How's TS Dorian tre...
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How's TS Dorian treating everyone so far?

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Hope everyone will be safe and sound.

I opted not to do a full on boarding up of my house on STT.

Of course WAPA (WITHOUT ANY POWER AGAIN!) decided to go offline early this morning in STT/STJ districts having nothing to do with anything storm

District wide:
A major electrical service interruption related to generation capacity at the Randolph Harley Power Plant has resulted in a district wide outage. The problems initially affected a few feeders but later escalated to a major service interruption. Plant personnel are working to rebuild capacity at the plant in order to restore service to all affected customers. Estimated restoration timeline is 10 a.m. Today's service interruption is not storm related and is a result of a complete loss of generation capacity at the power plant.

This is from earlier:

Customers on St. Thomas Feeders 6A, 7C, 8B, 9C and on St. John Feeder 7E are experiencing an electrical service interruption related to generation capacity at the Harley Power Plant. Plant personnel are working to rebuild capacity and restore service to all affected customers.

Let us know how thing are going!

Posted : August 28, 2019 10:24 am
Ansen reacted
Posts: 3030

Hi Alana, raining fairly gently but consistently on northside of St. Thomas, no wind to speak of. Power came back on at 10am as WAPA estimated.  

On a side note, the weather is triggering memories and ill feelings tied to experiences during Irma.  

Posted : August 28, 2019 11:29 am
Alana33 and Ansen reacted
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Thanks, Islander.

My tenant said, so far so good but lots of last minute shopping and gas lines this AM before curfew went into effect at noon until 6AM tomorrow.

Darned thing moved a lot closer to STX  than anticipated and is now trying to develop an eyewall. Schupps!

Guess I'll be watching Dorian for awhile since I'm in FL.

Here's latest from WAPA:

The St. Thomas St. John District has been fully re-energized follow a district-wide service interruption this morning. 
On St. Croix, four feeders 1A, 2A, 9A, 10A are experiencing a service interruption. Until the weather conditions subside and it is safe to deploy crews, customers on these four feeders will continue to experience a service interruption. To report a service interruption on St. Thomas, St. John, Water Island or Hassel Island, call 340-774-3552, select option 4. On St. Croix, call 340-773-2250, select option 4.
Posted : August 28, 2019 12:52 pm
Ansen reacted
Posts: 3030

Northside, St. Thomas: Winds have picked up a lot. Peeked out of a window, some small trees have snapped. Rain continues. Power is out. 

Posted : August 28, 2019 2:08 pm
Ansen reacted
Posts: 1016
Noble Member

Dorian definitely took a detour to STX. Original track was well south of us, but I’m most certain the eye passed over the east-end a few hours ago. During the lull I closed up a few more shutters. With original reports of less than 30mph, I only closed up one. WAPA dropped out around 10:30 here, still out at 2:30.

Just got an Emergency Alert a few minutes ago for STT. 80 mph winds with gust of 111mph. 

Posted : August 28, 2019 2:32 pm
Alana33 reacted
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It’s no longer a Tropical Storm, it’s now an intensifying hurricane headed for FLA.

Hang on Alana33!

Posted : August 28, 2019 2:36 pm
Alana33 reacted
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Cat 1, blowing like stink and heavy rains.

It's right over STT!

Certainly didn't expect this, at ALL.


Posted : August 28, 2019 3:31 pm
Ansen reacted
Posts: 521
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I am @Sugar Beach, and it went past east of us. We did get some moderate winds and some rain. 

I am not too far from the power plant and I don't hear any noise. It is probably about 1/8 of a mile only from the apartment.

I did follow the storm as much as I could and I noticed the eye north of us and headed to STT at around 1:30pm.  

Posted : August 28, 2019 3:38 pm
Ansen reacted
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Yeah, singlefin!

I'm sure I'll be watching Dorian for awhile yet since now the weather news is saying it plans to visit FL.

People up here really don't prepare and majority of gas stations and grocery stores close since they don't have generators. Can't get ice, once stores close and everything closes.

After Irma, up here, no power for 10 days in my location.

It's not like you can open a window for any breeze!

I was dying even tho I had battery operated fans!

Finally, took my dog, remaining groceries and went to my sister's house until power was back at mine. I now own a large propane generator with auto transfer.


Posted : August 28, 2019 3:41 pm
Ansen reacted
Posts: 1016
Noble Member

That’s something else Rowdy802.

I’m probably not more than 8 miles east of you, we had fairly substantial winds out of the north before the lull I spoke of earlier. It only lasted about an hour and a half though. Lots of rain!

One positive, the sea is looking good for surfing!

Posted : August 28, 2019 5:17 pm
Alana33 reacted
Posts: 3030

Northside, St Thomas. Still drizzling. A few big mature trees went down, didn’t expect it since winds didn’t seem all that strong where I’m at, but obviously they were. No power. 

Interesting about the two nearby spots in St Croix having very different amounts of wind.

Alana, be safe in FL.

Posted : August 28, 2019 5:34 pm
Alana33 reacted
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Thanks Islander!

All okay at home in Dorothea for which I'm extremely grateful!

Dorian took us by surprise intensifying and last minute course change! No one I know boarded up!

Tons of leaf litter and a downed tree across road that neighbors and my tenant were chain-sawing and removed.

Power out in STT location. 

Fingers crossed for FL.

Shopped today. Will gas up tomorrow.

Pretty much do same thing up here as in STT in terms off prepping early and being as prepared as I can.

All the best to all of you.


Posted : August 28, 2019 7:07 pm
Posts: 521
Honorable Member

Singlefin, yes, it was weird, but the storm was so compact. At one point it was shown going right over us, latter on I saw the actual path it took was east of downtown C'sted.

Power got restored at "condo row" @ around 6:45PM. 

I never had to fully close the storm shutters that this 3rd floor apartment has at the balcony. 

Posted : August 28, 2019 7:36 pm
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It was just a rainy day with some gusty winds on the south shore east end of STX where I live. The power was out when I got home from work at noon so I had a beer and took a nap hoping WAPA would come back by the time I woke up. When I woke up at 5 pm, still no WAPA so I put on the generator and made some dinner.

Overall, it wasn't too bad and about what I had expected having not prepared in any meaningful way except to ensure the generator was gassed up and battery charged for starting.

Posted : August 29, 2019 8:07 am
Posts: 8873
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the storm wasnt bad at all in christiansted. the power being out, big drag 

Posted : August 29, 2019 2:25 pm
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STX didn't get it like STT did.

Y'all lucked out!

We got ambushed!

Glad it wasn't more serious.

Scary being unprepared

You know those new WAPA composite poles that were supposed to withstand 200 mph winds, They don't! A few on north side snapped off at their bases. Hope we get our money back for dem ting!

Power still out many locations in STT.

Ports and Airports reopened.

Posted : August 29, 2019 2:32 pm
Posts: 1016
Noble Member

Composite poles snapped with a catagory 1? Watching them go up, I often wondered, if one did come down, how would you cut through it? After Maria, when the old wood poles came down everywhere, at least you could chainsaw your way to town.

Posted : August 29, 2019 2:43 pm
Exit Zero
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i set my alarm to read the 5am NHC update and then satellite imagery  - so I knew it was serious and coming close or worse. Totally shuttered house, did full prep inside and weathered it well. Quite a blowing event and very rainy, lost some trees, had no power until 715 Thurs,[still hoping it stays on], ran generator this morning and earlier tonight, had solar lights brought inside, [work great, best buy ever!]

Not being aware of the storm yesterday and preparing accordingly was not a good plan. Short notice I agree, but it is Hurricane season.

Posted : August 29, 2019 7:55 pm
Alana33 reacted
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Well, you can't cut thru them with a chainsaw.

You need heavy equipment to move.

I was surprised to see the video of 2 of them down, snapped clean thru at the base. There wasn't that much wind to bring down a 200 mph rated pole.

Posted : August 29, 2019 8:32 pm
Posts: 1072
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Reports from a friend on St. John who was near one of the downed poles were that a large tree fell on the support wires that were holding the pole in place and that is what put the pressure on the pole to snap.  I never really thought about not being able to cut through the new pole if they fall.  That would mean it would take a LOT longer to clear the roads if a bunch fell down.  After Irma, my whole road only had 4 poles still somewhat standing.  The other 40 were completely down or snapped somewhere along their length.  

Posted : August 30, 2019 4:42 am
Posts: 1016
Noble Member

As per The Source today:

One of the territory’s new composite poles, supposed to be capable of withstanding 200 mile per hour winds, was toppled during Hurricane Dorian, but not by wind, and it did not break, Water and Power Authority spokesman Jean Greaux confirmed during a news conference with Gov. Albert Bryan on Friday.

The poles are much more expensive than traditional wooden poles but, with federal permission and funding, WAPA has been installing them territory-wide, in an effort to make the power grid more resilient in the face of increasing numbers of severe storms. WAPA is putting up more than 7,060 such poles and has already put up more than 1,300.

Reports that a pole had gone down on St. John raised concerns about their actual resilience, in light of their higher cost.

“We had a failure of one of the composite poles and we are looking into why that happened,” Greaux said.

Posted : August 30, 2019 9:40 pm
Posts: 1016
Noble Member

Continued from The Source:

He said their preliminary investigation found a large tree came down and toppled the pole.

“It was not impacted by winds and was not broken. It was toppled and the weight of the tree actually brought the structure down,” Greaux said.

The poles have a 40 year warranty, WAPA previously reported.

Posted : August 30, 2019 9:42 pm
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No Shit! (Excuse the language.)

It boggles my mind that we pay consistently more for failure.

My house on STT, feeder 6A still has no power.

Of course, FL is in a complete melt down mode.


Posted : August 30, 2019 11:44 pm
Posts: 5
Active Member

Hi Alana, raining fairly gently but consistently on northside of St. Thomas, no wind to speak of. Power came back on at 10am as WAPA estimated.  

On a side note, the weather is triggering memories and ill feelings tied to experiences during Irma.  

Posted : September 9, 2019 9:26 am
Alana33 reacted
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