That isn't what she said.
If you think there's nepotism in your old hometown, you ain't seen nothin' yet.
Just out of curiosity - have you ever been to the Virgin Islands for any extended period of time? If not, you might want to make a trip before you wax eloquent. The islands have their own flavor and rhythm which is not always conducive to daydreams of reinventing the West Indian wheel. Remember how you had to play by the Japanese rules much of the time? Same thing goes here....and if you're a continental, which you obviously are, you aren't a "foreign" teacher, you're a continental come to live on the island. Accepted into the fold? Maybe on the surface - maybe halfway down - completely immersed? Not sure about that. Much as like your hometown, I am sure, people are interrelated and have long histories together. You don't, i.e., prove yourself....over and over and over....and then you will gain some measure of acceptance and respect.
Of course there are West Indians of ambition on the island. Some stay, some go - and those with the most ambition set out to effect change in the areas you've already mentioned, in whatever locale they find themselves. They may or may not need your help.
Get back with us on what you find out.....and whether you feel it really is Detroit with better weather (oh, for Pete's sake)......
Hey bakayarou,
You are going to be in for a real surprise when you come to the USVI with that ignorant attitude of yours. Have you ever been to the Caribbean islands? I think not. Maybe those rednecks aren't hiring you for other reasons. For a person who calls themselves 'sensei' you are not too bright.
Never underestimate a stupid person's need to vomit useless crap out of their tiny mind when they have the security of anonymity. Gawd, this board seriously needs an "IGNORE" option for people so naive as to think that their parochial nature is unique to the USVI and that nowhere else on the planet can be remotely similar in any way. Sometimes I miss the "rolleyes" emoticon as it could be employed quite often on this board.
ROFLMAO! I didn't think I could get a little man so riled up! Thanks for the laugh. I am sure there is more to come. You still haven't answered the question of whether or not you have so much as visited the USVI. My tiny mind couldn't find the answer in your rant. Thanks for the laugh though. It is always good to have a newbie who thinks they know everything. 😛
Ah, the "American know-it-all" is not confined to Japan after all. Look honey, you ain't special and neither are the USVI. Get a map sometime and perhaps you'll be able to comprehend that this planet is covered with small islands, all with the same parochial myopic small minded people who think that they alone are masters of the island with no one being able to get along without your guidance.
Yes, I do miss the "rolleyes" emoticon for ignornant little people like you Teresa.

dntw8up: "There may be many things here, including the public school system, that you perceive would benefit from change but the West Indian majority are not receptive to non-West Indians enumerating USVI shortcomings and plans to rectify those shortcomings."
sensei: "There are no West Indians of ambition on the islands? They all leave? Surely the islands are not Detroit with better weather.....?"
As Trade noted, that's not what I said. There are plenty of ambitious West Indians but their ambitions may not parallel your ambitions and what you may think needs fixing may suit them fine as is. Folks who come here intent on changing the status quo don't last long but you're welcome to come and try.
Is there a teeth-sucking emoticon we can use... sensei should experience it here first.

I'm doing it as loud as I can. *-)
"As Trade noted, that's not what I said. There are plenty of ambitious West Indians but their ambitions may not parallel your ambitions and what you may think needs fixing may suit them fine as is. Folks who come here intent on changing the status quo don't last long but you're welcome to come and try."
I am not intent upon changing the status quo just to change the status quo. I know what works and what doesn't. If USVI schools are employing progressive and effective teaching techniques where teachers meet weekly to align curriculum and adjust strategies to better address student learning, then that is a status quo I'll gladly be a part of. I'm not some idealistic "yee-haw wet-behind-the-ears" fresh college grad looking to civilize the "savages" because I think that I know better just because I have a college degree.
However, I have read that at least some people are aware of the education problem on the islands, but that does not necessarily mean that those in power (government & administration) recognize this problem. This is why I mentioned Hawai'i & Detroit. Each has dismal prospects for education while the administrations both act like they're tip-toeing through the tulips.
I am ambitious and unapologetically so. I also know about what teaching strategies work and which ones don't. I despise "paycheck teachers", always have and always will. And, I think that the USVI has an ideal school system where a real Renaissance can occur and instead of receiving mandates from the mainland, USVI teachers and administrators can go to the mainland and tell other districts here how to better achieve results....not because of some ivory tower theory predicts it, but because years of results validate what has been done.
Oh goodie, another post to laugh at. Little sensei wantabee has his ego bruised and feathers all ruffled. 🙂 Little ano yarou, why are you here trying to cause trouble? Are you really someone who has nothing better to do? No fear, it is entertaining for a while, but one day you will grow up and learn that this is not the way to approach people who later you may need to help you. Many many people have passed through the Caribbean Islands and it is true what so many of them say, "It is like no other place on earth". You should go see for yourself, but beware, even the ignorant will not tolerate a superiority complex from the likes of you. If you are not respectful, you will not enjoy your time on island. You would be a fool to not listen and to mistake good advice for dis respectfulness. You appear to be immature and out of your league, so do what you want, but do understand that you are not the first 'newbie know it all' to come along this board or the islands. Been there seen that. Good luck and thanks again for the laughs.
No problem. If not for fools like you, the rest of us could not succeed. Other posters here are adults who know that neither you, nor they, are particulary special just because you happen to be on a patch of dirt. I'll gladly go with them as you simply are not ready for the grown-up table.
You are a dime a dozen senstupid. I know it is needless to point out, but anyone with some intelligence can see that you have the exact faults that you have accused others of showing. I kind of feel sorry for you, but hopefully you are just playing games with words and trying to have some fun. Otherwise you just look pitiful. On the bright side, you have been a great example of 'what not to do'. Many can learn from you, probably just not the way you expect.
Oh, a sad adult who so desperately NEEDS To get the last word in. At least on Big Daikon, I knew all the posters were kids, but here, you've proven yourself one Teresa - if not physically, obviously psycho-socially.
Go ahead hon and have the last word. You need the validation. I don't.
You proved my point to a T! Thank you. And yes I do like to have the last word, but so do you as you have on many posts. I am sure you will get the last word as most will ignore you eventually. You have worn out your welcome. Well, I am no longer having fun with you as you haven't surprised me at all. Boring. Go ahead and get your last word in as I will retire and find serious people with whom to converse.
Ta ta,
The last word is "Zyzzyva."
It's a genus of weevils.
That settles it I am going to put my kid in the Montessori on STX. No matter the cost, I just don't want sensei at the school he is at. He is only 4 months so it wont matter anyway. Sensei wont stay 4 weeks, or he is a troll. Thats the first time I called anyone a troll. I have disagreed on this board, water skiing and what not, but he is just looking for a fight. Change will be when the government pays for low income kids to go to private school and you wont have a job.
finding Sensei's posts hilarious? I don't believe I've ever laughed out loud at anyone's posts before.
And before he fires a salvo at me as illiterate and part of the problem, I work in education every day and I AM part of the solution. But I also see some students (mercifully only a tiny few) who are rigid, insulting and demanding - those who believe that they are never wrong and never bring on their own problems - and that fits Sensei, the troll, to a T.

Sensei: shitsurei shimashita. I understand your concerns. I, too, lived in Japan (Kyoto) for two years. I understand the honor, work ethic, honesty, on and giri of the Japanese. That is not here. It is more true here that "the nail that sticks out is hammered down." People here accept thievery, corruption, and ad hominem as the norm and they do not really want anyone to change it. They even had a murder on St. John that made CNN because the police won't arrest the murderers even though (it seems) they know who they are. (Probably someone's cousin, again)
I have high hopes for gradual improvement, but change? Hardly likely. You will notice that Christianity is but a minor player in Japan. The Japanese have their own way of doing things. They are a proud and honorable people. If you try to bring change, they will cut your head off! Dozo gambate kudasai
Thank you antiqueone. eigo no sensei data? Ryugakuse?
I do find it interesting how people continue to call the US Virgin Islands 'paradise' when you have to shut down schools for hurricanes, cut off the power supply, the school culture does not reward ambition, and nepotism keeps the locals who are not well connected in a perpetual state of dependency. Although the USVI seems like an interesting challenge and experience, Japan is simply better. Insecure posters here will not like reading the Truth, but it remains tru nonetheless.
Further, insecure idiots on message boards are sadly not uncommon, but my research online and talking to other people does not paint a particularly pretty picture. I know what is possible and I have high standards. I have lived not 30 feet from the ocean on an island that really was paradise - economically, culturally, socially, and even spiritually (christianity is not even a blip on the radar and those who do practice it are not bible-thumpers and so they are tolerable). I do have to mock those so full of hubris there who think just because the USVI is their first time out of the US, that they have some grand insight in reality. Some of us have experienced more and yes, we do know more and we're not about to apologize to lesser people just because their light cannot shine so brightly.
My students have won academic contest in Okinawa and Tokyo and any parent who thinks that I don't get results damns their children to the perpetual mediocrity that so many complain about existing in the USVI school system.
"...lesser people..."?
What a pompous windbag!
"talking to other people does not paint a particularly pretty picture"
Of course it does not, because you obviously don't know how to talk to other people.,
What an elevated sense of self-importance!!
"Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you."
And shrink I shall not!
Who is insecure guy, I am better then you and I know it. You would not talk to these people like this face to face. Be man enough not to type like that.
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