Governor Mapp takes to social media to go after citizen
I guess he didn't like me saying WTF? in question to his erroneous claim of Universal Healthcare in the VI.
Looks like he tried to give you a licking and you kept on ticking.
One of the reasons I moved was to be able to get affordable individual healthcare insurance in FL because I sure as heck couldn't get it here.
He's so full of BS.
I was most happy to see citizens of the VI; young, intelligent, enthusiastic citizens calling Mr. Mapp out. We face enough problems here without mistruths
If there is universal health care availability in the VI, then why does the VI government provide health insurance for its employees?
That money now spent could go toward directly supporting the hospitals and necessary off-island care for any and all as described by Mr. Mapp.
I have determined that I cannot afford to pay my hospital bill since I'm going to go buy a new car with the money. Therefore I am broke.
I will be returning my bills to the hospital with a copy of his speech attached.
Universal health care at the hospital is always available to those who give a false name and social security number.
The entire healthcare system is broken. First, when people are admitted to the hospital, they must be treated. There is no place to "dump" them, no public hospital (oh,wait, it is the public hospital!) to send them at the public's expense. In the hearings yesterday, one of the legislators asked about numbers of illegal immigrants seeking care, which is a good question. The CFO spoke about someone from Tortola who ran up a $700,000 bill that their government promised to pay, but hasn't. Okay.
And next, where do you discharge people? There is one government long term care facility on St Thomas (Queen Louise) that offers nursing care. There is one assisted living facility (Lucinda Millen) and a couple of places that require the person to be able to do basic self-care. With Seaview out of the picture currently, there is no short-term rehab on island. The one long term psychiatric facility (Eldra Schulterbrandt) is way overwhelmed and does not take people who need total physical assistance. So where do people go that have no possible discharge?
Another problem is the pay source. Private insurance reimburses fairly well. Medicare hospitalization is under TEFRA caps which were set in the 80s. Medicaid/medical assistance reimburses something like $75 a day for hospitalization. The"self-pays", well, I'd be interested to see what % is ever recovered from that group. P.S. the CFO stated that there were 2 of a total of 42 current inpatients that had private insurance. If you didn't get to listen to the finance committee budget hearings yesterday, see if it is available online somewhere.
Sparty: Did you just out yourself, or am I just slow? #Sparty2018. 😉
What a douche-bag....Mapp not Sparty. Hopefully he will be voted out next go. But we all know what will happen. He'll send out a few tax returns throw a party and be right back in office. Too bad we have such a gullible uninformed majority voting block.
The entire healthcare system is broken. First, when people are admitted to the hospital, they must be treated. There is no place to "dump" them, no public hospital (oh,wait, it is the public hospital!) to send them at the public's expense. In the hearings yesterday, one of the legislators asked about numbers of illegal immigrants seeking care, which is a good question. The CFO spoke about someone from Tortola who ran up a $700,000 bill that their government promised to pay, but hasn't. Okay.
And next, where do you discharge people? There is one government long term care facility on St Thomas (Queen Louise) that offers nursing care. There is one assisted living facility (Lucinda Millen) and a couple of places that require the person to be able to do basic self-care. With Seaview out of the picture currently, there is no short-term rehab on island. The one long term psychiatric facility (Eldra Schulterbrandt) is way overwhelmed and does not take people who need total physical assistance. So where do people go that have no possible discharge?
Another problem is the pay source. Private insurance reimburses fairly well. Medicare hospitalization is under TEFRA caps which were set in the 80s. Medicaid/medical assistance reimburses something like $75 a day for hospitalization. The"self-pays", well, I'd be interested to see what % is ever recovered from that group. P.S. the CFO stated that there were 2 of a total of 42 current inpatients that had private insurance. If you didn't get to listen to the finance committee budget hearings yesterday, see if it is available online somewhere.
Sparty: Did you just out yourself, or am I just slow? #Sparty2018. 😉
I have never hid it. But I have never come out, just like Mapp
What a douche-bag....Mapp not Sparty. Hopefully he will be voted out next go. But we all know what will happen. He'll send out a few tax returns throw a party and be right back in office. Too bad we have such a gullible uninformed majority voting block.
I resemble that from time to time. I been called a lot worse by Mapp's minions.

Both contestants might be better served enjoying time at the beach.
Both contestants might be better served enjoying time at the beach.
In fairness, it was dark. :S #Omell2018
It is a free emergency care to anybody. They don't ask for payment upfront. If you have no assets you have nothing to worry about. If you have a house or saving they will go after you to collect.
Since we are a small territory surrounded by water and have no border patrols we became a magnet for undocumented. It is a huge burden to taxpayers. Puzzles me why this small and relatively poor territory elects to proceed w such a generosity?
Is this a federal mandate?
Does fed allocate some extra money to support this extravagant spending?
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