Enfield Green Info
Hello all,
We are very interested in property in Enfield Green and would like to know of any issues that we might need to be aware of before purchasing. Everything appeared nice, the area that appealed the most to us was only a block away from the water with a view of mountains behind. We had heard that there were some issues with robberies and even a murder but that this was before the community became gated (late 1998) Of course, crime is everywhere but we would not want to be walking into a minefield of danger. Also, how are the schools in the area? the RE agents say they are all great but I always like a unbiased oppinion if possible. And finally, what about Hovensa? Are there any issues where pollution is concerned? (Does anyone know of any boat docks or public ramps in the area?)
Thanks in advance for any info!!!!!
If the agent told you that the "public schools" on STX were great then I would not trust much else they told you. For most elementary schools, and certainly the high schools it is a strech to say they are marginally OK. The high school just got its accredition back.
Many if not most people who can afford it send their children to private schools or home school them.
Thats not to say your kids can't get a good education in the public schools, but they will have to be very focused.
Do some more due diligence to verify what else your realtor might have told you.
Ditto Jim Dandy on treating what you've been told by that realtor with caution. We know from personal experience that there are some highly unethical realtors on island -- some of which work for well-known national chains. That comment about public shools doesn't tell the whole truth.
Try doing a search of this board for more info on Enfield Green. I'm certain I wrote a pretty long reply (I know -so what else is new!) about my impressions of Enfield Green not too long ago. As I recall, there was a reply in that same thread from someone who lived in that neighborhood that went into a lot of detail.
If that search doesn't answer all your questions, let us kniw what else you'd like to find out and I'm sure someone will be there to help you out. 🙂
Do a search and you will find a good thread on enfield Green around February 8th.
I believe I wrote at length on Enfield Green a couple months back in response to someone curious about the neighborhood. That may be the thread mentioned in the last couple of responses. I can fax you the covenants for the neighborhood if you'd like to see them. Feel free to contact me directly at stcroixhomes@hotmail.com if you would like to ask more precise questions.
Enfield is located just west of the airport in a rural section of the island. The houses that have been built in the neighborhood so far are all pretty large and very well kept. It will be many years before all 380 or so lots are occupied. There have been a few houses on the market in Enfield, but nothing is left at the moment. One is currently showing in the MLS, but it's Pending and just hasn't had its status officially changed yet but will very soon. There are about a dozen vacant lots for sale in the neighborhood. Only a couple of those would include much of an ocean view, although some of the lots further from the water would still be able to have an ocean view from a second story.
The waterfront at Enfield is partially rocky bluff and partially sandy beach. Immediately east of Enfield is a larger stretch of sandy beach that you can access from a couple of different dirt roads that turn off the Airport road and head for the water. Beaches are all public access on St. Croix. The closest official boat ramp is in Frederiksted next to the fish market, although you can launch a small boat from one of the sandy beaches east of Enfield. I've done it myself a couple times as I live not far from Enfield Green.
The Public Schools on the island aren't of the same caliber that you would usually get on the mainland. Some teachers are better than others, but most of the classes don't get the teaching materials they should have. There are also some other issues that combine to reduce the learning that occurs in the Public Schools. Good Hope and Country Day private schools are both a fairly easy commute from Enfield and do produce well-educated alumni. There are a few other private school options on the island also, as well as an ever-growing home schooling contingent.
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