How serious is the crime problem on STT or STX?
Hi All,
I am thinking of relocating to the USVI and would greatly appreciate your help. After reading a few guidebooks and plenty of helpful posts on this board, I have a few concerns about crime on STT and STX. I have read (in relocation and tourist guides) that violent crime is not a big problem as long as you used your common sense. These books gave me the impression that if you avoided dark alleys at night and other potentially dangerous situations you would be fine.
However, after reading some of the posts on this board, I get the feeling that violent crime is becoming a very serious problem (the 8pm armed robbery of a busy restaurant is horrifying) and that police responsiveness is not improving (as in the stolen electronics case). I would appreciate any comments or answers to any of the following questions.
1) Who are the primary victims of this crime?
2) How common are break ins? Does alarming your house or getting a dog make a difference?
3) Is there a difference between the crime on STT and STX?
Thanks for all the help!
You don't have to worry, Linda from Michigan is on the islands now and crime should disappear shortly.*-)
I have been reading the posts for a couple of weeks so I think I understand that was some sort of inside joke, but a valid answer from anyone would be helpful. My impression is that just like here nothing good happens after midnight,but is Linda from Michigan an all seeing all knowing crime fighter or are you just being silly?
LIZARD! Shame on you. :@)
Seriously, whenever this topic comes up, as it often does, I start to notice the headlines in the states...gunman walks into fast food restaurant and opens fire, 5 year old abducted, found raped and murdered, family of 3 found dead and estranged husband commits suicide., etc., etc.,etc. That kind of thing doesn't happen here (knock wood!!!), or at least only once in a very blue moon. Please do not let the crime rate stop you from moving here.
Drug on drug, gangsta on gangsta, lots of car break-ins at deserted beaches and hold ups in downtown at 3:00 in the morning. By all means get a dog. Adopt from our very over-crowded shelter. STX vs STT...6 of one, half dozen of another.
Here is a tip for all of you crime stoppers on island. Most people,myself not included, have vehicle alarms with a small red emergency buttons on their key fobs. Those of you who read this in the future,now is the time to pay attention. Do not go to bed tonight and leave your car keys on the kitchen counter or on the hanging key racks. We are after all creatures of habit,so start a new one tonight !!!!!! Take your car keys to bed tonight,well you don't have to sleep with them and they may just give you a warm fuzzy being on your beside table.
That little red emergency button will set your car alarm off from almost anywhere inside your home. Lights flashing and the horn honking can in most cases be a very good deterrent to stop some piece of SH## from trying to invade your home while you sleep. The alarm will not stop going off until you either rearm it or the battery goes dead in your vehicle.
To any crooks who may read this board,I'M still coming to your island. I hope to meet a few of you message board posters in Feb while we are there. I hope this helps someone sleep a little better tonight.

We have big city crime in a small town environment. If you are street wise, you won't likely have a problem. 98% of the time you are as safe as you would be anywhere. Break-ins are fairly frequent in some areas and many do take precautions against this kind of hooliganism. Most people here either have been a victim of crime or know someone who has been. Recently someone broke in to our neighbors house and two days ago when the alarm went off in our landlord's part of the house, the police did show up (after I had made two sweeps around the grounds and seen nothing.)
As far as the police are concerned, you have to remember that most of them have family here and they are not likely to arrest their cousin. They are hindered by a judiciary that lets most criminals go free on all manner of technicality.
Don't let the threat of crime deter you. You can be quite safe here.
I'm going to bed with my keys tonight. Not sure if my husband will be jealous!:-o
Thanks, chockman. Good tip.
OK, Here are the real answers. Most of the violent crimes are Local on Local, breaks ins every day, A Big Dog is good. And STT and STX run neck and neck. Go to the search section for more details.8-)
Any time Juanita. Whatever you do,don't live in fear. Lizard I am bringing three large,very athletic, Italian Cane Corso's with us. If someone were to make it past my dogs,they have harmed them and I have no doubt about what has to happen after that.
If you are the type person who like dogs,look to PR for Cane Corso's. There used to be a couple of breeders over there. You have to raise them with an I'M the boss mentality but in the end they just want their ears scratched and to be your 120 pound lap dog. If anyone on this board were to buy one,I promise you will love them like no other.
Googled Cane Corso
I doubt you'll have intruders.
People around me get broken into. I'M knocking on wood as we speak.
Someone may be able to sneak in somehow,but when they make noise,their not getting out. They are a very loyal,loving dog,great with small children. It blows my mothers mind when she See's how affectionate they are. You will never regret having one,some of them are even K-9 cops. It just really depends how much time you want to spen training them.
How about getting a nice mutt from the shelter, they will bark when they hear a noise and growl when they feel threatened. Isn't that enough protection, you don't live in the south Bronx. ( even there I don't get the big mean dog thing )
Mine will lick you to death as long as I let you in. If I have to explain personal security to you,you would not understand.
Yes there are several dogs up for adoption at the shelters. I support the shelters but there is a difference between Pets and Pets who will protect. Do you give loyality to someone who would die for you or someone who would run and hide ?
WOW too heavy for me, just giving my opinion. Please, you don't need to be so defensive. You can have any type of dog you want.
And as far as your last line, I do not want anyone to die for me, that does not define loyalty to me. Sorry if I upset you.
Hey I don't even want to poke another person in the eye . I just tend to take security seriously and I have been accused of being blunt from time to time. I was not biting you just stating facts about the dogs. When push comes to shove,it can really help to know your friends. They are few and far between,those that you can really count on when you are in a pinch. Best idea is don't even go there.
li2stx. Hey I have owned them all. Yorkies to Irish Wolfhounds and I have loved everyone of them. I hope all they have to do is bark,I'll do the rest from there.The dog is kind of like a Cop,they can not be everywhere all the time.
All dogs have a certain purpose that they excel at. I use a Golden Retriever as a Signal Service Dog, when I put her equipment on she attends to her required tasks as she was trained to do to assist me. When her equipment if off she is a regular dog. Golden's are not great protectors because of their nature (they love everybody) even the bad guys. However she is 80lbs and by dog standards she meets the size of a Big Dog. A large majority of Crucians do not think of dogs as pets but as watch dogs, guardians, and protectors. A Big Dog Bark or Growl has a much better effect on the bad guys, they tend to stay away out of fear of Big Dogs. A Cane Corsa is a beautiful animal but scary looking no Bark or Growl required. I agree we don't live in the South Bronx ,the South Bronx might be safer.
Good points Lizard. I know several Golden's. We have the parents of two Corso's we kept. That is 4 all together. Dad and Mom have their ears cropped and the look can be quite intimidating. The two pups we kept do not have their ears crop ed,the look can be deceiving.
Thanks for all the tips and comments. Do you guys think that living in a gated community makes a difference? Are some neighborhoods just safer?
Thanks again.
I agree that adopting from the shelter is the best route. They have Big dogs, little dogs, and everything in between. If you're looking for something specific ask them to call you when a close match comes in.
None of our 4 shelter dogs run and hide. They are healthy, happy, and super friendly when we invite someone in, but if they're unsure,....The barking and snarling will begin. They run from 20 up to 90 pounds. And the 20 lb "Cruz" can the nastiest one of the bunch.
I don't doubt that the Cane Corso is a super dog. Just a bit large and Jowly for me. Can you say Slobber?
If I was planning to get a dog that large I'd be looking at the Anatolian Sheperd. 3 people I know have them and they are amazing dogs.
And beautiful. This is a link to an Anatolian Rescue Network
You really sound like an expert on the subject of the Cane Corso. I have know several mutts and liked them,a good dog is after all a good dog. But to think that you confused a tighter lipped Cane Corso with lets say a Neo or Bull mastiff,and lets not forget the athleticism issue's they may have that a Corso does not have.
Liefs lesson # 1 Sky's the limit,never judge a book by the cover. Do your very extensive home work on the Corso,live with them for 10 years of your life and then come and try to tell me about them or their attitudes. At that point I might listen. No they are not for everyone but neither is a pound puppy.It is unfortunate that all breeds end up in shelters,I wish we could save them all. It even bothers me to see animals that love people having to be put down. Whats the solution,do we extend this so called God given right of health care to them as well. No one here is slamming any breed or type,but back yourself out of the expertise of the Cane Corso. Lets just say we will have to disagree on this one. My next pup could very well be from the pound,but I repeat,I will never be without the love of the Cane Corso in my household.
Take a look at today's St. Croix Source for a honest look at the rate of crime in the Virgin Islands and the surrounding Islands. I will say to have 56 murders in a population of 110,000 makes this place a very very dangerous place to live.
Is that a newspaper?

Technically it's not a "newspaper", because it isn't printed on paper, but it's the electronic equivalent, and in my opinion far superior to the local printed papers.
I never said I was an expert on Cane Corso. You must have dreamed that. When I googled them they looked like they have huge jowls.
That's my extent of knowledge.
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