Free WiFi in STX
Hello everyone! Can anyone tell me where I can find free WiFi in STX? The wireless at Anna's Cafe in Gallows Bay isn't working & the coffee shoppe next to Company House Hotel charges $5/hr. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Zebos in Christiansted.
NoBones in Gallows Bay.
OfficeMax in Sunny Isle
Apparently the public library used to, but it's been down for a while, and you know they're not doing anything about it. *rolls eyes*
Angry Nates on the boardwalk
Rainbow Beach, Frederiksted
Polly's at the Pier, Frederiksted - but you have to buy something there to use it, i believe
Chenay Bay used to...they probably still do.
I see people using computers at Stixx in Christiansted
Angry Nates on the boardwalk
When I tried wi-fi at Angry Nate's, it wasn't free.