food delivery service
is there a schwans food delivery service on stx?
if not , do you think people would use /buy from a distributor like that?
thanks Jerry
I think this might be a very limited market. Your best bet is to ask around, maybe at Princess market or Merchant's, or at the condo offices.
There are a couple of food deliver services, Merchants and Quality are the biggest on stx and do most if not all of the restaurants and hotels. If you can be more competitive there's always room in the market, but all I can say is good luck with that. Not familiar with schwann or why they would be special.
they are a home delivery service. frozen foods meats,sea food, ice cream, frozen dinners
just looking in too it . seeing what kind of responses people on here would give .
so far it dose not look like it would be received very good.
Sounds like you would need a fairly large inventory, warehouse space, freezers etc - a pretty big captial outlay. Do you presently live on island? If not, I would plan on moving first and finding other employment until you can research this idea more fully.
Its not so much that it wouldn't be received well. Who wouldn't want to avoid the grocery store. But grocery prices are extremely high here, so the prices you would have to charge as well as your business costs....well I don't see how you could make any money at it.
If you want to start a business here it is a REALLY good idea to live here for a year or two and see where there is a niche open or a business you would want to buy out. Things are done differently here and what makes since stateside doesn't often here, its a different culture and a small island with a small pop.
thanks betty
I am planning on moving there me and my wife are planning on coming back there in Nov. to look at homes and condos.
i own a business now here in states (WA. state) i own a delivery business here. a different kind of one though it's a courier service
the way schawns company's here work is every thing is shipped here in refrigerated containers and stored in them tell delivery happens.they are ran by propane then refrigerated trucks that deliver to houses.
just a idea I'm playing with. my business in WA. state can support me i don't have to work. but i like to work and if i can find something to do that helps the people on island save money keep me busy and maybe make a little money it's all good
thanks all Jerry
I had never heard of Schwans. I checked out the website. IMHO.. no way on STX. I thought the stateside prices were already a bit high. By the time you factor in shipping, warehousing, refrigeration, etc. seems to me it might be just as reasonable to eat out, and a lot more fun!
Here's another REALLY good idea. 😉 Do not buy until you've lived here for a year. You really aren't going to know where you want to live when you first get here, give yourself some time. And the very sad reality is that many more people leave then stay. It is gorgeous here, a great vacation spot but it is hard to live here. And it is really hard to sell real estate here, so please take your time. There is no point in rushing.
on the farm growing up in southern minnesota the schwans truck was the visit we kids all looked forward to every week,corn dogs and ice cream and then years later the tim and i had them deliver to us in minneapolis and by then the product line had gone somewhat gourmet
Something you might not have considered also is the lack of houses addresses. Finding specific houses is very difficult. #2 Betsy's Jewel is not very specific when Betsy's Jewel is probably several hundred acres big (ok ok, I have no idea how large an acre is, much less Betsy's Jewel, but its big)
Schwanns has the best banana ice cream! Banana is a very difficult flavor to is Maple nut.
I'd buy from you those two products plus some others we enjoy.
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