Firearms and Hunting in De VI
Firearms and Hunting
To own a gun (in USVI), you must have a Public Safety Department permit. In order to get this, the Department will conduct a background search. To carry a gun or keep it at your business, you need an additional permit. You must submit your business license when you apply. If you try to bring a gun into the territory, with your other personal effects, it will be confiscated. Weapons must be declared to the U.S. Customs inspector. You will be asked to leave the gun in police custody until your permit comes through. If you plan to purchase a gun here, don't go shopping until you have your permit. You might want to leave your gun behind with a licensed firearm dealer till you have your permit here. He can then ship the weapon to you. Call 340-774-2211, ext. 225 for information.
Hunting is allowed for mountain doves, and white-tailed deer with bag limits in season, dictated by DPNR. The season for dove and duck hunting is set by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife and is September and December. No hunting is permitted within the boundaries of the National Parks or in the Virgin Islands Wildlife Refuges.
source - (Settler's Handbook U.S. Virgin Islands 14th Edition - p.120 ch.8 The Great Outdoors - Firearms and Hunting)
Hope this helps.
While I support citizen's rights to own guns, the idea of allowing hunting on islands as small as STT or STJ is baffling.
i agree,where would you hunt here on stx and not run the risk of hitting someone,we have "bush"people over here and i really cannot imagine some one out in the woods here hunting.
Plus, where would you find land to hunt on? In KY you have to have property owners permission to hunt. How in the world would you find property owners?.
And you're right, there are people and pets in forested land.
Please stay in Alaska for hunting. The islands are too small for this type of activity.
What is it about killing innocent animals that gives you so much pleasure? Is it their screams when you make a bad shot and they run off into the bush to die, or is it your pride when you carry that limp body home as a "trophy". I understand if people want to shoot to provide food, but the thoughts of killing for fun is totally macarbe to me. Do you believe that animals have no feelings, or is it that God-like feeling of taking a life? People who enjoy killing are beyond comprehension to me.
Most of the info posted by thatguyinalaska is correct.
But if you want to know the real rules look up the law.
Not someones interpretation in a relocation guide.
i personally find no pleasure in the killing of animals in the sense of the taking of life. i do respect your opinion and choice not to hunt. i've said it before, my choice in a move to the VI is not to hunt, it's just nice to know that the option is there, like you said sabrina, "for food". i know many natives in alaska that hunt or "subside" for their main source of food, but in the VI this may not be a necessity, but I do support the first rights of indigenous peoples for hunting. don't worry, i'm not going to show up on your island guns a blazing killing all of the wildlife on the island.
i also agree with the statement about property rights, i respect another persons property and would never trespass for sport hunting.
thanks for the link heepajeep
I hate to throw a wrench in the topic or question someone's area of knowlegde but, how current is thatguyinalaska's info....
From what I understand...U.S. Customs Inspectors were fazed (spelling "fased" ?) out in 2002 when Dept. of Homeland Security was established.
Now, they have Customs and Border Protection Officers (CBP) who actually do the inspections at the Ports of Entry and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) who criminally prosecute violations of immigration and customs laws.
I hate to nitpick, but I am considering a concealled carry and want to know as much as possible.
BTW...three weeks ago, the jeep in front of me hit a deer driving between Cheeseburgers and C'sted...kudos for turning around and checking on the poor animal. Last Tuesday between 10:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m., I saw three deer on the south shore road between Great Pond and the Divi (they were like...a few kilometers apart). I was told that they were looking for water, but I would hate to hit one in my little convertable. I hate to see videos of animals being abused, tortured or injured (Micheal Vick should have recieved a much harsher sentence), but in some cases, maybe hunting permits should be granted.
Julie, the information I have is from the Settler's Handbook 14th edition 2006. I have not yet had a chance to call this number 340-774-2211, ext. 225 given in the book, but as soon as I get a chance I will, also the SCMA the shooting range in St. Croix 340-773-8555 open Sundays 10am-2pm should be able to give you all the info you need. I know that you can carry legally in the USVI with a permit, it's still the US. You do however have to give good cause for why you want to carry, my plan is to bring a binder of all of the Avis and VI Daily News paper clippings of all the crimes/murders committed with "illegal" guns and robberies and car thefts and break-ins on the island from last year until the day I move to the island and to slap it down on the table when they ask me why I want to carry, also a printed copy of the second amendment. if you have any training in firearms, any documentation of that training would be helpful as well. There are a few people on here that might try to dissuade you in your efforts to exercise your rights by telling you lies to discourage you from carrying, but that is only because they are afraid of perfectly safe guns and not menacing hurtful people. - courtesy of heepajeep
John... has good info but... from what I understand, Customs and Border Protection ( and the enforcement arm of the Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement ( regulate what comes in and out of the V.I. I understand that ICE has only two or three Special Agents on STX, but I do want to bring a handgun legally into the V.I. despite those "few people who are afraid of perfectly safe guns and not menacing hurtful people"...Very well said!!
You can also hunt Nuisance Game on STX. That is usually wild steer and feral hog. I am not in to it, just don't want to Field dress that big of game. Fish is the most I would want to clean. My neighbor there hunts them for meat all the time. He uses a bow, a riffle would be irresponsible I think. It is pretty cool how he dose it, he uses the power polls with one of those chairs.
Yes CBP and ICE does get involved with what comes into the VI and the CONUS.
But they can not outlaw the flow of legal goods between the two. If it is legally local, your okay.
Maybe more paperwork but legal.
As in handguns (and maybe long guns), you have to get local VI police permission to have them in your possession and then another permit to carry concealed. Before you bring them in or purchase locally.
Which means you need to leave them in the CONUS until you get the proper permissions from the local police.
Then the CONUS gun dealer with a FFL can ship it to a local island dealer with a FFL for your pickup.
" plan is to bring a binder of all of the Avis and VI Daily News paper clippings of all the crimes/murders committed with "illegal" guns and robberies and car thefts and break-ins on the island from last year until the day I move to the island and to slap it down on the table when they ask me why I want to carry..."
Good luck with that!
The binder won't work for a carry. You have to have good cause which is specific to you as an individual. It's a firm point, so better find a job which justifies your having one or just get one for home protection.
heepajeep~ my wife and I are in the process of filling out the forms for the concealed carry permit. I have already cut out several of the (almost) daily assauts, larcenies, burglaries listed in the Avis for the past several months. I have also cut out a couple "judgment day" from the Avis that lists court cases and outcomes. Despite the fact that there are assaults and rape cases, it seems everyone is let off with time served and probation. I don't recall seeing anyone actually sent to jail
The concealed carry permit forms do require 2 notarized letters from employers or acquaintances who can vouch for your need for a concealed carry and 2 more letters from people who can vouch for your character. You must also submit a letter of your own explaining why you want the permit.
If you have a permit from your state, it is (fairly) easily transferable I am told.....
So are your firearms in the VI or stateside awaiting approval?
Is there any , the same or less paperwork for long guns versus handguns?
To carry concealed always involves more red tape no matter where your located. But to just own a handgun is generally less regulated than obtaining a CC permit. And hunting guns are generally the least regulated.
thanks for all of the input every body. i like the idea of bow hunting on the island.
I agree with what trw and Linda J said, I think you are going to come across large problems trying to hunt here. People are NOT going to want you hunting on their land. We do not have Alaska's wide open spaces or national parks. Your best chance will be the rain forest and it is quite often busy with tourists who are not going to expect someone to be hunting, and I dont think the locals are going to react well at all to a statesider hunting in there. You may end up being the prey.
Heepajeep~ I am just a newbie to guns of any type. My wife and I are getting them for personal protection. I really don't know what any of the other regulations yet. We don't own guns yet, but will probably buy them here, though you can have them shipped here as well. I do agree with the others that hunting will be a chore here. Spear fishing is possible, though! Sorry I can't be more help
I see on the website for the national park on St. John that they have a continuing effort to eradicate invasive species.
You might want to look into how they go about doing that.
When they speak of Invasive Species, I believe they are speaking about plants.
You need to get here and look around a little so you can see for yourself what is possible and not.
No, I am serious........this is from August 2007:
"VIIS has commenced reducing the populations of feral animals and exotic plants on park lands. Due to the interrelationship with inholdings and adjacent lands, this will be an ongoing effort. While the park has identified
the distribution and abundance of feral and exotic species, it will require additional funding of OFS and PMIS requests to accomplish results that will have significant impact to native species."
And here the park talks about reducing hogs, sheep and goats.
Good Lord.What a topic did I start, I will have to side with thatguyinalaska on this one. I for one plan on making bank deposits on a regular basis, so you can believe I will be carrying a side arm, As far as my place of business is concerned I have thought about and will purchase a less than Lethal means of protection " Teaser " . I have also hunted in my life time, yes it was usually in wide open spaces, but first and for most I have never shot a deer more than one time, It is a little thing called shot placement, yes once you pull the trigger you are responsible for where the round go's . No I have never gained pleasure form killing, But like a Tshirt I have that Say's " PETA " Which stands for people who enjoy tasty animals.
Everyone of you who are interested in carrying a fire arm on island, all I can say is please take the time to learn your firearm, be it a revolver, semi auto. They both require different skill sets to learn. Maybe less than Lethal will work for a lot of you, Pepper spray, ASP batons, if you have good hands on skills. But please remember the 21 foot rule when approached by an adversary with a knife, If you have never seen what a knife can do to a person, all I can say is please shoot me with a pistol. I will be on Island next week, Tuesday. Staying a Pelican cove, but I will be all over the place. As I have stated in prior post just look for the Extra Muscular skinny guy, with graying brown hair and multiple Tattoos, I may even take some of my time to go to the Firing range with a few of you .
Those of you who do not believe in the second Amendment,just look back in history how do you think the Chinese started Thai Chi, They took all of their weapons away from them, so they developed a means to protect themselves that resembled nothing more than an exercises. It looked like nothing at all, until it was applied to an adversary.
"...Those of you who do not believe in the second Amendment..."
Virgin Islanders are governed by the Revised Organic Act of 1954. Though it has been altered several times over the years by Congress, it doesn't have a second amendment that addresses firearms.
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