Future Islander (hopefully) 😉
I apologize in advance for the long read. Ive been surfing this forum as a guest for some time and have read hundreds of threads and was looking to tie up some loose ends. Any guidance is appreciated be it positive or negative (you wont hurt my feelings).
Im 23 years old and have worked in Dallas as a stock broker for the past few years. I have done real well for myself but have learned that no matter how big your flatscreen is or how many high end sports cars you drive, money doesn't buy happiness. I have traveled a decent amount, and have been to cabo, belize, barbados, etc... and find that i love these places due to the simplicity of life and the slower pace. After alot of research and input from a good friend im looking at a move to USVI and see how it works out. On to the questions....
1.) From what i have read the islanders are very kind, being i will be part of the minority of young white males (be it that im extremely tan and often get mistaken for a Hawaiian or mexican haha) will it make it more difficult to get a job/make friends? Keeping in mind that im very friendly and kind to everyone 🙂 . Only reason i really ask the question is because i would be coming to live in someone elses native land so i understand its on my end to earn the respect but i just want to know how feasible it is.
2.) Im planning at working in a restaurant initially (have experience in the food industry) until i get a feel for everything but since i do have numerous federal licenses in the finance field im curious as to if any of those type of jobs exist there?
3.) Realistically speaking is it possible to get a small studio/one bedroom and live simply, working as a server/bartender?
4.) I would be coming to the island with a paid off wrangler (with extra brake pads ;)), computer, and clothes. Im giving myself a 13k buffer to do this trip. So 13k to ship everything and pay the needed rent to get going. Does it sound realistic?
5.) From my research so far im siding towards living on STJ due to the apparent lower crime while still being close to STT. It sounds like from a tourist perspective its the 2nd most popular island which will still allow me to make money while not paying an absurd amount for a place either. Input please 🙂
6.) I love playing volleyball and really doing anything athletic. My biggest worry is finding other people my age. Most the statistics are extremely broad so im just looking for someone on the island to give me a good guesstimate 😉
I plan on doing a 2 week PMV in October or November to get a feel for everything.
Thats all that i can think of off the top of my head. Once again thanks for any input!
Two things. First $13,000 is enough to get you set up. If you have a good work ethic you won't have trouble finding a job. But, depending on your lifestyle, you might consider living with a roommate to help stretch your $$$. Second, bring your car, clothes and any personal things you can't live without. Leave everything else in storage. If after 6 months or a year, you decide to stay, that's time enough to ship your stuff.
Good luck.
You'll be fine and yes. To all your questions. We have found that living and working on STT and **playing** once a week on STJ is quite economical. Sounds to me like you will be just fine. Come on down! And welcome to the forum.
In no order.
STJ is more expensive to live. Less people live "full time". Much smaller "social circle". Some people find it limiting. Some people LOVE living there. Personal choice. But understand if you do land a finacial service job you will most likely be communting to STT form STJ (adds to COL).
As a young male you have a higher staticial probility of becoming a crime vitcim, regardless of which island. Especially if your job brings you in contact with large amounts of cash. Or lifestyle brings you in to contact with a questionable elements.(ie drugs, guns, wrong place, wrong time) You understand numbers, so I won't elborate. Make smart choices. Stay way form the situations that feel "worng". Fine tune your ESP.
Don't give up on a job in financial services. Try to make some contacts before relocating. Network Network network!! Professionalism, a strong resume and solid refference are key.
Presue hobbies outside of the bar. (ie tennis, sailing, diving) This is best way to get to know active young people. check the community section. Personally i don't know any specific V-ball groups. But they so exisit. Volenterring and chartible groups are big in the VI and an excellent way to network and do good at the same time. Do you hold an undergraduate degree? You may want to look into some classes a UVI. I think there are alos sports group that meet on or around the UVI campus.
Skin color is irrelevant compared to "cutural difference". Doesn't matter how "tan": you're still not West Indian. But thats ok. Understanding, basic good manners, and strong vaules wins you friends and acceptance.
13k goes alot farther on STT than STJ.
keep the psitive attitde. Good Luck.
Welcome to the VI! And don't give up on STX. Lots of finance people here. Money goes further. V-ball at Rainbow Beach.
Thanks for the input everyone. Im not against living on STX but i feel like it will be tougher to get a job and not as much of the younger crowd. I got nothing against playing volleyball with people of any age though ;). As far as me having a higher chance of being a crime victim is it because since im younger im more prone to doing drugs and being out later or simply because they target younger males? Reason i ask is because i dont do drugs and the club/bar scene is really not my thing.
I mentioned my plan to my best friend today whom is a paramedic here and he was very interested. It sounds like the hospital and other government jobs there may not be the best but im assuming with all the tourism having all the life saving certifications would be wanted at some business.
1. If you are nice, friendly and positive, you'll have no problem making new friends.
2. Generally, resorts, bars, restaurants and other tourist activity related businesses begin hiring staff in Oct. for the upcoming season which gears up around Thanksgiving and drops off around mid-May.
3. You should be able to find a studio or 1 bedroom for an inexpensive amount as long as you don't expect stainess steel appliances and updated accommodations. You will find electricty and just the general cost of living (gas, groceries, etc.) higher than what you are used to
stateside so something to keep in mind.
Lots of rentals want first, last month rent plus security but some will take first and security. There are always house sales going on and you can check for rentals and items for sale in the Island Trader which comes out weekly and is free or the Daily News (which is not).
You can check for rentals on craigslist but beware of the scammers or you can call a realtor to ask for help as well.
4. I think for your needs (simple living), $13K should serve you very well and give you breathing room to get settled in and find a job that's to your liking, instead of the having to settle for the first job that comes along because you need money, immediately.
5. STJ is a bit more expensive to live than STT, you pay more for gas, groceries, etc. as well.
Easy to live and work on STT and go over to play in STJ. Take your vehicle on the barge for the day, drive around and explore.
Lots to see and do on both islands.
6. Not sure about volleyball but sure you can find a group playing at one of the beaches or start a group, yourself.
It's pretty easy to meet people and you'll find many in similar situations as yourself.
Your friend can probably find out about EMT positions available. I had quite a few friends that were EMTs in STJ for many years.
Most now retired.
Good Luck, have fun and enjoy life in paradox. Oops! Paradise!
It cost us over $10K to move our stuff in 1 shipping container. Excluding 2 car registrations.
Former Austinites but I still get to visit my clients there. 🙂
I would most likely take the car to florida and have it shipped so it is cheaper, i also wont really be bringing anything else. I would be mailing a computer and extra clothes that wont fit in a carry on. I dont plan on bringing any furniture with the idea that i can find a furnished place to stay. Thanks for all the input!!

Carry the Computer.
Carry the Computer.
Unfortunately it is a desktop tower so it wont fit. Maybe i can find a moving company that will allow it and the monitor to be packed in with the car.
There are a few finance companies on STX, and there is a young scene here too. You may want to take a closer look.
I will do that. (any names of companies that you could pm me?).
As of right now i am leading towards St. Thomas as from the information im receiving it will be easier to get settled into. While i understand every estate is going to have good and bad places based off of the information i have provided where would be a good "safer" location on STT to look for a place with an ideal budget of $700-$1000 for a one bedroom?
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