i remember the gas lines and the odd/even -way before carter took office
Memory is a strange thing. The odd-even deal was in Carter's time.
Nixon messed up with wage and price controls, but there was no one worse than Carter. Until recently.
folks don't think about the difference in taxes on a gallon of gas when they compare prices in the states either. I paid $2.19 a gallon in NY last week, and over fifty cents of that price is taxes..whereas in the VI it's only 14 cents, no state in the US has taxes that low...
i remember when the gas was $.89 a gallon on stx...for lots of years, no price change...
To this day, I can't forgive myself for voting for Herbert Hoover. Shoulda voted for Al Smith, but he was a catholic and wanted to end the Prohibition.
i remember the gas lines and the odd/even -way before carter took office
Memory is a strange thing. The odd-even deal was in Carter's time.
Nixon messed up with wage and price controls, but there was no one worse than Carter. Until recently.
Memory really is a strange thing. Odd/even was nationwide in '73. In '79 only a few states used it. From your source:
"Many politicians proposed gas rationing; one such proponent was Harry Hughes, Governor of Maryland, who proposed odd-even rationing (only people with an odd-numbered license plate could purchase gas on an odd-numbered day), as was used during the 1973 Oil Crisis. Several states actually implemented odd-even gas rationing, including California, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and Texas. Coupons for gasoline rationing were printed but were never actually used during the 1979 crisis.[13]
Well, if it makes you feel any better, the price of gas here on STX is about the same or a bit cheaper than the gas in California right now.
I remember the odd/even rationing in PA in 73, as well as the lines at the gas stations. Don't recall gas being much of an issue in 79 other than driving across the bridge to NJ to get it cheaper. Then again, we were a bit preoccupied with Three Mile Island and worrying if we were going to be obliterated.
I remember the odd/even rationing in PA in 73, as well as the lines at the gas stations. Don't recall gas being much of an issue in 79 other than driving across the bridge to NJ to get it cheaper. Then again, we were a bit preoccupied with Three Mile Island and worrying if we were going to be obliterated.
The China Syndrome coming out at the same time didn't help. 🙂
Beyond ironic.
Well, if it makes you feel any better, the price of gas here on STX is about the same or a bit cheaper than the gas in California right now.
But, in CA the tax on a gallon is at least $0.69. Here, it's $0.14. So that's more than fifty cents a gallon extra that the ripoff stations here on stx get.
I paid $1.96 a gallon at a pricey, former Hess station in New Jersey the other day, and have been paying $2.19 in NY, where the tax is a minimum of $0.69 a gallon, so the wholesale price of gas itself is obviously much lower than it has been.
I think you are forgetting the transportation costs associated with shipping the gas to an island. In California it is just a truck drive away. I agree with OT. If you aren't happy you can always move. And when I say "you" that isn't directed at anyone specifically. However, it does apply to myself and my family. I was fed up with Calfornia and we got the hell out! Now we are happily adjusting to the island lifestyle.

Well, if it makes you feel any better, the price of gas here on STX is about the same or a bit cheaper than the gas in California right now.
But, in CA the tax on a gallon is at least $0.69. Here, it's $0.14. So that's more than fifty cents a gallon extra that the ripoff stations here on stx get.
I paid $1.96 a gallon at a pricey, former Hess station in New Jersey the other day, and have been paying $2.19 in NY, where the tax is a minimum of $0.69 a gallon, so the wholesale price of gas itself is obviously much lower than it has been.
There are more hidden taxes.
3.11 at a gas station I frequent
3.11 at a gas station I frequent
I paid 3.11 2 days ago, also. Celebrated with a beer I bought with the savings.

3.11 at a gas station I frequent
I paid 3.11 2 days ago, also. Celebrated with a beer I bought with the savings.
My station gives me a free beer with each fill up.
I need to frequent that station.

I need to frequent that station.
It takes 35 gallons to fill my truck...:-(
At least you get a beer as your consultation prize!
3.11 at a gas station I frequent
I paid 3.11 2 days ago, also. Celebrated with a beer I bought with the savings.
My station gives me a free beer with each fill up.
Thanks for bursting my happy bubble. 🙂
3.09 today

3.09 today
There are some at $3.07. One is on the corner at Estate Glynn.
Cool. Now if we can get them lower

Pay with a cash back card and it's $3.03

The VIC is trying to take credit for the drops.....

$1.95 in LA (Lower Alabama)... :}
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