house rental fraud
Renters Beware Mr Abera Bulbula St Croix is tiding to rent his tropical fruit farm,He is a liar,wasted my precious time here on st croix,we came here especialy to lease his property.Time to sign lease deal changed to lease purchasd he wanted 50,000 to move in.Original deal was 2 000 a month Costly mistake
Hello all,Does any one know of a pain management doctor in St Croix,for long term care of failed back surgery?
I would try physical therapy first, caribbe.
Thanks,I believe I am way past therapy have six screws in my back after a serious horse accident about10 years ago
you could try beeston hill -they do therapy there or there is a chiropractor at 5 corners .
sorry-i dont have a name
I've received stellar care from one of the surgeons in this group:
I'd recommend a consult with them as their resources are formidable.

I'm confused. Is this thread about "House Rental Fraud" or "Pain Management"?
But 6 weeks ago you were looking to rent a 3br/2ba house?,253646,268544#msg-268544
My sister had surgery for a broken arm from the prime surgeon at cogvi.
She had to have a 2nd surgery due to an infection a week after the first surgery. She endured much pain after the 2nd surgery. As it happened a visiting surgeon from Rhode Island was staying in STJ and was a friend.
He asked to look at the x-rays. He did not like what he saw and she ended up having a 3rd surgery in RI. They removed the overly large screw in her elbow that was protruding and visible thru her skin. She's now recovering nicely with physical therapy but it's been a long haul since her accident in January.
I'd suggest going off island for treatment if you possibly can.
The surgery I needed to have couldn't be performed here and I went to Florida to have it done by the cogvi spine surgeon (different surgeons have different specialties). Everything from the office visits to the surgery was way beyond my expectations. In any event, the OP is looking for referrals for pain management and the cogvi group does provide that.
From my sister's viewpoint the pain management that she received, locally wasn't managed very well and she's not one to complain. She wishes she'd gone off island, in retrospect, for the initial surgery just as you did.
I had a consult there for back pain.
When I asked what could be done, I was told to take Alleve and that millions of people live with back pain.
It's good that your experience was better.
I have severe stenosis and dozens of bone spurs on my spine. I used to take alleve, now I just grin and bare it until surgery becomes a must
Thanks,I believe I am way past therapy have six screws in my back after a serious horse accident about10 years ago
I don't think that precludes physical therapy techniques from helping with pain. Strengthening the muscles around an injury often helps. Many pain clinics rely on masking the pain.
Alana: I don't know what the cause of your back pain is. Back pain can be caused by many underlying issues. There are studies that show that PT is more effective than surgery for many back problems.
Just to be clear, I am not a physical therapist and I didn't sleep in a Holiday Inn last night, but PT does have clear scientific evidence supporting it, compared to many pseudoscientific approaches.
Sorry, rotor! Now returning to house rental thread....;)
Qurion,Just returned from a one week look see to St Croix.Yes I was looking at more than one property as a trip to the island to view one property isn't a very good use of resources and or time.We looked at least 6 property's through numerous agencies.After several return visits to the fruit farm we decided it met our needs.On our final day we met the owner at his real tors office. to sign a one year lease.During our in office meeting he changed the deal from a lease with customary first,last and security deposits of aprx 5,000 dollars to 10% down,or 53,000 dollars..We knew he wanted to sell property and agreed to move out if he had a buyer.We might have purchased the place after the agreed upon lease.I guess we should be glad we found out his word is worthless,Strange way to get someone to the negotiating table,and a waste of over 2,000 in travel expense,let alone a week of my time.Sorry for the mixing of 2 subjects,pain mgt and real estate,my bad.For those die hard anti pain med folks.Its called failed back surgery,and will require another surgery to correct,MRI dont lie,advil,or PT ,core strengthening etc are not an option to the damage done by surgical errors.However thank you for your kind sentiment
Good luck to you, caribbeancowboy.
thanks for the info about the farm. I too was interested and planning to visit it in feb '17.
And if you need a truck to haul stuff on the farm or to drive to the pain managment center then I'd suggest the Nissan Frontier 4x4,
(given the variation in topic I figured it was only fitting to include a vehicle recommendation)
I have severe stenosis and dozens of bone spurs on my spine. I used to take alleve, now I just grin and bare it until surgery becomes a must
Every other step hurts for me... but isn't that what makes a crusty old man a .. .Man?
FYI: Pain management is just code word for "Addiction management" for the most part... My mom worked that field for YEARS.
As soon as they said they needed to refer me to pain management after my surgery I knew it was time to quit their meds.
BUT, that said: the COG group did a great job with me and I would go talk to them.
also west is better than east
Spay/neuter your dog/cats
and remember, not everyone has their brights on, we are just driving on the wrong side of the road
(random info requirement: achieved)
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