Has anyone tried or have knowledge of anyone who grows grape vines
or has grown grape vines in the Virgin Islands? Florida has Muscadines which are a wild strain strain that works great for southern states. I'm curious to determine how well grapes would grow in the islands. I'm sure traditional grapes, table or wine grapes most likely wouldn't hold up down there. But the muscadines should do well I would think.
Apparently there are some wild grapes growing in the bush at the end of my driveway (STT) but I haven't taken a close look at them yet so don't know how edible they are nor how hardy. The biggest issue I think you'd run across is keeping the t'iefing trashies away from them. They haven't (so far) got to any of my tomatoes but these I have in containers on my deck which is guarded by felines. They're inevitably sprawled out sleeping but the trashies stay away nonetheless! In a previous life on the South side I grew tomatoes in raised bed planters and had to surround them with chicken wire to keep the iggies out and shade cloth to keep the trashies away.
Gardening here is very much trial and error and what works in one part of the island doesn't necessarily work in another. I'd plant some up and see what happens. I found a great online seed supplier you might want to check out - gourmetseeds,com. Their products are a little more expensive than the Home Depot/supermarket offerings but they're far superior and definitely cost effective comparatively.
Have fun!
we have a dead grape vine that at one time did well. the automatic waterer that the rental has stopped working and once i got a job i did not have time to water them every day
Thanks Tart, St. Thomas is my main focus since we have relatives there. I have a small vineyard in my back yard in central Florida and would like to try some cuttings from my vines in Florida that are two year growth and try them in St. Thomas on the Northside where we have property and see how they will fair. I'm a little familiar with growing things on St. Thomas, my wife's father and brothers grow anything from bananas to pineapples to Mangos and seasonings. Yeah, I imagine there are varmints that would love to make a quick meal out of the grapes, in Florida, it's the squirrels that do the most damage and then the birds. I tell my wife that when you grow things, you need to figure on at the very least 10-20% loss for just the scavengers. But they got to eat to hahahahaha.
I remember when growing up here and my grandmother had a grape arbor. This was in town. Lots of homes/businesses had beautful gardens in those days right in town. I have seen some at various locations around the island but mostly residential locations. Don't know the types. Maybe Ag. dept could be helpful?
Thanks Alana, I'll have to check with the Ag Department and see what restrictions they would have on me bringing in some of my cuttings onto the island as well as any information they can provide.
University of FL has developed a table grape (and blueberries!) for the Florida climate. I wonder if they would work here. Check with them.

It's from 1977 but It may be helpful
Would love to hear how it goes....i've been thinking of trying it.
You may indeed get better info thru the UVI extension services as per above info from Yearasta.
Good ting!
It's from 1977 but It may be helpful
Would love to hear how it goes....i've been thinking of trying it.
WOW, thanks this will help out a ton. From what I've read so far from the attached link, it is quite possible to grow grapes on the islands.
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