A simple audit program at the end of each batch cycle would alert them before they sent errant bills out and wasted the paper and postage. I could write it in a day. But they'd have to pay me up front. 🙂
An audit program? In the VI? You're joking right?
Ha Ha! Yep, sort of. A girl can dream . . .
Oh boy... $65 bill this month. What a s-show.
Oh boy... $65 bill this month. What a s-show.
Billdate #days #KWH/day... #kwh for bill
12/2016 29 1.52 44.00 <-- LOL?
11/2016 34 38.44 1,307.00
10/2016 25 27.12 678.00
09/2016 37 43.62 1,614.00
wapa has to be as inept as any government program in the world

For 2 months in a row now, the smart meter at our condo in La Grande Princesse shows avg daily usage of .7 kwh /day instead of the 1.7 kwh a day it did for several months after we shut it down in April. The less than 1 kwh /day usage is what it used to be before the smart (aka dumb), meter was installed.
wapa has to be as inept as any government program in the world
They really are inept 100%. My power got shut off today. I thought it was an outage as we've had them every day for a week now. So I called and they shut it off because they forgot to adjust for last month when I went in to fix the overage estimate. So I had a balance from last month even though I didn't. They did get it on within the hour at least. :-X
what a farce wapa is
"They really are inept 100%. My power got shut off today. I thought it was an outage as we've had them every day for a week now. So I called and they shut it off because they forgot to adjust for last month when I went in to fix the overage estimate. So I had a balance from last month even though I didn't. They did get it on within the hour at least"
Yet the Government is how far behind on payments and they all have power?????

Quote from stxsailor :Yet the Government is how far behind on payments and they all have power????? -- This is the biggest reason why the government should not own the power company.
When an outside power company from the U.S. made a proposal to buy / takeover WAPA many years ago, they were run out of "Dodge" by the legislature and WAPA whose "good ole boy" networks would have been eliminated and many WAPA administrative jobs eliminated.
So true, Jumbie.
WAPA is off again here in my location after going off last nite for a short time. Don't know if it's just my location or encompasses a wider scope.
Dear Santa,
Please bring us uninterrupted electrical service for the rest of the holiday season and throughout the new year!
Merry Christmas, y'all!
This is just a heads up for whoever might be interested:
We moved from one rental home to another and paid our final bill at the old house, but WAPA wouldn't "close" the account (we had to open a new account for the new house). Six months later we received our "close-out" bill for the old house, for over $800. They explained that for the last six months we were in the previous house they had been estimating.
A WAPA insider-friend gave us all our data and we indeed owed $800, but it sure would have been nice to know how much electricity we were using monthly so we could have made adjustments to our usage.
A WAPA insider-friend gave us all our data and we indeed owed $800, but it sure would have been nice to know how much electricity we were using monthly so we could have made adjustments to our usage.
This just gets back to read your own meter, compare it to your bill, compare it to the readings on the WAPA web site consumptions history page for your meter.
Curious. I have net metering and December was the first bill with no net metering credits. Is this normal for the end of the year? Someone with net metering, can you explain the process? Are the credits on a rolling 12 month basis or do they expire at the end of the year. Thanks.
Curious. I have net metering and December was the first bill with no net metering credits. Is this normal for the end of the year? Someone with net metering, can you explain the process? Are the credits on a rolling 12 month basis or do they expire at the end of the year. Thanks.
Curious. I have net metering and December was the first bill with no net metering credits. Is this normal for the end of the year? Someone with net metering, can you explain the process? Are the credits on a rolling 12 month basis or do they expire at the end of the year. Thanks.
Anybody try to pay their WAPA bill online since they "upgraded" their web site recently?
I've been trying to pay the bill online and it keeps coming back payment denied. My bank says they haven't even tried to put the payment through. Gee, why should this be a surprise.

WAPA management and administrative is useless. I went through their new web site to register a valid e-mail address. So after getting e-mail back from WAPA, clicked the link to validate new user id -- their new web site won't even let me logon.
So why they had to go and screw up everything when the old web site worked just fine is why WAPA is screwing us over.
Same here. Did the new registration/new password, then tried to log in and it said invalid password. Went through the password reset non-sense, set password to same as before, tried to log in again, invalid password. Tried to log in again, that time it worked. Then I got the payment denied non-sense.
This morning I try logging in again, invalid password. Try again, this time it's OK. Retried the payment with the same card, invalid card number. Retried again, same card info, this time payment finally went through.
I tried to look at my consumption report, it says I have "non-metered" service so there is no consumption report. Yeah, right. What BS. Look at the billing history, it shows the read date, which it did not with the old web site plus the meter number, days, and consumption. Old consumption report showed everything on one screen for all prior bills. But the old consumption report showed the "actual" read date and did not update for estimated readings whereas the billing statements show a read date whether it's estimated or not with no indication of which.
Probably another example of having to meet some schedule before everything is fully baked and incompetent WAPA has no clue how to implement a new IT project and test it before rolling it out.

Well I finally got logged in on their new website after re-setting my password. The user id wants to default to my cell phone number so I have to manually enter our e-mail address. While I was on the site they WAPA, took it off line for maintenance. You cannot make this s--t up!
I had problems registering on the new website with my phone. I used my computer, no problems.
I had no problems signing in, paying with credit card, etc.
I don't like the new website!
It seems once you pay your bill you can't check your consumption, billing history, etc. I have to log out then log in again or look at those before I pay my bill.
Yes I have also been trying to pay online for 2 days. No luck. Called today but after 15 minutes on hold I gave up.
Had problems with password resets also, finally payment went through.
It seems once you pay your bill you can't check your consumption, billing history, etc. I have to log out then log in again or look at those before I pay my bill.
I was able to check billing history after putting through the payment. Consumption was empty as previously noted. I just tried logging in again, first try it said password no good, try again with same password and then OK. Still no consumption history.
Nooooo not Wapa. Wapa has been nothing but good to folks*-)
Anyone else noticing more outages recently? we seem to have a couple a day, not everyday more more often.
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