I really miss my Hovensa
It seems like the major concern I heard today is that gas prices will go up and crime rates will follow. I really miss my Hovensa
It seems like the major concern I heard today is that gas prices will go up and crime rates will follow. I really miss my Hovensa
I find it highly insulting that people think that we former employees-to-be of Hovensa are a bunch of latent criminals about to be set loose upon the community.
We are hard working people who put in 10 to 16 hours a day for decades, laboring through the night while you hang out at the clubs and party.
We put our kids through school and college. We paid taxes, went to church, shopped alongside you..we are YOUR NEIGHBORS and we need support now, not a whole bunch of fear-mongering.
STFU with the insults about how we will suddenly become criminals because Hovensa is closing....we will have very generous severance packages, we won't need to break into your house and steal your cheap ass Chinese crap.
I think the people fearing a crime wave are not fearing it from Hovensa employees, past and present, but from the most socioeconomically disadvantaged sector of society, those with the least resource and fewest tools to deal with the likely increased cost of living. Sorry if you felt singled out. I don't think anyone is afraid you or your co-workers past and present are about to embark on a crime spree. I seriously feel for the situation on STX right now, and hope for the very best outcome of such a poor hand dealt to the islanders there lately.
I think the people fearing a crime wave are not fearing it from Hovensa employees, past and present, but from the most socioeconomically disadvantaged sector of society, those with the least resource and fewest tools to deal with the likely increased cost of living. Sorry if you felt singled out. I don't think anyone is afraid you or your co-workers past and present are about to embark on a crime spree. I seriously feel for the situation on STX right now, and hope for the very best outcome of such a poor hand dealt to the islanders there lately.
Justaminute....The fear is that all the hard working, tax paying, good neighbor, kids-in school, educated, skilled, contributing, social back-bone former Hovensa folks will pack-up their families and find a new life off island.
Justaminute....The fear is that all the hard working, tax paying, good neighbor, kids-in school, educated, skilled, contributing, social back-bone former Hovensa folks will pack-up their families and find a new life off island.
Reality check...the US economy is not doing well, and the reality is that the unemployment rate for Black people is twice what it is for White people (yes, race counts...).
Good luck finding a new life in China, India, or the other places the politicians and bankers shipped the middle class jobs off to...you can try the Middle East, but, again, they are notoriously racist towards Black people.
Welcome to the global economy.
Jah, my friend, With education and skills the employmnet stats for people of color (especially blacks) have greatly improved over past 20 years. Basically a non-issue in most professions in metro areas. I bet your kids have good jobs!
I'm really looking forward to seeing this island rebound. The very best years of my life have been on St. Croix immediately after a major hurricane when the histrionic-nervous-nelly-scared-of-blacks-"this-place-sucks" people bail out of here on the first available flight. Those who choose to stay, whether they're from here or not, are the kindest, most helpful, level-headed, community-oriented people I have ever had the pleasure of living among. THOSE are the people who make this place special.
I agree with SunnyCaribe. There are a lot of wonderful people on island who I am very happy to have as friends and neighbors.
I am relatively new, but my partner has been here 7 years and knows how things are. I've moved here with my eyes wide open.
We create our own realities with our thoughts, voices, and actions. All the fear and speculation about the end of STX isn't helping anything. No it isn't a fairy tale but it isn't the end either. Pulling together as a community will help much more than spreading negativity.
I'm happy to be here and plan to stay - by choice. Count me in as part of the group finding a future, not an ending.
Amen JulieKay and count me in on that team too!
I'm going to really miss American Airlines. I was hoping to be based in San Juan and see my wife on my STX layovers.
Apparently, without cheap Carib fuel, AMR's bankruptcy trustee doesn't see a competitive future for them in the Caribbean.
The current new hire class is no longer seeing San Juan on the list as a base assignment option. Lowest seniority flightcrew will now be starting in Dallas instead of TJSJ.
are the kindest, most helpful, level-headed, community-oriented people I have ever had the pleasure of living among. THOSE are the people who make this place special.
i agree, very well said.
ya mon
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