Hello, I'm moving to St. Thomas in a few months for work. I'm wondering what the deal is with horses on the island? Are there boarding or training facilities? I'm not finding much on google. I see that there is a racetrack so they must have a lot of thoroughbreds re-homed on the island? I did find a rescue, Golden Acres, so I will get in touch with them about riding. Anyone have experience with them?
It's Golden Age, and they do a good job with their limited resources. Yes, there is a race track, but there seen't that many races. There is always a race as part of carnival activities, though.
There is also a horse riding stable on St John called Carolina Corral.
St Crouching has a more active horse community, though.
Thank you so much. I really appreciate the information!
FYI......lots of horses and riding on St Croix.

I was wondering - when did a horse ever ask a 200lb. person to climb on his back?
Oh, I know. When the dolphins asked to be kept in a pen all day.
I was wondering - when did a horse ever ask a 200lb. person to climb on his back?
I know, I know, I know the answer to this one! Pick me! The answer, Alex, for $600 is Mister Ed. On a side note, that was a tv show from way back when and probably before some posters "time zone"' and horses probably can't talk in real life. Wink. As with most animals here, there is good and bad. I've seen some of the most beautiful, healthy and thriving horses, and I've seen some that nearly broke my heart here on STX.
Being interested in horses, or any animal for that matter, will be an asset here, or whichever island you choose.
As long as you are willing to stand up and report their abuse.
To CruzanIron:
Horses are my passion. I ride dressage and consider it an art form. You develop a real partnership and bond by riding together daily. If the horse is uncomfortable or doesn't want you on them they let you know right away. From what I'm gathering, there is a problem with horse abuse on the island and I'm sure it must be extremely disheartening. I would rather see horses run free than be abused or neglected by humans so I can see where you are coming from. If I do move to the island (pending this job transfer) it will be extremely fulfilling to help the horses on STX in any and every way possible.
Oh, you will see plenty of horses running free or tyed to a tree on the side of the road. You will also see many very well cared for. Also, pony club on island.
Hypothetically, if you saw a horse tied to a tree and starving, called the police, does anything happen? Are people afraid to speak up? How would it be received if you knocked on their door and expressed concern and offered help?
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Getting off topic.
. Be careful what you say about others, it is often a reflection of yourself.
I'm done.
Getting off topic.
. Be careful what you say about others, it is often a reflection of yourself.
I'm done.
So well said!
Advice to newcomers to this island-
Be careful what you say about who.
It will only come back to haunt you.
I'm finding its a very very small community, and people tend to be a bit passive aggressive at times; I like direct approaches even if they are a bit uncomfortable.
if anyone ever has advice or concerns I'm more than happy to listen; out side perspective is extremely valuable.
back to the topic:
Since we have one of the few round pens on the island and a pretty good handle on calming horses and gentile training anyone who wants to use our round pen is more than welcome, contact Jen through facebook, if your unfamiliar with it she'd love to help. We generally just ask for a bag of alphalpha cubes or grain for anyone who wants to come ride a horse at our property or spend some time with them, we just got 2 more thoroughbreds and are taking care of 3 horses for someone bringing us up to 16!
LF - Glad to see at least some horses are being well cared for.
That s not always the case as you pointed out. .:-( It is a terrible thing to mistreat an animal. Any animal.
The truth can't come back to haunt anyone unless they are doing wrong.
Thanks Alana, we also are trying to work with Fixit, Healing Paws, Pets from Paradise and the Animal Welfare Center (AWC); we attended the summit they held this weekend at the palms, there were a few vets in attendance as well.
the talk was primarily centered around "the way forward" and how to get more Spay/neuter penetration on the island; it's pretty cool to see a "no kill" org coming to the island and hear from the various groups.
Some discussion was horse centered, but not much, afterwards we took a tour of the castle coakley property & it sounds like we may be using it for rescue horses, we have a few mares that are pregnant and just need a nice piece of grass to graze on (almost all our mares came to us pregnant).
Pretty cool stuff happening, it's hard to believe we've only been doing it for 2-3 months now.
Congrats and keep up the good work.
Dellia from Lucky Paws Foundation works hard and dilligently to help get spay and neuter events to us here in STT and hopes for us one day to have a no kill shelter.
(PM me if you'd like her contact. Actually, here's a link I posted:,216828 )
That will only happen when the "pet" animal population comes down. It is just awful how many animals are euthanized daily and not just here in the islands. MILLIONS!
Side note,
since we've found that pet meds are pretty darn expensive here on the island & having 16 horses that need worming is a bit financially daunting.... Luckily I've found a few tricks that are pretty amazing and in-expensive.
For all you animal lovers (horses especially!) start feeding your pets Diatomaceous Earth, it will not only kill parasites, lower blood pressure improve coat health but it will also strengthen nails/hooves... this stuff is pretty amazing and it's GREAT for humans too.
Plus, then you can tell people you eat dirt every day; who doesn't want to do that?
Here's a source for it:
here's a great write up on it:
Diatomaceous earth technically comes from the cell walls of fossilized single-cell diatoms – essentially, it’s a fossil, ground into a very fine powder. There are two general types of diatomaceous earth: food grade and industrial grade. While industrial grade is toxic to humans and pets, food grade diatomaceous earth is non-toxic and very beneficial on multiple levels, and is the type I’ll be discussing with you here today.
Diatomaceous earth exhibits some interesting properties:
When viewed through a microscope, it looks like a hollow cylinder, with holes throughout the side.
It carries a strong negative charge. If you’ll recall your science lessons, you’ll remember that negatively charged ions are attracted to positively charged ions.
Therefore, when taken internally, the diatomaceous earth attracts and absorbs positively-charged pathogens into its cylinder – it absorbs the things we want to stay away from, like viruses, pathogenic fungi and bacteria, heavy metals, prescription drug residues, pesticides, parasites, radiation, and the like – and sweeps them out of our bodies.
Diatomaceous earth is also very hard. On a scale of “hardness”, if diamonds were a 9, diatomaceous earth would be a 7. This helps us too – as this powder makes its way through our digestive tract, it gently “scrubs” the packed-on residue we have there and sweeps it out of our bodies. Nice, diatoms!
Also, because of this quality, it is very sharp. Organisms such as parasites, lurking in our intestines, are sliced up and killed, and swept away when we empty our bowels, and we are left unharmed.
The last quality I’ll mention is also powerful: food grade diatomaceous earth is 84% silica, and contains some 20 trace minerals. Did you know life can’t exist without silica? It is essential for the building of healthy bones and teeth, skin, hair, and nails. As our mineral resources are getting depleted, our food is containing less and less silica. Do yourself a favor and add this divine diatom to your diet.
How Do I Take Diatomaceous Earth?
(Some of the following links are affiliate links)I’ll start with a public service announcement: YOU MUST ONLY BUY AND USE FOOD GRADE DIATOMACEOUS EARTH. Sorry to yell, but the distinction is very important. Fortunately, it is easily found both locally and online.
Where to buy food grade diatomaceous earth.
Now that I’ve made that clear, I’ll give the instructions: to take diatomaceous earth, all you have to do is mix a spoonful into some water or other liquid, and drink. Follow with another cup of water. (Diatomaceous earth can make you thirsty – make sure and drink plenty of water while using this supplement.) It’s that easy! You can also add it to smoothies – it’s totally undetected that way.
Dosage: If you are just beginning your diatomaceous earth journey, start with a teaspoon mixed in liquid, as I’ve detailed above, once a day. Slowly increase to twice a day, and then slowly increase the amount taken, up to a heaping tablespoon, and up to three times a day.
Please hear me: slowly. Diatomaceous earth is a way to detox your body, and if you start with too much, your body will get rid of toxins too quickly and leave you feeling under the weather. Yes, it really does work that well! If you start experiencing light headaches, you’ll know you took it a little fast. But don’t stop altogether, just do yourself a favor and take it slowly – no need to rush.
Pregnant and nursing mamas, you’re in the clear – diatomaceous earth can be safely taken during either stage. Just be sure to drink plenty of water. It is also fine for children to take in smaller doses. My children get their DE in their smoothies.
How does it taste? Well, if you want to know the truth, you’ll feel like you just licked a mud puddle. Ha! Not that you’ve ever done that, but it just tastes… like dirt. Sometimes it is hard for me to get down, but I am so motivated by the positive changes it’s brought to my body!
Would you like to know my favorite way to take it? I mix a spoonful with about six ounces of coconut water and add 1/2 a teaspoon of honey. Mmmm, it’s delicious! The honey is optional; it tastes great without it as well. You could also try taking it with fresh vegetable juice, whatever works for you.
What can diatomaceous earth do for your body, home, and homestead? Find out more.
My favorite detox drink is diatomaceous earth mixed with coconut water and honey.What Can Diatomaceous Earth Do for Your Body?
Since it sweeps out foreign matter, you will begin to notice better nutrient absorption and less fatigue.
Studies show that DE can help your body lower cholesterol and high blood pressure. Believe it or not, some users report a 40-60 point drop in blood pressure points after only a month of use.
The beauty mineral: the silica in DE helps hair and nails grow faster. Since I’ve started taking it, my nails have turned from flimsy to hard as a rock. My hair, which partially fell out earlier this year due to a difficult surgery recovery, has begun filling in nicely. I have read many, many testimonies of people who have reported that it reversed their baldness. The silica also helps reduce wrinkles, age spots, and acne, and it also strengthens teeth and bones, tendons, and joints.
Metal detoxification: since DE sweeps heavy metals out of the body, this is helpful especially to those with heavy metal poisoning or mercury fillings, which leach mercury constantly into the body. Aluminum is also swept out, lowering the risk for Alzheimer’s disease.
Helps repair and maintain lung function, acts as a cough decreasing agent
Helps prevent kidney stones, osteoporosis,
Decreases vertigo, tinnitus, and insomnia
Regulates bowel movements, lessens gastrointestinal inflammation, cleans out the colon, treats both diarrhea and constipation. It is a great choice for families on the GAPS diet!
Treats head lice and fleas (make sure you don’t inhale the powder)
Diatomaceous Earth for Furry Friends
It’s true – your pets and livestock will reap the benefits as well.Sprinkle a little DE on your pets’ food daily for the same benefits you receive. This is a great de-wormer!
Carefully sprinkle onto your pets’ and livestock’s coats – making sure none is inhaled – for protection from lice, ticks and fleas.
Sprinkle in the kitty litter box and pet beds for extra odor and flea protection.
Sprinkle in your barn, stalls, nesting areas, and coops for pest protection.
Decreased mastitis and increased milk production in livestock with internal use. Causes healthier coat and hooves.
Better and stronger eggs produced by hens who have it sprinkled in their feed.
For dosage instructions and more benefits, visit this page.
Diatomaceous Earth for the Home and Homestead
Homemade Diatomaceous Earth Toothpaste
Homemade Diatomaceous Earth ToothpasteYou can use DE around your home in the following ways:
Sprinkle around windows and entrances to protect from ants, spiders, and even scorpions. (The DE scrapes their exoskeleton and dries it out, leaving them dead.)
Sprinkle a ring around your garden plants for protection from garden pests. (Do realize, though, that DE kills beneficial insects as well. Avoid applying onto flowers. – Does not harm worms or beneficial soil microorganisms.
DE will destroy ant colonies, even fire ant colonies. Sprinkle around and in the hole.
DE can be used to treat a bedbug infestation.
Sprinkle DE in your garbage bins for odor and pest protection.
Got a compost heap? Apply DE to keep odors and pests away.
Add to manure heaps to keep flies and larvae down.
Add to bulk grains to keep pests and moisture out.
You can use DE to make your own homemade toothpaste! I have a recipe coming to my blog soon.
You can add DE to your homemade “DE”odorant – I am also working on a recipe for this.
You can sprinkle DE in your toilet for a little extra scrubbing power – it won’t harm porcelain.
FYI: if the area where you applied the DE gets wet, such as in the garden, please reapply.

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I am going to go out on a limb here and suggest you all start using PMs... Please?
I am going to go out on a limb here and suggest you all start using PMs... Please?
Seriously. I can see a lawsuit over this. I'm not comfortable reading anyone dragged through the mud like what you two are doing, especially since he's not here to defend himself. This is not the purpose of this board.
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