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I need a place to rent in St. Croix

Posts: 3
New Member
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Dear all:
I am a Senior at the University of Northern Iowa, and have been accepted by the St. Croix Country Day School to do my student teaching there in August-Ocotober for 8 weeks. I am very excited and proud to represent my school and state in the VI.
I have never been to the islands, but I am an adventureous and open person so I think I can adapt rather quickly.
I have been using this message board quite extensively in the past few weeks and appreciate all the helpful information that has been posted already.
I am in need of a room or small apartment to rent for my tenure (approx. August 10-October 15) at the St. Croix Country Day School. I will not have a car so proximity to the school will be an issue. (I could use a good walk anyway!)
I have been in contact with some people about renting in St. Croix, but they are not able to give me a concrete answer yet so I am examining all of my options. If you, or someone you know would be able to help me out, I would be extremely appreciative. Arranging student teaching preparatory materials is one large task of its own, but getting housing arrangements, flights, etc. is quite another.
I understand I have a lot of wants/needs, but I would hope their are people out their who have been at this transitional period of their careers, that would identify with me and help me out. I thank you all very much, and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to e-mail me.

Posted : May 20, 2004 9:00 am
Posts: 3030

Hello Chad,

Congrats on the position at Country Day!! Have you asked your contacts at the school whether they have suggestions for properties close by, perhaps another teacher has a home with an apartment?


Posted : May 23, 2004 2:37 am
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