So Tommy...You've been here, what, a month? Where is your report on settling in? Inquiring minds want to know!;)
the report on settling in is pretty easy.
rum is cheap
be nice to everyone, they will be nice back
be patient, things can be slower
drive like a wild man sometimes, drive like an old lady at others
be persistent and smile, you will find a job quickly if you keep trying
wapa sucks, use candles
swim in the ocean every morning with your dog, it cures hangovers quicker than painkillers
bush rum (mama wanna)? gets you wasted
if i had a dollar for every flat tire ive gotten, i would be rich
and the best of all, an island quote "beer is for hydration, rum is to get drunk. if you have no problem with no-one, you can drink anytime you want"
i moved to stx, on my 3rd day on island i bought a car, 5th day on island i got hired working full time. one thing i have learned is that moving to st. croix really is possible. just work hard, plan a lot, but also follow your dream, thicken up your wallet, and you will find your way. and most important of all, crack many bottles of rum, happy new year everyone
I'd be careful of the alcohol consumption. It can overtake you pretty quick.
Hi my name is Trey Whitchard. Im going to be moving there to st croix in the next month or so. Im kind of a spur of the moment type person but im trying to get a little more information before i do. The plan is for me to move on down and get settled before my wife and daughter joins me in a few months. ive never been there and was wondering if you might have some insight or advice before i leave, especially regarding basic $$$ needed and in regards to my dog, shes a very well behaved great dane named Ellie Mae. that you.
drive like a wild man sometimes, drive like an old lady at others
Love this one. LOL.
Good advice from Linda J.....dang I hate when she's right:D,,,,,,,,,tommyb..When you find drinking( with the iguanas/or your dog) is more fun than people or yourself ..you may have a problem:-o
...rum is cheap...bush rum (mama wanna)? gets you wasted... an island quote "beer is for hydration, rum is to get drunk. if you have no problem with no-one, you can drink anytime you want"... and most important of all, crack many bottles of rum, happy new year everyone
tommy b: The number for AA is 776-5283.
sorry i like rum. whoops! well thats it, i'm moving back tomorrow
People often enjoy rum when they first move here. You have to be careful.

Somebody please put this thread out of its misery. Poor Tommy starts with a post about cute iguanas and ends up being scolded for liking rum. Sheesh!
Really????? The guys post started out okay then slipped into his love of drinking...Reading between the lines sometimes helps turn on a light bulb.Isn't it always what people say after the fact......"oh I never said anything to him...."gosh I didn't see that coming" oh I didn't know they had a drug problem"......... cause your eyeballs can't see...you don't listen...and you don't have the guts to say anything......so check yourself next time before you defend a potential cliff someones climbing....bottoms up all you teetotalers:S
thanks bathiel!
now hold on, i just finished my first 1.75L of dark cruzan for the day so its hard to type. i often find a lot of negativity on this website, and it seems completely out of touch with the island. also it seems anything a person writes on here is taken very seriously, no jokes!
my major question is a lot of people seem very worried about me drinking some rum and talking about it, but what about the other 45,000 people i see drinking ALL DAY on street corners, local bars (which are on every street corner), and basically anywhere you go on stx?? instead of being worried about a successful young guy, with a wife and dog, who supports his family and has a couple cocktails whenever he wants, maybe some of you should shut down your computers and go help out your local community that might have a severe problem with booze.
on that note i have finished my second 1.75L of dark cruzan for the day. almost a gallon!!
hahaha. Rum! This board is very critical, as it is helpful. Drinking the rum helps the island. Everywhere I look, people are always drinking, day and night. If I didn't come from a similar place, I would be a mess. I got drunk early yesterday intentionally, because I've worked doubles all week and wanted to get some sleep. Now, Jouvert is happening under my window so I'm up.
...beer is for hydration, rum is to get drunk...
Nice one. Apt and accurate.No wonder my cooler weighs more than my golf bag. 😎

Rum is good,
Cruzan dark is best
Tommy mon, just enjoy.
And when consuming your favorite beverage don't forget to drink it out of a good-to-go reusable cup... 😎
Somebody please put this thread out of its misery. Poor Tommy starts with a post about cute iguanas and ends up being scolded for liking rum. Sheesh!
I had a bunch of neat iguana stories to add to the mix but I'll just roll them out some other time as they're not going anywhere!

Somebody please put this thread out of its misery. Poor Tommy starts with a post about cute iguanas and ends up being scolded for liking rum. Sheesh!
I had a bunch of neat iguana stories to add to the mix but I'll just roll them out some other time as they're not going anywhere!
OldTart, I would love to read your stories about the little critters. Will you share them? 😀
...rum is cheap...bush rum (mama wanna)? gets you wasted... an island quote "beer is for hydration, rum is to get drunk. if you have no problem with no-one, you can drink anytime you want"... and most important of all, crack many bottles of rum, happy new year everyone
tommy b: The number for AA is 776-5283.
EAST BENDER: thanks so much for the number, i am way too drunk to read the phone book! also, i really wanted to say thank you for making this thread have such great discussion, my website hits are just cruising, YA MON!
my website hits are just cruising, YA MON!
I had a feeling about your intentions from the start. Good luck to you.
I think he's in the denial phase.....poor guy...best of luck What corner or gutter in town do you think you can reserve for future use?,Most of the bums have already marked their territory..,,,,,,,I'm sure you can handle your liquor ....just ask any drunk the same question and they'll say the same thing:-(
As the great George Thorogood said, "When I drink alone, I prefer to by myself...or with iguanas."
Or maybe that was the remix.
A wise man, that old George.
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