Hate VI
Does anybody else absolutely hate the Virgin Islands? I regret the day I moved there.

I am sure some people do not ever want to return to the USVI -- this forum is oriented towards helping inform people who are interested in 'relocating' here.
So maybe when a question is posted where your opinion could be a useful addition and informational a short response may be relevant.
Having negative comments about personal problems is best saved for another forum.
Let's see... You didn't like Dr. Weisher, the police, an accountant, day care, and you were counting down the days til you could leave last May. What happened??
I agree with the sentiment that a short detailing of why you hate the USVI’s would potentially be of value to folks thinking of moving here. No place is perfect for anyone, but staying somewhere as remote as the USVI’s if you’re unhappy isn’t a good idea. I think the point of this blog is to learn from each other.
Okay. I'm sorry, but you did say "Be very careful about which Drs you pick. A lot come here is they lose their license in states or can't pass boards or cant get residency in states. "
I don't know where you came up with this one. To practice in the VI, they have to pass stringent testing. Many stateside docs feel they should be allowed to practice based on a stateside license, but the local board is picky.
The point is you have had multiple complaints and have said you want to leave. That means: it's time to leave.
To new people: The VI isn't for everyone. And sometimes it is for you until it isn't. There is nothing more difficult than short timers pointing out all the problems. The VI is not like Big America. This is why so many leave in 6-12 months....
My question would be how much time did you spend there before moving there?
Posted by: @grtDoes anybody else absolutely hate the Virgin Islands? I regret the day I moved there.
I don't "hate" the VI. But, after living here for 15 years, I can easily see why some people do come to hate it here. There's a lot to dislike.
I can say that I won't be living the rest of my life here, that's for sure.

After living on STX for 55+ years, I can honestly say there isn't anything that I miss except for a good saltfish pate'. And conch.
There are lots of things I would NOT miss.
But...I would miss (in no particular order):
• the crystal clear water
• the clean salt air
• coconut water!
• passion fruit
• Gina who sells ital stew @ Beeston Hill corner on Sunday
• the warmth and kindness of many people here (not all)
These are just a few of the things I would miss.
The grass is always greener!
I was raised to believe that "Hate" is a very strong word and to only be use it as such. I would never knowingly live any place that I "Hate", life is too short. I've been fortunate in my lifetime to travel the world extensively and I can say with confidence that if you have a middle class budget (or better) and a modicum of common sense that St. Croix is an exceptional location. I'm equally sure that if you look hard enough there are legitimate downsides to the island that will keep (or drive) some folks away. In general I'm optimist with a dash of pragmatist added for good measure, I prefer to look at the glass as half full with a positive attitude towards the future. No one should ever move to a remote island without doing their homework, you're not in Kansas anymore, as the saying goes.
We’ll put Jaldeborg.
I went back and forth to STX for years before making the big leap. As so many have posted before, moving here shouldn’t be a snap decision.
It's not for everyone. you have to have a high tolerance for idiocy, inefficiency and down right laziness. If you can look past that and have a huge sense of humor you will be fine. but man you can't beat the weather, views and food.

Posted by: @speee1dyPosted by: @grtDoes anybody else absolutely hate the Virgin Islands? I regret the day I moved there.
its never been my first choice of a place to live. i continue to hope to be able to move to the states soon
Are the airports closed on your island??
For speee1dy to say that, there must be a property involved. If you have to sell a property, that would make it difficult for you to be able to afford to leave when you want.

Well, I can get coconut water here, and passion fruit.
Not a water person, except for fishing. Better fishing here.
The grass isn't greener here, it's just a different type of grass.
VI can be a good place to isolate and wait out Coronavirus epidemic in US.
Posted by: @STTsailorVI can be a good place to isolate and wait out Coronavirus epidemic in US.
Don't be surprised if the remaining 2 tests are positive
Not to switch topics but we need to keep the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in perspective. As of today, March 9th, the global deaths from the virus stands at 3,883 and 3,120 of those have been in China. The US deaths from the normal flu this season are expected to be between 16,000 and 18,000, which is very typical of a normal US flu season.
I am in no way down-playing the Coronavirus and it risks as a pandemic nor the aggressive steps needed to keep it under control until a vaccine can be made widely available. I am only advocating that we avoid panic as much of the media seems intent on wiping up fear and seeking to politicize and blame. Trying to foster panic doesn't help anyone.
This will not be the last pandemic, with global travel as pervasive as it now is, mutant viruses will periodically pop-up and fan out rapidly, this is now a reality that the world will need to learn how to manage effectively.
That said, if I'm going to be somewhere while waiting for this pandemic to play out, STX is a good choice.
Five years ago I contracted a virus as an adult that children usually get - no vaccine is available. I ended up in the hospital off and on for six months with nearly complete heart failure and a defibrillator implanted in my chest. The bill to my insurance company topped $350K. If staying out of crowds, washing hands, not touching your face, and avoiding planes and cruise ships will stop the spread of an equally dangerous virus for older adults - then do these measures please.
And, yes, I still am recovering but would wish this on no one.
The media is trying to scare you - rightfully so.
Unless summers warmer weather stops or slows the rate of transmission it looks like 40% of US population will be infected within next 3 months. With mortality rate of 3% you all can do the math. Hospitalization rate looks like 10%. That will overwhelmed the system. Just look at Italy.
I can easily lock myself out and don’t see anybody for 3 months. Perhaps arrange produce delivery to the house every 3 weeks or so. I’m not panicking but looking at options.
Sorry to hear about your struggle with a virus, sounds like a horrible experience. COVID-19, however, is a pandemic and elderly people with existing health issues are the high risk demographic, the data shows this clearly. Education is key to avoidance/prevention as well as personal discipline to put the advice/protocols into practice. Scaring or panicking people is no more useful than yelling fire in a crowded building. Getting emotional never solved a health/medical issue, on average I suspect it leads to ignoring the facts and bad decisions. The media is only interested in ratings.
Of course there is nothing to worry about. Spanish flu of 1918-19 killed 50-100 million people and yet mankind survived.
COVID19 will decimate these over 60 and immunocompromized. Of course there is No reason to panic. Not much we can do but wash our hands frequently.
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