Gov Mapp Proposes Taxes To Address Deficits

In his twisted ego driven logic, Gov Mapp now wants to increase taxes on alcohol, tobacco, & soda to generate more income for the territorial government. It matters not that his administration knows no bounds on spending. This man is the epitomy of a narcissist. To put it bluntly, Narcissists are not capable of putting business needs before their own ego needs.
Paradise is going to keep getting more expensive because there is nothing except the voters or legislature to go against him. Thank goodness my wife & I gave up smoking and only spend 3 months a year on STX.
To be honest, real estate taxes are ridiculously low, and could stand an increase. But sin taxes are a headache to administer, and, I imagine, would end up under this bloated and inept government, not that big of a money maker, ROI-wise.
This isn't new, he started pushing for that a while ago. Earlier he wanted a sin tax on all sugary drinks. Maybe this is the same thing in sheep's clothing. I guess the last hotel tax increase wasn't enough.
How about this, new taxes approved unless an equal amount is cut from spending until the Government is solvent???
The increase in those taxes will only force tourists to buy the taxed items elsewhere, like St. Martin, our biggest competitor in the Caribbean.
Unfortunately, your logic will never work here, Pdmargie.
The increase in those taxes will only force tourists to buy the taxed items elsewhere, like St. Martin, our biggest competitor in the Caribbean.
Unfortunately, your logic will never work here, Pdmargie.
I know,.....I know,....unfortunately, what you say is true. I'm still debating the move. Waiting on JFL to turn things around,....permanently. Will continue to visit often, however.
Maybe get Trump to buy The Castle for big bucks. Not a huge supporter, but maybe he will get some positive things done for the economy in the USVI if he is directly involved. More dreaming, I realize.
Taxes were destined to increase once Hovensa was shuttered. All the borrowing that's now taking place is only to hold over the government until tax increases take effect.
These are only the beginning, more taxes will come...for true
that would never happen
How about this, new taxes approved unless an equal amount is cut from spending until the Government is solvent???

The Govt. citing the items that will be taxed higher as things that :
By making modest increases to items such as beer, alcohol, cigarettes and carbonated beverages, revenue contributed to the territory will come from nonessential items,"
"non-essential commodities and areas of the economy that can contribute more without increasing the cost of living to V.I. residents."
While I agree these are non-essential to sustaining life - it will certainly increase the cost of living for residents -- almost all of us purchase some or all of these commodities in the course of our normal life here - and I would actually venture to guess that on a yearly basis residents spend as much on these products in grocery stores,bars and restaurants as the tourism market purchases on Main st. or at the cruise docks.
And the way things are going in this new administration with their actions, views and plans I hesitate to even characterize booze, cigarettes and beverages as non essential to maintaining a bearable life here!
"And the way things are going in this new administration with their actions, views and plans I hesitate to even characterize booze, cigarettes and beverages as non essential to maintaining a bearable life here!"
Had to laugh but too true!

Another press release:
Booze esp rum and cigs are really cheap here. If there is a 10% levied it should not affect the tourist sales business at all.
I am all in for taxing sugar products for health related reasons. The islands run on sweet indulgence.
booze isnt really all that cheap here. not like it was 12 years ago. cigarette prices today here are what they were 12 years ago in florida. so they are steadily rising too.
if you tax sugar for health related reasons, would this be all sugar. would this be sugar free options of normally sugar things?? stevia? splenda?

Booze esp rum and cigs are really cheap here. If there is a 10% levied it should not affect the tourist sales business at all.
That was exactly what I was trying to point out in my earlier post but it certainly will increase the cost of living here for residents.
Senate Balks at Sin Tax Increases
I'm not a fan of any kind of tax increase, and especially not anything King Mapp proposes, but this looks more like kicking the can down the road than an authoritative "no, this is wrong" from the Legislature. Why can't they muster the guts to tell Mapp no? This, right here, is why we can't have nice things.
It will almost certainly pass when presented to the next legislature.
I'm in favor of raising taxes on cigs, booze, gambling winnings, soda and the like even though it may cost me a bit more. The taxes on these items should be increased substantially as they are in most other jurisdictions.
Sure...I like paying $7 bucks for a bottle of rum but I wouldn't mind paying $14 if the tax revenue went to pay for my healthcare like in Canada.
By the way, in Toronto, a bottle of Cruzan Dark Rum is $28 CDN and a pack of smokes is $14, most of which is tax that funds the cradle to grave socialized healthcare system.
I'm good with that.
If Mapp wants to address deficits maybe he can stay at the Best Western when in STT instead of the Ritz? I'm sure he can also use conference calls for meetings instead of getting on planes.
I HAVE ALWAYS WONDERED WHY THE NEED TO KEEP FLYING back and forth instead of skype
If Mapp wants to address deficits maybe he can stay at the Best Western when in STT instead of the Ritz? I'm sure he can also use conference calls for meetings instead of getting on planes.
He likes to travel and live luxuriously on our dime.
It's that simple.
Until the people get tired of this Sh!t, it will never change. Same thing just happened with our election and the results remain to be seen (I'm not trying to make this another presidential polictical post, so let's just leave it at that), but the people need to wake up and understand that they can make a change with their vote in a few years when Mapp screws everything up. But alas, is the next choice better than the last... wait and see.
I suspect that this nepotism is wildly endorsed here give that this are islands with relatively small population. When you get your turn to govern you bring your relatives to profit and you take your time to line up your pockets as much as you can.
Governing is not about humble public service for the greater good of your people.

I suspect that this nepotism is wildly endorsed here give that this are islands with relatively small population. When you get your turn to govern you bring your relatives to profit and you take your time to line up your pockets as much as you can.
Governing is not about humble public service for the greater good of your people.
You are right STTsailor. Corrupt gov't, nepotism, lining your pockets while in office, etc., are SOP for the territorial government. Some policiticans are worse than others, as some governers are worse than previous ones. The current governor is in the "WORSE" catagory. Once in a while you might have some "above board"/ honest politicians which is refreshing.
i have always said, many politicians are corrupt, most try to hide it while our VI branch flaunt it.
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