news said they will be sentenced tomorrow,everyone got to talk and beg today,how nice
Any candidates proposing to create voting districts within each island? Voting districts may sound insignficant but I guarantee that they will raise accountability and hence government competence in the short and long-run. Every jurisdiction that has introduced voting districts has experienced dramatic improvements in the service that their elected officials provide.
If no candidate is currently running on the platform, perhaps the issue could be hot for debate.
That is something I would love to see here - I think elected officials get more done when they are the only one accountable to a certain group of people.
they are afraid of voting districts here because that would mean some level of accountability,i think hope gibson sued in federal court over it,but nothing ever came of it,but then all 3 islands signed petitions to reduce the size of the senate to 9 and i believe it went to a vote and was passed by the voters but the senate just ignored it,one of the more long term people on this board would probally know more of the details,i was'nt paying much attention to the politics of island back then,and alot of the senate candidates or incumbents have never spent time at length in the states and so don't know how districts work,but i know they like the fact that if they're living in f'sted their sisters husbands 3rd cousin twice removed out in cotton valley can vote for them because they'll be given a job,if they win.
well the source said plaskett got 9 years and biggs got 7 years but channel 2 news at 7pm last night said they would be sentenced today,so who knows."They have forever placed a stain on the Turnbull administration and the V.I. government". oh please turnbull did that himself,who comes up with this stuff,it's like some grade z movie,and then they cried LOL
our crooks made the news on Yahoo,great, now the whole world gets to read about it.
one sure fire way to effect change here is by registering to vote,i run across so many statesiders here on STX that have not registered to vote here simply because they do not want to give up their stateside residency,you know you can get that back should you decide to go back to the states and live,being able to vote for president is not more important than being able to vote down here,we have a really good governor right now and we need to elect senate members and board members that will support him and his policies for at least the next 2 years. Please register to vote.
going over the list i saw one got away with it murderer,one crackhead,one that made alot of money in the states selling dope, 2 gay guys and lot of recycled politicians that should have left for the states with all the money they were given under the table
Someone please tell me why its okay to include "2 gay guys", in this rant against criminals and ineffective politicians? Or is it just a case of someones personal bigotry slipping through?

It would be a little odd for Trw to be a bigot against gay guys. 🙂
Yup, Farpoint I think you'll find that trw is (openly) gay himself and has nothing against others based on creed, religion, etc.
He does seem to have the ability to quickly speak his mind (note the lack of time spent on punctuation), and for the most part come across knowledgeable and caring, and at the same time outspoken and entertaining. It's a rare blend that I wish I had. In some cases (like this), taken out of context, the machine-gun rattling of words tend to hide the equal share of caring.
But thanks for doing the social due diligence... I would have been offended as well, if I hadn't read many other posts by trw.
Any candidates proposing to create voting districts within each island? Voting districts may sound insignficant but I guarantee that they will raise accountability and hence government competence in the short and long-run. Every jurisdiction that has introduced voting districts has experienced dramatic improvements in the service that their elected officials provide.
If no candidate is currently running on the platform, perhaps the issue could be hot for debate.
I've been thinking a lot about this lately, who the heck do I go to about problems in my area in a place where there is one level of government and no one represents my region? In the US we have levels of government, city government (municipal), county government, state government and then the feds. In the VI its like all we have is the "state" or "federal" level (kind of between the two I guess). Just as I wouldn't expect a US senator to care about my road getting all torn up (as has happened to my road near Canageta), one can't expect a VI senator to care, right? This makes for a great excuse for our senators to do very little to actually affect change on the "quality of life items" that are so bad here. If we had a Christiansted council to work with things may get done. If not we could move it up to the St. Croix council (like county government). Only major issues would be legislated at the VI senate level.
I think simply having voting districts is a first step to this, at least having someone who is responsible for my area of the island would lead to some accountability. In the long run though a division of government into multiple levels with each legislating on a broader level (city councils dealing with municipal issues, island councils dealing with island wide issues, and VI senate dealing with territory wide issues) would lead to a much higher level of accountability and, as proven in the US, get much better results.
sorry i should have said 2 in the closet gay guys,down here we have alot of married to women gay men and men on the downlow,which i guess is basically the same thing,neither is too terribly honest if you know what i mean,and i did'nt think i was ranting,merely stating a view and a rather mild one at that

Sean you are so right about local representation. You can call your senator but all they seem to care about is the illusion of caring and service to their consttuants. The new consitution is trying to address this but I don't think they get it.
In Hawaii, although it is a state has it figured out. All the Islands have representatives to State government but every island is a county that has local jurisdiction and a budget based on local property taxes therefore local control. And even if your a newcomer you can have a voice as most local decisions are made though meetings and discourse at the local level.
Years ago a contingent of senators went to HI to study their form of government but no report or recommendations came out of it. ( another boondoggle junket at our expense). I support what you suggest which is local control so there is accountability and recourse for residents. It makes so much sense.
Just by it's structure the gov is disfunctional They pass law with no input from the citizens and live the high life.
The constitution is an oppurtunity to correct some of this but even that is becoming a script for the status quo and special interest.
Bombi & Sean, I agree that local representation would increase accountability and transparency in the legislative process and use of public funds. However, in a territory as small as the Virgin Islands, I think that the costs and expenses associated with creating and instituting these localized levels of government would be too costly and burdensome. We all need to press the candidates about the districting issues. Until voting districts are created Senators will run around doing whatever they want without any reprucussions. Think of how many different groups of people and interests there are on each island - saying that a senator is from one island or the other does not mean that they represent the interests of any constitutent or group of voters.
You would be hard pressed to find any state-level legislature whose legislators are chosen at-large or without a district that they represent. Lack of districts is an archaic form of government. The time for change is now.
Thanks for the follow up kids... and sorry for the knee jerk reaction... I just hate to be included in such questionable company. But you know, comments and opinions like that still happens from time to time... and I am not one to just let things like that slide.
And sorry trw... "rant" was the wrong word... your objections to the others (alleged criminals and ineffectual recycled politicians) are well founded... it was just during first reading... and after cleaning up the coffee I spewed across the table... I had to fire something off myself... to quick with the words, agan... thought better about it later... Peace.
s'ok Farpoint,i was reading a districting thread at the crucians in focus site and from what i could gather,no one on that site can understand the benefits of districts,they think we already have districts,STT,STJ and STX,and from what i read theythink that if our islands were subdivided even further nothing would ever get done hahahaha because you would have senators being worried about the part of the island they represent instead of worrying about the island as a whole,and thats part of the reason i brought up awhile back on another thread that each island needs to have it's own general fund and the cost of doing government would need to be split 3ways or by the 2 districts,in other words the revenues generated on each island would stay on that island,just think of all we could do over here on STX as far as improvements and maintaining infrastructure if the money generated by STX stayed here.
Which Bigot> There`s SO MANY!
Topping the list, Iddle Brain, Chucky,White & Russel...well, who?
Peterson,but only because he said he did'nt want dykes and antimen in his livingroom, lol as a gay man i just think oh honey "as if"

I've been thinking a lot about this lately, who the heck do I go to about problems in my area
Here's how a problem got solved in our area without even asking for it. Someone on my hill near me had one of our esteemed senators to dinner. He was appalled our road was so overgrown (understatement) & ever since then a crew comes & chops down the brush all the way down to the main road that gets Federal funds. They're not supposed to do that but that's an example. Maybe if we threw a banquet for him, we could get the potholes fixed. :@)
so i see springer you know(spring forward with springer) lol would that be 2 or 3 steps back,anyway he has now come out in favor of a CFO for the territory,now i seem to remember back during the turnbull days when the only politician that was for it was donna and she took a thrashing in the media just like she did recently over her support for hillary,you know where was this guy 2 years ago when we all wanted it but the politico's at the time thought it was one of the most offensive things ever,i smell flip flop simply because of the uproar over the 3 crooks at the hospital and then biggs and plaskett,pandering for votes. And keep an eye on anyone that Mapp supports for senate or boards,he's hoping to get his supporters in office so when he runs for gov again he has a strong base already politically in place.
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i'm suspect of anyone demmansay is endorsing as well,i talked to nellie yesterday and she said that both she and nisky did indeed have to quit their radio jobs in order to run for senate,i like her personally but i would'nt vote for her because she was very very against the diageo deal,and i know nothing about nisky other than the fact that he's a candidate every 2 years,lol he's the "lets put some color back in the senate"guy
so i asked my friend if the governor endorses anyone for senate and he told me not until after the primaries and i said well how will people know whom to vote for in the primaries,so he gave me 5 names Diane Capehart,Sam Sanes,Nisky,Michael Thurland and Terrance D. Joseph,now please don't go running around saying the gov endorses these people until he say he does,the gov did not tell me this,it was one of his staffers,you notice there is not a sitting senator there and none of these names have shown up on demmansay,crucians in focus or Mapp,i asked about weber and jn baptiste and was told they both have credibility issues,weber because he jumped from the minority over to the majority and jn baptiste because he left the dem part for the ICE party,i also brought up the Petcoke issue for the refinery and wapa and was told the gov knows about it and is pondering the issue,lol then i asked how much malone was getting from the company he's pushing and the man just laughed at me.
What is the 'Petcoke' issue? Can someone send a link?
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