gasoline price
Gasoline that was $3.50 a few days ago is now $3.88 at the Frydenhoj Domino.
File under: Things that make you say, "Hmmmm." *-)
This makes me really :X -- because I believe that this is nothing but gouging -- pure and simple.
I guess you realize Hovensa primarily turns out jet fuel, like 80%? There have been several refinery breakdowns or problems gas is running a little over $3.00, so with ya'll's being shipped in,'s gonna be high...
On STX it's $2.47 right now.
In Az it's between $3.01 and $3.10:(
Do you think STX is cheapest in nation for gas?It seeme like it.
I have one little place I buy gas that is currently at $2.29. They even pump it for you. It sure beats the $3.47 I was paying in Washington state last week!
And imagine people pay $5 dollars for a cup of Starbucks coffee and never look back!!
Great perspective, Jay! Hadn't quite thought of it that way, but yeah - it makes sense.
Some of you will remember the good old days when you could only pump gas on odd or even days, depending on your license number.....and you waited in lines 2 blocks long. If you wanted to go somewhere, you had to plan very carefully to make sure you could have enough gas to get there......I'll just pay the higher price for the freedom to not be strapped to the gas pump on a schedule. I guess now is a really good time to schedule flights before it goes up even more....I am sure we are getting ready to see a big increase there as well.
The flight prices are already jumping....looking for three different flights and all have jumped and almost doubled since last year.
Here in Indiana the cheapest we are getting is 3.49. And we live right off Lake Michigan. bet....
Starbucks....that's why I don't go there. 5$ for a cup of coffee???? Ludicrous!
At least on STT you never have very far to drive! LOL
I've heard it explained as summer driving spike. Apparently the price rises because of demand. Here on the East Coast, it does not seem like the price is keeping anyone home yet. But it does appear to be causing everything else to go up including food. I feel bad for seniors on fixed incomes. And now for the great Starbucks debate..... mmmmmm it might not be worth $ 3.87 but its great once and a while.
In the news last week, there was a place in CA that gas was $4.99 / gal.
Yes we complain about high gas prices, and we should, but have you ever figured out what you are paying for bottled water per gallon when you buy it in the little bottles? That's expensive!!! LOL
Afraid I can't add any words of wisdom regarding gas prices. I find the whole situation overwhelming and have a feeling of helplessness about it. However, regarding Starbucks, I find it so civilized that you can have a cup of mocha latte while grocery shopping (Oregon). They even have a cup holder attached to the grocery cart.
Also, just a little word of mouth advertising....I had a cup of "just coffee" at Anna's at Gallows Bay last week. It was the best I've had here. I think they called it City Brew.
Juanita, is the City Brew reasonably priced. We sometimes go to the Yoga and Veggie place behind the Comanche in Christianstead. It tastes good and is fresh and it is reasonable. (and they make great wraps)
Hi lisailortoo,
Large (probably 14 or 16 oz.) $2.50.
Will check out Yoga and Veggie. Sounds like my kind of place.
The big difference being that you don't *have* to buy the coffee, of course. 🙂
Oh, I don't know about that!
My power was out the morning I went to Anna's, and I was very willing to burn the gas to get there. My husband doesn't drink coffee, but he gets up and makes mine as "preventative self-defense". Insert smiley....I haven't gotten that into it yet.
Seriously, you're right. We are all so dependent on our cars, which is bad on several fronts, BUT our economy is so entwined with the auto industry and everything associated with it. What can you do? I don't pretend to know, so I vote as best I can and hope that someone smarter than I can come up with a solution so my granddaughter can enjoy the quality of life we have had.
So depressing. Coffee, anyone?
Make mine a double latte! 😉

They could remove some of the taxes on the gas but you know THAT will never happen.
Trade, they DID remove 1/2 of the road tax on gasoline a couple years ago, I could be wrong, but I think we pay an extra 7.5 cents, while Sacramento California pays .40 in taxes!, So that`s why their paying $4/gal.
So,why is gas high here?
I don`t know, I`ve seen the PCS do numerous $80,000 investigations regarding our fuel prices, over the years, but never published the reports!
I reported to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission regarding our plight, & how we pay the same retail gasoline price as Hawaii(understandable for Hawaii, their many thousands of miles in between California & Japan)<While we are 30 MILES FROM THE THIRD LARGEST REFINERY IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE!
I suggested our local gas stations were colluding, profiting at our expense!
I`ve been told the fuel MUST go to Puerto Rico from St. Croix, before it can be sold here...that would leave a couple of extra hands to pass before St. Thomians & St. Johnians purchased at a retail level...this arrangement(or what ever there is) has transcended all governors since the Farley years(that`s how long I`ve been here, wondering about our fuel prices).Imagine just how many gallons that are marked up everyday & sold!
I`m a registered spotter for, & have been for over a year. Our St. Croix spotter, diamo reports the lowest retail price @ Ind Gateway Llc 18 Peters Rest Centerline Rd
@Rt 70
Christiansted, VI @ $2.48/gal. but hasn`t updated in the last 24 hrs.
I know I`m not popular here for giving exact names/places /etc., but I call a "spade a spade"(the expression to call a spade a spade is thousands of years old and etymologically has nothing whatsoever to do with any racial sentiment.
So,to call a spade a spade, which means, ironically for this discussion, 'to speak plainly and bluntly; to speak without euphemisms',I`m just telling it like it is!
No sugar coating!
So, when the newest gas station opened here (Gas Works) I was told by one of the owners that they purchase direct from Hovensa, & would pass the savings here!
Well, of course, that has not happened, as they would be selling retail regular gas here for $2.87(the extra .39/gal to cover the transport to STT).
As of today, their price for regular is $3.49, the best price on the island by .04 cents! The .04 cent spread is the best they have done since opening...THANK YOU GASWORKS! But, somehow, my backside is still burning from these guys!
So, what`s the bottom line, who is going to set this right?
Gov. John deJongh Jr.? If anyone would step up to the plate, it would be him, but remember, this problem has been with us since the Farley years, doubtful.
I`d hate to say it, the only organization that has the political power, the backing, & the local government in their back pocket(I cringe as I say it) the VI TAXI ASSOCIATION!
It`s ironic I say that as I was the one who had a long conversation with Domino's owner regarding the special "taxi Price" for gasoline years ago.I saw a "Church of Jesus" van pull into the "regular price"(like the rest of us pay), & asked the church van driver..."why don`t you go in the taxi line, it`s much cheaper".The driver explained"that is only; for the taxis, only they get a break on gas".
I remember, & told the driver, "but taxis pay no road tax, & have a large amount of political power!"
Then I told the driver,"well, now we know who is holier than thou on St. Thomas!!!!"
So, there you have it, no Governor has had the power to correct this, V.I. Taxi Association, HELP yourselves, help US!
Oh, & one more thing,
Who here remembers the Pueblo boycot?
I think another Boycot is in order for Dominos...
Dominos, Dominos, Dominos, the prices are too high, don`t drive inside, don`t fill your ride...
Dominos, Dominos, Dominos, me aint gonna buy!

I knew it was an old problem. Somebody got a nice little income from all that gas going to Puerto Rick but don't know who or when it started. Must be someone with still a lot of influence.
I suspect the drivers wouldn't do anything until they weren't allowed to raise their prices accordingly. And once their prices are raised, you can bet they'll never go back down.
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