Heath Care Jobs
My family and I are considering moving the St Croix within the next year. My wife and I are both in the medical profession and were wondering if there are any job openings available on the island? She is a Emergency Room Nurse and I am a firefighter/paramedic. If someone could tell me where to find job postings that would be great!

There is certainly a need at Juan F Luis Hospital on St. Croix. Whether they are actually hiring is another story. Recently it has been said that they are not renewing ER nurses contracts due to lack of funds. Contrarily it is being said that the traveling nurses companies are not renewing contracts because they haven't been paid. Believe whom you will, there is a nurses shortage. As for paramedics, I believe there is a need there, too. Don't know about that but I'll see if I can find out.
Thanks for your help. Let us know what you find out.

The scuttlebut is that the administration is not renewing the traveling nurse contracts, they haven't paid the Docs on time or accurately, are refusing to pay the extra shifts that one of them had to work. The equipment is sadly lacking in many ways and when they had a fund raiser, they were able to raise $30,000 for equipment, but somehow all that money disappeared and the ER never got it.
My advice? Stay away until the smoke clears.
Thanks for all your help. We will stay away until things chill out abit. However I will be traveling down to the island to check out some lots to build on in the future. Any ideas on a good area for future development? We are looking at en field green as one possibility.

Depends a lot on what you like. East end is drier--you see cactus and mor scrub brush. Lots of big houses and a few condos. West has more open fields and space....and the rain forest. Mid island is congested and Hovensa oil refinery and the container port take up a big foot print on the mid south shore. North shore is hillier, I think, but west of Princesse can be very pretty. On a good day, you can see the other islands.
We would like an area of nice homes with a sea view. West end sounds more our style.
We are also looking at the possibility of a condo. Do you have any opinion on which complex is better?
I dont know how set you both are on STX, but STT is in definite need of nurses and paramedics. ER nurses are always in demand at the hospital. Call and speak to Ms. Smalls who is filling in for the previous nurse recruiter. The number is 340-776-8311 ext 5068. If you have any questions please feel free to PM me. Good luck with your move.
One more point: the fire fighters here only fight fires. I don't know that there are any paramedics, as the folks in that unit (part of the Health Department) are called EMTs. Don't think that the education and training is the same as for paramedics. Also, you'll want to look at the pay scale. I am fairly sure it is lower than you would expect. Ditto that ER nurses are needed.
Yes, there are paramedics as well as EMTs. I rode along with some of them on a few calls. Some people call them all EMTs and then attach a letter at the end to specify: EMT-B is EMT-basic, EMT-I is intermediate, and EMT-P is paramedic. Some have other letters for critical care, wilderness medicine training, etc. The EMTs and paramedics I worked with were quite good. They did a couple of codes while I was with them, and they did an excellent job.
Do you know if the paramedics are tied in to the hospital or are they government controled/
Well, both, I would think. The hospital is run by the government.
The EMS service is under the Health Department umbrella, but they operate out of the hospital. The hospitals and the Health Department are two separate government entities. I would be interested to see if the paramedics are paid any differently than the EMTs.
Hi there,
even if this topic is a bit older, I ask my questions here. Actually I am a (a kind of) paramedic in Germany and I would like to work on STX for a few months every year. Does anybody have an idea or contacts to paramedics ot EMTs? Is on stcroix the Juan F. Luis Hospital the only employer for paramedics/EMTs?
If someone could give me any hints that would be great.
Hey fireboy;
I'm "quoting" something from a past message board as I was inquiring about the same subject. I, too, am an ER RN in the states and have gotten mixed messages about Travel Nursing being a big thing there to this very day, with great perks, benefits and pay, and also now messages on not renewing their contracts and significantly increasing pay to permanent nurses. I have implemented a 2 year plan to make my move. The "quotes" have the links other sent me about these recent articles and also about a fraudulent website you guys should NOT apply with. I have visited websites to all medical facilities on all three islands and have an ongoing research going on. Stay in touch...your wife and I may be able to share info to benefit us all regarding ER nursing. Luckily for us ER Nursing is a very "flexible specialty" and needed everywhere. Feel free to PM me. If links don't work properly, we'll figure how to make them work. I have other links some other wonderful people on here have sent me. I have a topic out here started on Jan 17, '13 "Medical Services & Facilities" that may have other helpful info. Good luck to you with your Firefighter/Paramedic research (utmost respect for you guys anywhere you bring your life saving skills) Glad to see more of the EMS family thinking about the same island lines 🙂
Be sure not to apply at the United States Virgin Islands Hospital.
"Elaborate USVI Hospital Website is a Fake, DLCA Warns"
http://stcroixsource.com/content/news/local-news/2013/01/17/elaborate-usvi-hospital-website-fake-dlca-warnsThanks for the heads up on that fake website. I read the article. Damn scammers!!
On the SRMC website, look at the tab for Myra Keating Community Health Clinic. It is the St John arm of the SRMC family.
Great! I'll check them out too! Txs.
STX hiring nurses ~~ Article that may be worth reading for you.
Also, the real STX hospital website... Juan F. Luis Hospital
FYI, this thread was started 3 years ago, and resurrected yesterday. The OP (fireboy311) is no longer active on this board.
Also Mick, if you are not a US citizen, you will need to obtain a work visa.
I recently heard rumors of the paramedic service merging with the fire department, any one know about this?
Mick: EMS is a part of the Health department. You would have to be here year around, as they don't do travel jobs. And as Linda said, you need to be able to work in the US.
Hi Linda J, hi East Ender,
thank you for your answers. Is anybody of you working in the EMS or in a hospital?
Does anyone have info on EMS?
What do you want to know?
Me I like to know anything about the SOP's and Drugs which are used your local ems. What equipment do you have in your ambulances and all that stuff .
Same stuff as Mick stated, but also what their pay scale is, are there opportunities for advancement, what type of ambulances they use and equipment?
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