Grills for Humans
Anybody for grilling after reading this ad?:P:D
What the hell is that...........?
That Grill is only sold in New Jersey, We have people that sell body parts in Europe. I guess they use that grill for overstocked items.
is this for real?!
I hear they taste just like chicken!

is this for real?!
Of course, and Sears is also selling real unicorns.

"..."We discovered earlier today that someone visiting our site had defaced a limited number of product pages," the company [Sears] said in a written statement...",2933,541221,00.html?test=latestnews
Wow, did anyone else read Cormac MCcarthy's The Road? I was finally over being haunted by that book until I saw this ad.
As usual no sense of humor dntw8up . This board can always depend on you to throw the wet blanket.8-)
"BINGO" On that!

Tippi and Lizard,
I am positively elated that you and I do not share the same sense of humor!
Now that was funny oh Queen of the Wiki!

My students have a similar response when I assign Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal."
do you get a free cookbook with the grill???
May West once asked W.C. Fields if he liked children, His reply was "Yes if they are properly cooked"
I always imagined humans would taste quite similar to pork.
hmmmmm, bacon.
maybe grill was invented for a M Vick wennie roast. (did i say that)???
Cookbook! 😀
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