Getting Drivers License on STT
I have a couple questions about getting a USVI Drivers license.
Exactly what do I need to do to get one?
Right now I have a Colorado License, but it is restricted. Will I still be able to use my Colorado License to obtain a USVI License?
Do you think I will have problems getting a USVI license because my Colorado License is restricted? It is not revoked or suspended just
Will I have to get a restricted license in STT?

Restricted as in you must wear corrective eye wear, or restricted as is you were found guilty of a crime and can only use your license to go back and forth to work? If the former, no problem. If the latter, it depends on the crime. If you get a STT license, whether it will be restricted or not is also hard to say and depends on your particular circumstances.
Restricted is an I got a DUI about 2 years ago and I can drive wherever I want to, but in Colorado I have to have a interlock in my car.
Do they even Have interlock in the VI?

I don't know if we have Interlock (I doubt it), but where they do it is usually given in lieu of license suspension which we do have. Your DUI will be on your stateside driving record, which will be checked by the VI cops (everyone applying for a VI license needs to obtain a clearance letter from the VI PD before they go to the MVB to obtain a license.) You can ask at the PD how the DUI will be handled locally, but you'll probably just have to wait and see when you get here. You will probably also encounter some flak when you seek insurance.
dntw8up, thanks for the information, it is very helpfull.
So what is your guess on what will happen and my chances of getting a VI license?
Will my license still be valid for 90 days after I move? because I plan on buying a car when I arrive
What will happen in if I get pulled over in those first 90 days?
Thank again, you have been a big help on all my posts

Generally the local cops are more lax about locals who commit crimes than people from out of state who come here with a criminal record, but DUIs aren't uncommon and I think you'll be fine. How it's handled may depend on who is at the VI PD desk when you go in for your clearance letter, and you will likely pay more for insurance. You might want to look up the exact wording of the restriction on your current license (perhaps your local DMV can help) because your restriction likely says something about the validity of the restricted license out of state.
Thanks again I appreciate the advise.

You're very welcome, Greg!
I suggest that you call the DMV instead of getting advice from those of us here. As far as an interlock device law I know of none. You insurance will probably be higher. When I went for my license a few years back they took it and then issued a new one. But you will need a few things.
1. SS Card or a letter from them
2. Pass Port pictures that cost about 20 so that they can be mounted.
3. An eye examination
4. Your blood type
There is no test.
But when in doubt call the experts. Call the DMV!
Thanks billd, I have a SS card and a passport, so I think I should be ok.
They did away with the eye exam thing if you're just exchanging your stateside license for a local one. But you will need the pictures and the other stuff.
Keep your SS on you especially for the first 3 months or so of setting up utilities and accounts, they love the SS card down here. Never used to carry it stateside but I do here.
Restricted as in you must wear corrective eye wear, or restricted as is you were found guilty of a crime and can only use your license to go back and forth to work? If the former, no problem. If the latter, it depends on the crime. If you get a STT license, whether it will be restricted or not is also hard to say and depends on your particular circumstances.
In the US, convicts are not allowed to run for office, here, most politicians are convicts!
Maybe you could run for senate, & not only drive but, get a free SUV & gas you can sell to your friends & neighbors!
Dun, thanks for the info, but im not a convict. I have never had a felony only a misdemeanor. I get the point your trying to make though. 😉
I am sure that Greg did not mean you but I agree with him 10000000% regarding our wonderful crook politicians!!!!!!
Go for it Greg!
On STT you no longer need to bring photos. They have a camera hooked up to the computer. They take your pic and 5 minutes later you get your new license!

They've had that camera hook-up for years, but last time I needed a new license they insisted I bring photos anyway for "the files."

Yeah the camera could've been broken, or the particular clerk we got thought it would be entertaining to hassle us. 😀
I believe the interlock device required in the VI is a cup holder for your drink.
Sloop Jones
I exchanged my KY license for a VI one about 6 months ago on STX. No hassel, no pictures. Just my ID and money.
Sloop - HA! And, doesn't part of the driving test examine one's ability to drive while holding one's beer out the window so it stays cool? :@)
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