Finally some news!
You must not have Facebook.
In fact, the pictures and accounts are what I saw on Facebook earlier today.
Yeah. We were getting calls from the inlaws and texts from down by Magens and over in Hull Bay during the storm. AT&T did something right for a change. They all said more wind, more rain, more damage, sh!t flying everywhere. But everyone O.K.
CNN reporting on STX now phone interviewing Chuck on island near F'sted. Says the looters are going at it.
CNN reporting on STX now phone interviewing Chuck on island near F'sted. Says the looters are going at it.
Yet no one has taken a picture or video yet. Lot's of talk on line, and also others denying it.
The morning after Hurricane Maria at the Carambola Resort St. Croix
I'm glad to see the leaves on the trees and bushes. Doesn't look anywhere near as bad as Hugo where the trees and bushes were left completely bare. Looks like they did not have the restaurant and gift shop protected so no surprise there is some damage there with the glass. The fact that it's not worse is a good sign.
Just got a report from our complex maintenance manager. He came from mid-island out to the East End. He said they had to cut their way through a bunch of trees blocking the road and drive around numerous downed telephone poles. He said it looked like half the telephone/electrical poles were down. The road up to Villa Madeleine was so badly blocked that they drove to the south side, at DIVI, and came up through the field. Only 2 roofs were totally lost but there were mud slides that will be hard to clean up. All and all, not too bad for our community. He expects that it will be many weeks before power/internet is restored - although AT&T has managed to keep cell service going.
He said the West End looks like St Johns and the East End looks like St Thomas. Very little green left. ????
There were some pictures of Frederiksted. Looks like they got quite a bit of storm surge. The housing project with all the yellow buildings facing the waterfront looked to have high water matks half up the buildings.
Lots of trees down. The strom chaser is fairly clueless about the VI and St Croix no real idea about the geography, how water is supplied and the fact that WAPA cut power.
I have a vacation condo in Schooner Bay. Reports are just a little minor damage. Have two friends with condos in two different complexes in condo row. Some buildings in both have major damage. Can't believe the boardwalk area only has minor damage. Gallows Bay Hardware has major damage.
Reports for Palms Hotel and Pelican Cove Condos are only minor structural damage, lots of tree/landscape damage to clean up. Looks like the DIve Experience boat dock is gone from a picture I saw. But the adjacent boardwalk proper is all in one piece.
Here’s what I found on FB today; Csted Boardwalk is not toooo bad with regard to building and roof damage but the piers are basically all gone.
Many moored boats lost, I hear only two survived?
No reports of lives lost yet, which is a major relief.
I’m stateside (we still live in NY) but my heart is with you all there.
Thanks be that no one died and no serious injuries (from what I read)...
Any news about Mill Harbour Condos / Sugar Beach Hotel / Club St. Croix?
Any news is deeply appreciated. We're thinking of you from up in NY & looking for a good place to make contributions. Is Community for the Virgin Islands reputable?
Ok, just read Scubadoo's post & I see the govt is endorsing the CFVI, so that looks like the place to contribute to. We would still really appreciate some news about the condo's (Mill Harbour, Sugar Beach, Club St. Croix)
Thanks, God bless...
We would really appreciate news about Coakley Bay Condos. Thanks
Complexes in condo row have serious damage to some buildings while other buildings are relatively fine. Would need to get detailed information from each individual complex.
Any news about the area by Divi? I'm about 5 houses West of Divi. I heard that Divi lost a part of their roof, so I am very concerned about my house....
I'm in the same boat as you.
NOAA published high res aerial images of the Florida Keys and the USVI shortly after Irma.
I hope they will do the same post-Maria.
WM Furniture Market destroyed Looks like this building was constructed for the mainland, not to withstand much of a hurricane. Solid steel frame clad in week metal panels.

Not confirmed but heard damage is light.
In Response to Request for Info on Coakley Bay Condos --
See this website. Short story...buildings/roofs are fine. Water, septic and services fine. Maintenance staff on-site. Backup generators (mostly) working fine. Some cell and wifi (depends on carrier.)
Click HERE for Coakley Bay Website
South west corner of the island (where I live) looks exactly like Hugo pictures and video...
F'sted got hit pretty hard, I saw rocks that were easily 200+lbs washed up over the storm wall.
driving is dangerous, lots and lots of wires crisscrossing the roads (night driving is far worse).
Friday 9/22 at 11 am
1. The curfew for the St. Croix District is still 24 hours, but Governor Mapp made an exception for Friday, allowing four hours — from 12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m. — for residents to conduct business. The curfew will go back to its 24-hour status following the exception.
2. There will be a number of businesses open on Friday: Plaza Extra East, Plaza Extra West, Seaside, Pueblo Golden Rock and Food Town. The governor also said that any business — to include gas stations — that is confident it can safely operate, will be allowed to do so for the four hours on Friday.
3. The government will open four food distribution centers on St. Croix; they are stationed at the following locations: Cotton Valley Fire Station, Juanita Gardine School, Alexander Henderson School and the St. Croix Educational Complex. The government will be distributing one case of meals ready to eat (MREs), which includes about 14 meals, along with three litters of water. More supplies are expected, and if they are received on time, additional items for distribution will be added, Mr. Mapp said. The distribution centers will be open for 12 noon until 4:00 p.m. on Friday.
I heard from someone that works at the hospital on STX, that they are evacuating the hospital,civilian power won't be fully restored for 8-12 months. Cell service is being restored in Fredricksted first, probably completed by Tuesday, then working their way out east.
Friday 9/22 at 11 am
2. There will be a number of businesses open on Friday: Plaza Extra East, Plaza Extra West, Seaside, Pueblo Golden Rock and Food Town. The governor also said that any business — to include gas stations — that is confident it can safely operate, will be allowed to do so for the four hours on Friday.
Are those businesses running on generator? Has WAPA restored power to anything yet?
Here's a partial answer
WAPA Gives Update Following Hurricane Maria
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