House and/or pet sitting
I am currently house/pet sitting for a friend and have requests for people I have just met. So, I'm wondering what is normal to charge, a range, or method of determining a fair rate to charge when it's not a favor or trade.
Any advice would be appreciated. My experience is in hospitality and I don't have serious maintenance skills.
Thank you!
I'm sure it would depend on what all they want you to do, how many pets, do they want you to play with them for an hour twice a day, water the house plants or the half acre garden, mow the grass, etc. $35/hr is probably reasonable.
My house/pet sitter charges $100 a week.
Feeds cats, dogs, waters plants, stays at the house.
I have the maid come to clean as usual.
Just wondering what's the best way to let people know I am available for house sitting and pet care in STX. Thanks for any advice you can give!
We usually pay $25 a day to house sit and look after our five dogs.
Just wondering what's the best way to let people know I am available for house sitting and pet care in STX. Thanks for any advice you can give!
Start a business. I would assume for that you'd want to be an LLC - for obvious liability reasons.
Try placing an ad under Classifieds here and maybe Craigslist USVI
Best have excellent references.
I would get to know all the island's veterinarians and people who have animal rescue organizations. Word of mouth for trustworthiness, honesty and reliability go a long way. Advertise through these organizations, have business cards, be licensed and insured, if you're going to treat this as a business as opposed to something you do once in awhile.
My friends and I share our pet/house sitter so we organize our travel plans.
Are you good with animals?
Do you have another job, day or nighttime, that would interfere with pet sitting or animal's schedule?
Can you handle unruly dogs in home or walking on leash without getting agitated and harming them or having them harmed?
Multiple animals of different breeds and sizes?
All things to consider.
People need to be comfortable leaving their beloved pets, home and belongings with someone absolutely reliable.
$35 an hour is unreasonable.
You might as well board your animals and lock up your house at that price.
The first two years I lived on island I bartered via word of mouth to house/pet sit for free lodging. In the previous 4 years I met many folks who did this as a full time gig while working small side jobs for cash. Best to network this before venturing into it as a business. While you might be crazy busy initially your demand could die off quite quickly. Just my humble opinion. I have house sat/pet sat the whole 6 years on island and never made anymore than $500 in all six years.
Just wondering what's the best way to let people know I am available for house sitting and pet care in STX. Thanks for any advice you can give!
Start a business. I would assume for that you'd want to be an LLC - for obvious liability reasons.
And have to pay taxes? And go through all the DLCA nonsense? And a $100 "fire" inspection?
All that to make a few bucks?
You're kidding right?
Whether you run your business formally (licensed and documented) or not, you still owe taxes on the "few bucks" you make!
Whether you run your business formally (licensed and documented) or not, you still owe taxes on the "few bucks" you make!
Actually, not correct. In 2016 for example, if you are under age 65 and single, you must file a tax return if you earn $10,350 or more, which is the sum of the 2016 standard deduction for a single taxpayer plus one exemption.

You are liable for Social Security and Medicare payments no matter what your 'tax' situation.
You are legally required to file if you make over $400 net profit from self employment. Self-employment taxes (FICA and Medicare) are charged on the net profit.
You are liable for Social Security and Medicare payments no matter what your 'tax' situation.
There must be a lot of people in the VI breaking the law. My rule of thumb has always been, if there was no 1099, there was no income.
Not all people delight in cheating the government.

There must be a lot of people in the VI breaking the law. My rule of thumb has always been, if there was no 1099, there was no income.
Are you a taxi driver??
To return to the original intent of the thread as I read it, we have started using a house sitter for when we are off island for a week or two at a time. She stays at our house and watches our two house dogs for $40/day ($20/dog) and I think it is well worth it. In return our only expectation is that she take care of the dogs with no cleaning, yard work, or pool care required while she is there, although so far the house has been spotless when we returned. We used to board the dogs for about that per day at the vet plus they were in a stressful environment. For long term house sitting there is a lot of competition and the ones I have been familiar with, in my humble opinion the house sitters have seldom lived up to the owners expectations of maintaining the house and grounds in good condition in return for a discounted rent rate. And I can say the same, with a couple of notable exceptions, for the lucky few who actually have someone give them free rent plus a salary in return for taking care of the property.
To return to the original intent of the thread as I read it, we have started using a house sitter for when we are off island for a week or two at a time. She stays at our house and watches our two house dogs for $40/day ($20/dog) and I think it is well worth it. In return our only expectation is that she take care of the dogs with no cleaning, yard work, or pool care required while she is there, although so far the house has been spotless when we returned. We used to board the dogs for about that per day at the vet plus they were in a stressful environment. For long term house sitting there is a lot of competition and the ones I have been familiar with, in my humble opinion the house sitters have seldom lived up to the owners expectations of maintaining the house and grounds in good condition in return for a discounted rent rate. And I can say the same, with a couple of notable exceptions, for the lucky few who actually have someone give them free rent plus a salary in return for taking care of the property.
Please PM me contact info!
I'm looking for a dog sitter for 3 weeks, from October 18 to Nov 14. I am located mid -island.
I have 2 dogs rescued from animal shelter, they are sweet,adorable and inseparable; All they need is love and care, and food.
Animal lovers only please!

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