helicopter surveillence

Big black chopper slowly cruising the Crown Mt. area for the last 2 hours.
They were over here in Dorothea and Caret Bay this morning.
Waste of money, IMO. Noisy and intrusive.
At least the dogs don't freak out like my friend's in Caret Bay do.
Probably DEA. I saw them flying around STX Sunday and yesterday.
Must be the quarterly drug surveillance fly overs.
Why do they bother?
I don't think so. They seem to be more interested in the shorelines. One just flew by about 30 minutes ago. Came from east end of STX, flew out and around Buck Island, did a lap over Buck's north shore, turned and flew towards Solitude, hung a right and started heading west along the shoreline. When I saw them on Sunday they were also flying along the shoreline. And to see them out on a Sunday? Never saw them looking for pot fields on a weekend.
They just came back - again from east end of STX. Circled several times over Cotton Valley Shores and then west along the shoreline. Hmmm.
Big brother is watching. Hide the reefer. Put your porn away.

I just stand out on my deck in just a hat and sunglasses a cup of coffee and my binoculars and gesticulate wildly when they are overhead -- have been waiting for the DEA/ATF/ICE/VIPD rapid response team to arrive so I can point out for them at the roving chickens and barking dogs that are annoying me.
Maybe looking for refugees from Puerto Rico trying to start a new life on STX.

It is back at again this morning - Black, low and loud! Crown Mt. and a bit west.
All quiet here.....so far!

So low it was shaking the leaves with the prop wash!!
They just flew over my location.
Thought he was planning to land on my roof.
The helicopters and crews are here from Oklahoma National Guard running mission exercises for a few days....not big brother!
The helicopters and crews are here from Oklahoma National Guard running mission exercises for a few days....not big brother!
Some change in scenery for them! Didn't bother me - was jealous not to be up there getting that bird's eye view. 😀
The helicopters and crews are here from Oklahoma National Guard running mission exercises for a few days....not big brother!
LIES! You are probably working for them! OR ARE THEM!
getting my tinfoil hat
A lot of activity on STX today that seems to be more than exercises.
Saw a couple of Humvees pulling out of the Federal building just after 8:00AM driving west.
About 15 minutes later I saw the black chopper heading from STX towards STT.
Around 3:00 PM I saw the black chopper hovering over somewhere near Grove Place (my best guess from my vantage point)
15 minutes later as I was approaching the exit for County Day School I saw a marked patrol vehicle parked on the side of the road as though running radar. (Yeah...right!) At the intersection of Northside Road and Northshore Road were at least a dozen police vehicles and even more officers standing alongside both sides of the road waving people through. It didn't look like the standard seal belt/cell phone check.
Continued on to Christiansted where a USCG cutter was just getting underway, leaving the harbor. Passing in the background was a USCG helo heading east along the shore.
Exercises? Coincidence? Hmmm...

Maybe Bernie is planning a visit??
All I can think of is tax $$ burning for nothing.
All I can think of is tax $$ burning for nothing.
Why, when you don't know who they are, what they're doing or why?
Why, when you don't know who they are, what they're doing or why?
The feds are preparing to seize political control of the VI. The activities were designed to analyze Mapp's air/land/sea capabilities.
Let us pray.

All I can think of is tax $$ burning for nothing.
Daily News had a figure of $18k per our when they do drug searches with em
Exercises? Coincidence? Hmmm...
we have quite a few visiting units right now & are getting ready for our annual "prepare for natural disasters" exercise. this kinda stuff happens every year at one scale or another.
This year has extra emphasis since we will be hosting a L A R G E exercise next year & are using this year as a dry run... the early part of next month will see a LOT of activity, don't be alarmed.
All I can think of is tax $$ burning for nothing.
But it's only federal tax dollars - that's like free money.
Mapp and the Senate are the only ones who get to waste my tax dollars. 😎
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