this is sam sanes,
there was alot of stuff on thurland,i just yahoo'd his name and got a bunch on him, i found nothing on joseph.
so i wanted orange pop and sausage egg mcmuffins this am so i went to the mcdonalds in golden rock and got what i craved and there was a guy there passing out Thurland stuff,i took it and read it and well he seems to be on paper someone i'd vote for he's got good experience/work history and i like the platform he's running on so if you get a chance read his stuff

Terrance is my classmate, (well ok both Terrance's are my classmates.."positive" and Joseph.) But I'm referring to TD Joseph....he's a very straight up guy. Right now he is in charge of child support and paternity.
so any updates on the candidates?
well the districting bill that jn Baptiste sat on for years has come out of legal and now sits in the hands of Usie(senate president) now ol usie can either send this bill to the floor for discussion and a vote or he can bury it,now if the man had any sense of decency he'd send it to the floor,but well we all know thats not going to happen without lots of pressure and lobbying from the voters,he needs to be forced into doing this because he will not voluntarily do this on his own,so it's time for email and office phone calls
oh and the list of questions for the candidates is in todays avis,now i wonder how many of the stx incumbents will bother to answer.
Roger was interviewing a candidate on his show this morning. He asked the candidate about districting and the candidate indicated that he was in favor of it. However, I don't think any candidate would openly oppose districting.
I bet a lot of the current senators and candidates would not be elected if there was districting and that is why they would not push for it while they are serving despite their claims that they are for disticting.
it was troy mason,and he wants it studied as to how the islands would be carved up, the bill awaiting usies release to the floor is one instructing the uvi to study and show how the islands would be subdivided, lol no one ever comes out and says yes, it's all "i'm for it but it needs to be studied first",a very common hedge down here and a way to pass the time, and as much as i despise adelbert he at least has the guts to take a stand on something no matter the consequences,the rest of them are just wishy washy fools more prone to standing in front of mirrors.
well one down(the bigot)nisky was on free speech today saying the same stuff he said 4 years ago
nisky was/is not the bigot i am referring to
well the shoe salemans mother got the boot
Ch 12 will televise the Senatorial Showdown. If you plan to vote, watch tonight! And remember to BULLET VOTE: only vote for the people you WANT in office, even if it's only 2. Your vote will count MUCH more than if you voted for the maximum allowed (is that 6?)
I don't believe that is correct. The top seven vote getters on each island will be elected. It would work if you had seven votes and you could give multiple votes to a single candidate.
The incumbents have their loyal following and will get several thousand votes from this base. This works in their favor as the challengers will get some percentage of the other votes. The more candidates running the more the votes get spread out and the less likely it is the challengers will get enough votes to be in the top seven with more votes than the incumbent will get from his loyal followers plus a percentage of the other votes.
Jim, it didn't make sense to me either at first. Basically the idea is to give your candidate the vote without giving others more votes. On our small island, not getting a vote can have an impact. Whatever you choose to do, I think it's important to know that you don't have to vote for 7 candidates, just vote for the ones you really believe in and will do the most for our island.
I'm voting for Samuel Sanes # 10 ( )
Below is a good explanation of bullet voting, from
I have to believe it will make some difference, figure I'll do my part, anyway....
* Suppose you and 20 others agree that your first choice is Sam Yoon and your second choice is Matt O’Malley. And suppose, before your 21 ballots are counted, Yoon is in a tight race for fourth place, just 13 votes behind O’Malley. If the 21 of you bullet-vote for Yoon, your votes put him 8 votes ahead of O’Malley for fourth place, letting Yoon squeak in. But if the 21 of you dilute your support by voting for both of these fine candidates, Yoon remains 13 votes behind O’Malley, who then pushes Yoon out of fourth place. Net result: your second choice would be elected and your first choice defeated. Bullet voting is clearly the correct strategy.
* On the other hand, there is also an argument against bullet voting. To understand this argument we have to consider a candidate of medium popularity whom you definitely do not want elected. Let’s call him Steve Murphy, to pick a name at random. Now suppose Murphy is 13 votes ahead of O’Malley for fourth place before the 21 ballots from you and your friends are counted. And suppose that Yoon is way ahead (or way behind, it doesn’t matter which), so your 21 votes for Yoon won’t make any difference in his election. If you bullet-vote for Yoon, what happens? Murphy gets elected by finishing in fourth place! But if you each cast two votes — one for Yoon and one for O’Malley — then O’Malley finishes 8 votes ahead of Murphy and squeaks in for a fourth-place victory! Net result of refusing to bullet-vote: your second choice would be elected and your last choice would be defeated. Bullet voting is clearly not the correct strategy!
So, to bullet-vote or not? The choice depends entirely on which scenario you think is more probable. If the race for fourth place is between your two favorite candidates, you should bullet-vote. If the race for fourth place is between your second choice and someone you strongly dislike, you should not bullet-vote. Maybe it’s not how they would handle it on Numb3rs, but math can’t give you a definite answer here. Actually, come to think of it, it is rather like last week’s Numb3rs, since it’s all a matter of Bayesian probabilities.
His explanation is much the same as mine. Your candidate can't win if you don't vote for him.
His explanation assumes you and your twenty friends all agree to vote for the same candidates and no one else so your votes aren't diluted.
You as an individual, if you don't cast all seven of your votes, are making it easier for an incumbent to get reelected or someone with big name recognition.
Bullet voting is used in corporate elections where if you choose you can cast all of your votes for one candidate.
hey Jim Dandy
Yeah seems like you might be right after all...
I was amazed to see that it is legal for incumbents to use "taxpayer-funded resources" such as their staff, computers, copiers, cars and free gas in their re-election campaigns. I am not voting for any incumbent, but am having difficulty finding someone to vote for on St Thomas. Any ideas?

I'm all for Sammy Sanes #10...
If anyone has any questions for him I can GUARANTEE a personal phone call from him to you...he will personally answer any question...Just PM me.

SANES, O'Rielly, Capeheart, Positive Nelson, Ford .Ok who else???
I wish I could vote for Barak O'
well we somewhat cleaned house here on STX 3 of the 5 i voted for made it in,barshinger,sannes and thurland

And Wesselhoft on STJ is voted out. YAY!
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