Fluoride in water?
Does anyone know if the VI public water supply is fluoridated? Fluoride is a poison which over time can cause cancer. Why would the government spend $ on it when most people buy toothpaste from the store? Are they really trying to "protect" us?
Does anyone remember their child hood when at school, the public safety commission had us get our flouride sponge that you had to leave in your mouth until you wanted to heave....ugh! that made me remember such a lousy thing.
Thanks congasan....
The connection has not been proven. So it still remains to be seen. However most of us do not drink "city water". The stuff you buy in the stores does not have it in it. And neither will your cistern. 😉 I wouldn't worry about this too much unless you lived stateside.

Judging by some of the teeth I've seen on people here, I'd venture to guess that few were reared where the water was fluoridated.
my parents gave my sisters and i fluoride pills when we were growing up b/c we didn't have any in the water down here like they had in New Jersey. Not sure if it's related, but all 3 of us have had zero dental issues and we're in our 20s.

Don't think it's still done...but they used to come around to all the classes (Elementary School) with flouride..the would give us a cupfull we swished it around and spit it out....I think it was a couple times a week.
Our stateside dentist gave us a floride rinse for JJ to use a couple times a week.
Most water districts add flouride to water. It has made a tremendous difference in the amount of tooth decay among children.

A bit of dialogue from one of my favorite movies: (General Jack D. Ripper is Sterling Hayden. Group Captain Lionel Mandrake is the incomparable Peter Sellers.)
Ripper: Mandrake, have you never wondered why I drink only distilled water, or rain water, and only pure-grain alcohol?
Mandrake: Well, it did occur to me, Jack, yes.
Ripper: Have you ever heard of a thing called fluoridation. Fluoridation of water?
Mandrake: Uh? Yes, I-I have heard of that, Jack, yes. Yes.
Ripper: Well, do you know what it is?
Mandrake: No, no I don't know what it is, no.
Ripper: Do you realize that fluoridation is the most monstrously conceived and dangerous Communist plot we have ever had to face?
OK last night my shower smelled a lot like chlorine and this morning my coffee was off. Does anyone really know what they do to our public water here? It still seems cleaner than my cistern water - but
I do not know the answer to your question congasan but I do know you can use an RO system to remove contaminants like Fluoride from tap water. I haven't heard of the connection between cancer and Fluoride but do know of the extensive research done showing the damaging effects of it on your brain and especially the IQ of children. My dentist won't touch the stuff, I use fluoride free tooth paste, and my teeth are doing fabulous! I believe it is one of those things that people will look back on and wonder what we were thinking, such as radon water and fluoroscopes to fit shoes.
Edward: You just made me put "Dr Strangelove" on my Netflix queue! I haven't seen that movie in years! Thanks for the reminder...
The tap water in Gallows Bay was yucky yellow. Don't know why this happens every now and then. Otherwise, I drink it and ain't dead yet.
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