excuse me,did i ,as an american citizen in "2014", just deposit my ballot in a TRASH CAN?
i know this should probably go under election stories,but i want to bring special attention to this issue! i know all the insane lawsuits that went on prior to this election,the in-house fighting among election board members,the early voting ballot issue ....the list goes on ,and i am sure will continue to go on even after today! what angers me the most,after frequent requests,the us federal department of justice is not currently over seeing this election!! i've lived here long enough to get an inkling of an idea of what living on stx is about..and love it enough to always choose to stay..BUT...this election is too blatant to even make it conceivable to believe my vote will be properly counted. we need a federal investagation now!
I am totally with you! This is absurd.
Given the quality of the candidates, with few exceptions, that's where the majority of votes probably are best suited, the trash.
I was speaking to one of the staff at the Sibily school location where I vote and even they were disgusted with the BOE and all the goings on and conteniousness. They felt that they should have been much better prepared without leaving things to the last minute. They weren't any happier with the dumpster feeding process than we are.
Those red ziplock ties sure inspire confidence.
The Fed have their hands full, stateside with their elections so I doubt they'll be rushing here anytime soon.
Anyone who didn't vote earlier will be facing a deluge with the heavy torrential downpour now affecting the stt/stj. Stay safe, stay sane!
and adding more insult to injury, mr. bert bryan will be the master of ceremony in counting the votes...

That was a shredder, not a trash can.
Given the quality of the candidates, with few exceptions, that's where the majority of votes probably are best suited, the trash.
I was speaking to one of the staff at the Sibily school location where I vote and even they were disgusted with the BOE and all the goings on and conteniousness. They felt that they should have been much better prepared without leaving things to the last minute. They weren't any happier with the dumpster feeding process than we are.
Those red ziplock ties sure inspire confidence.The Fed have their hands full, stateside with their elections so I doubt they'll be rushing here anytime soon.
Anyone who didn't vote earlier will be facing a deluge with the heavy torrential downpour now affecting the stt/stj. Stay safe, stay sane!
alana33....thanks for your comments..you,and the other posters, made me laugh....and brought me back to reality...in the words of a close friend who also lives here".YES.IN THE REAL WORLD"
No, you did not deposit your vote in a trash can so please stop with the drama.
All ballots went into the secure storage boxes in the DS200 machines, because the VI has unique issues that most States don't have.
There will be plenty of witnesses monitoring ballot scanning so I'm not concerned about integrity.
I shredded my own ballot when I was not allowed to scan it.
That was a shredder, not a trash can.
...because the VI has unique issues that most States don't have.
And what are those "unique Issues"? Is it the level of corruption? Is it the level of stupidity? Please enlighten us!!!
.... so I'm not concerned about integrity.
This made my morning.
VI voters vote for 7 senators which can be of at least 4 parties. The states vote for no more than 2 which are mostly from 2 parties. The default program for machine is better suited to stateside elections, based on the letter from vendor ES&S, and our unique senate race requires special programming that would have to be approved by Election Assistance Commission.
Somebody said voting the party symbol was outlawed 40+ years ago, so if that's true future ballots should solve the voting machine issue we were faced with this election by eliminating the party symbol.
The "news" media again did voters a disservice by not strongly advising voters to either vote party only or vote individual candidates. Allowing write ins for Chuck (which was probably a decision to pacify her supporters) added to the counting efficiency and skepticism we're seeing now.
As I see it, Board of Elections did not ask enough questions when purchasing the machines or made assumptions about how the machine program would work. I feel they are covering themselves for not adequately vetting the machine and the programming.
The current compromise of separating the ballots was a compromise to ensure that voter intent was as accurate as possible.
Not every government agency decision is an indication of corruption. We live in a complicated world and we still have only 24 hours in each day. Everybody is overwhelmed and is just trying to keep things moving forward as best they can.
An excellent explanation! Thanks!
You're welcome, vicanuk. I try to research the issues before I make an opinion, and it wasn't until the vendor letter was published that it made sense to me where we are and why. It is better to make sure that each vote is counted correctly instead of relying on a machine that you know has issues. They know well enough that they can't rely on voters to determine if their ballot is OK to scan for accurate reading, so Elections personnel are making that decision and scanning the ballots that can accurately record votes.
Not perfect, but also not corrupt. The very skeptical are monitoring the process and they will not be silenced!
You're welcome, vicanuk. I try to research the issues before I make an opinion, and it wasn't until the vendor letter was published that it made sense to me where we are and why. It is better to make sure that each vote is counted correctly instead of relying on a machine that you know has issues. They know well enough that they can't rely on voters to determine if their ballot is OK to scan for accurate reading, so Elections personnel are making that decision and scanning the ballots that can accurately record votes.
Not perfect, but also not corrupt. The very skeptical are monitoring the process and they will not be silenced!
"they know well enough they can't rely on voters to determine if their ballot is OK to scan.." isn't it the job and RESPONSIBILIY of the voters to make sure their ballots reflect their choices not the election board's?
I thought the instructions for the ballot were simple.
If you vote the party symbol, you cannot vote for any other individuals in the Senate race. However, when I mentioned that to someone, they said the older poeple just wouldn't get it.
I can't imagine why not since it's always been the same whether the ballots themselves or machines are different from what was used in the past or not.
I am not really sure why I couldn't be allowed to scan my own ballot.
Any updates on the count in the governor race?
After all, It is 2 days after the election!
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