charges
May 08 - Jun 07
HD Solo Receiver 14.00 (For the 2 x 211 receivers)
America's Top 250 PR/VI 64.99
PBS Network 2.00
5 Superstations 7.00
HBO, Max, Sho, Starz PR/VI 42.00
Solo Receiver 7.00 (For the Model 1000 receiver)
DVR Service 6.00 (DVR fee for the 612 receiver/dvr the receiver is included in the base package)
HD 250 Free PR/VI 0.00
They are charging me $7/month for the Model 1000 SD receiver not $5.
These are all owned receivers, not rental.
How does that TV Everywhere work on an airplane? Or at Cane Bay on the beach? Slingboxes are great but they do have limitations. Try slinging HD TV anywhere off of your LAN.
I didn't know Innovative had dvr now. This is great news.
About a month ago I was thinking about going to dish just for the dvr. The only thing that stopped me was that I heard that I would have to buy the dish and maintain it. The thought of breaking down a dish and storing it during hurricanes sounded like a pain in the @ss.
I'm getting up early today to go to innovative and see what they have.
A pain in the ass? The current 32" dish weighs less than 25 lbs, You need 2 wrenches1/2" and 7/16". Mark the dish location on the pole before you release the bolts. Release 2 1/2" bolts, undo the cable, lift and store.
There may be a protected place on your property where a dish would not need to be removed for hurricanes.
The first location I look for when I do a site survey. is a "never move" spot. The least desirable location is"on the roof"
Sloop says..."a pain in the ass? The current 32" dish weighs less than 25 lbs, You need 2 wrenches1/2" and 7/16". Mark the dish location on the pole before you release the bolts. Release 2 1/2 bolts, undo..."sorry stop!!!, sounds like a pain in the ass to me, especially if I gotta buy the dish out right!! When a hurricane is a comin', last thing I want to worry about is the dish...especially if it turns out to be my only news.
Much easier to rent a dvr box that I don't have to buy and doesn't have to be broken down and stored in a storm.
I have to say, the biggest price for Innovative dvr was the 45 minute wait to see a representative, which is a show upon itself!!! But in the end the dvr has been a god send!!
I wish the best of luck to dish. Competition will create better quality.
A little advice to the dish people...consider to rent the dish, provide stateside maintenance and provide insured maintenance for storms. Also, I don't want to have to put another hole in my house!!!
One of the many advantages to Dish is the fact that minutes after the storm passes you'll have your news while people with Innovative wait for the lines to be re-strung. Buy the dish outright?? Who have you been talking to? Everything is now leased to you by Dish with credit approval.
Stateside maintenance?? We've been told we exceed "Stateside" service response times. Insured maintenance after storms? Just call and we come to repoint or repair.
The new small dish can literally be taken down and put back up in less than 5 minutes with no special training or tools.
Get the facts!
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